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Du cannabis magnymontois… pour Santé Canada | Eric Bernard L’usine magnymontoise PurGenesis prendra enfin vie, trois ans après sa construction, mais non pas en extrayant les propriétés de l’épinard tel que projeté, mais plutôt en faisant pousser du cannabis. PurGenesis a annoncé un partenariat avec Abattis Bioceuticals Corp, à travers sa filiale Biocell Labs, pour effectuer des recherches et fabriquer du cannabis dans les laboratoires de PurGenesis à Montmagny, afin de répondre aux éventuels besoins de Santé Canada.

Biocell louera à PurGenesis près de 10 % d’espace de laboratoire, conforme aux exigences de Bonnes pratiques de fabrication (BPF) de Santé Canada. «En tant que première entreprise pharmaceutique botanique du Canada, PurGenesis est le partenaire idéal pour aider notre expansion sur le marché du cannabis en tant que médicament d’ordonnance», a complété Mike Withrow, président et chef de la direction d’Abattis Bioceuticals Corp. Les bénéficiaires en croissance. Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes? When it comes “how you’re going to die,” many people fear things like airplane crashes or shark attacks, even though statistics show that deaths from these events are very rare. Conversely, far too many people mistakenly believe that certain common aspects of everyday life are extremely safe — when, in reality, this is often far from the truth. Once such daily ritual that is far more dangerous than many people believe is taking properly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs.

Popping pills on a daily basis to “improve health” has become far too common for many Americans. In fact, according to the CDC, approximately 50% of all Americans take a pharmaceutical drug daily. When you isolate senior citizens, the number shoots up to an astonishing 90%. And perhaps even more troubling, 20% of children take a pharmaceutical drug. At the same time, statistics are showing that deaths from pharmaceutical drugs are rising at an alarming rate. “Prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill … Spain Study Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects. By Mark Sircus Ac., OMD The medical science is strongly in favor of THC laden hemp oil as a primary cancer therapy, not just in a supportive role to control the side effects of chemotherapy. The International Medical Verities Association is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol.

It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription. Hemp oil has long been recognized as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man. Both the commercial legal type of hemp oil and the illegal THC laden hemp oil are one of the most power-packed protein sources available in the plant kingdom. Actually there is another way to use medical marijuana without smoking the leaf. Dr. The Science According to Dr. Led by Dr. Cannabismedicine Related Posts.

Le co-créateur des Simpsons donne sa fortune aux sans-abris et aux animaux. Prenez garde ! Les autistes sont des mutants … - Le blog de Li-Cam. Derrière ce titre qui se veut ouvertement accrocheur et provocateur, je souhaite porter votre attention sur plusieurs découvertes faites récemment. Des découvertes concernant l’autisme qui sont sur le point de changer radicalement notre vision de ce « handicap », pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, tout dépendra de la façon dont elles seront présentées et expliquées au grand public. Depuis environ 10 ans, plusieurs instituts de recherche de par le monde, dont l’institut Pasteur en France, travaillent sur la génétique de l’autisme dans le but d’isoler et d’identifier les gènes responsables. La recherche avance à grands pas depuis 2003, année de la découverte des premières mutations incriminant des gènes du chromosome X. Les gènes de l’autisme bientôt isolés et décodés : Aujourd’hui, la recherche a identifiée plus de 300 mutations qui pourraient être impliquées dans le syndrome autistique.

Une série de mutation serait donc en cause : The Great Kindness Challenge. George Saunders's Advice to Graduates. NYC Allows Doctors to Prescribe Fruits and Veggies Instead of Pills. Just last week, Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs and Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, which actually allows doctors in the NYC area to give at-risk families better access to local produce. The program allows them to prescribe fruit and vegetables! Obese and overweight patients and their families can be given “Health Bucks”. These can be redeemed at more than 140 NYC farmers markets. They are essentially free vouchers for truly better health.

“We’re not only teaching them just about eating healthy,” said Dr. Shefali Khanna with Lincoln Medical Center. The program gives patients $1 in Health Bucks each day for each member of their family over a period of four months. Related Read: Health Benefits of 60+ Foods “The SNAP program is nothing more than a big government handout to junk food manufacturers and soda companies. Additional Sources: NPR - Source: Natural Society Related: Vaccinated Children have up to 500% more Disease than Unvaccinated Children. Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children.

A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children. Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair. However, the American connection for Bachmair's study can be found at website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study.

So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families. Nevertheless, the results were similar. Different surveys summarized. “Lait” le 2ème criminel qui se cache dans votre réfrigérateur » Eco Ecolo pour Écologie, Bien-être Bio et Médecine Alternative. Email Les inconvénients du lait sur votre santé Pourquoi une femme sur 10 est atteinte d’un cancer du sein en occident en comparaison avec 1 sur 10 000 en Chine ? Les Chinois ne consomment pas de produits laitiers. Le nom familier du cancer du sein en Chine est « La maladie des femmes riches » car elles mangent de la glace ou du fromage comme à Hong Kong. Les études en épidémiologie commencent également à mettre en évidence le lien entre lait et cancer. Alors comment les produits laitiers, tant aimés et adulés par les occidentaux, sans parler des américains dont le régime en contient 40%, peuvent-ils avoir des effets si néfastes ?

Le lait maternel est un aliment parfait pour le bébé mammifère. Plus de 70% de la population mondiale ne digère pas le sucre du lait, le lactose. Les études épidémiologiques montrent une corrélation positive entre la consommation de produits laitiers et le cancer du sein depuis une vingtaine d’années. Comment savoir : facile ! Vous avez apprécié cet article ? Jane McGonigal: Le jeu qui peut vous donnez 10 ans de vie supplémentaires. Usito | Parce que le français ne s'arrête jamais. Butter vs Margarine: The Big Fat Butter Lie. Is butter bad for you? For decades, the food processing industry has used advertising campaigns to successfully lie about the urgent and proven need to replace “unhealthy” butter with “healthy” margarine.

But now we know that this teaching was nothing more than made-up. In the battle of margarine vs butter, you may now be surprised which comes out on top. Even back in the 60s and 70s sufficient scientific evidence indicated that butter was far better than margarine for good health. Who knew? Nevertheless, the industrial fake food industry relentlessly convinced millions of us to eat margarine for health reasons. The commercial processed fake food industry merged with Madison Avenue, the AMA, and mainstream media to instill a whopper of a lie by reinforcing margarine as better for you.

Damage from Fake Fats that Replace Favorable Fats Partially hydrogenated fatty acids in margarine damage arteries and blood vessels. Butter vs Margarine: Butter Hierarchy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1. Le jour où j'ai cessé de dire "Dépêche-toi" | Rachel Macy Stafford. Chaque minute compte dans nos vies modernes et effrénées. On a constamment l'impression qu'on doit cocher quelque chose de notre to do list (choses à faire), qu'on doit vérifier un écran ou un autre ou se presser pour se rendre à notre prochaine destination.

Et peu importe comment on divise notre temps et notre attention, peu importe combien de tâches on tente d'accomplir simultanément, on finit toujours par avoir l'impression qu'il n'y a pas assez d'heures dans une journée pour arriver à tout faire. Ainsi allait ma vie pendant deux années totalement frénétiques.

Mes pensées et mes actions étaient régies par des notifications électroniques, des sonneries et des agendas surchargés. Même si mon sergent intérieur s'était donné comme objectif de toujours être à l'heure, je n'y arrivais simplement pas. C'est que, voyez-vous, la vie m'a fait cadeau, il y a déjà six ans, d'une adorable enfant du type je-prends-mon-temps-rien-ne-presse-regarde-maman-les-jolies-fleurs-tu-veux-les-sentir? 15 acteurs qui ont refuse de grands roles | Qu’est-ce que ça aurait donné si tel ou tel acteur avait joué le rôle d’un personnage?

Aujourd’hui nous vous présentons 15 acteurs qui ont refusé pour une raison X d’incarner tel ou tel personnage dans des séries télévisés ou au cinéma. 01 – Image ci haut: John Cusack dans le rôle de Walter White (Breaking Bad) 02 – Henry Winkler a refusé le rôle de Danny Zuko (Grease) 03 – Kim Basinger a décliné le rôle de Cathrine Tramell (Basic Instinct) 04 – Michelle Pfeiffer a refusé le rôle de Clarice Starling (Silence des Agneaux) 05 – Dougray Scott a décliné le rôle de Wolverine (X-Men) 06 – Sylvester Stallone a dit non au rôle du T-800 (Terminator) 07 – Will Smith a refusé le rôle de Neo (Matrix) 08 – Molly Ringwald a dit non au personnage de Vivian Ward (Pretty Woman) 09 – Jeremy Irons a refusé le de jouer le personnage de Hannibal Lecter (Silence des Agneaux) 10 – John Travolta a dit non au personnage de Forrest Gump 12 – Al Pacino a dit non au rôle de Han Solo (Star Wars) Via: Ebaumsworld.

Parodie d'entrevue avec les Google Glass. A 70-Year-Old Looks Like a 30-Year-Old. Credits To Home-Grown Vegetables And Rainwater. 10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor May Not Know About. It's estimated that fibromyalgia affects approximately 10 million people in the United States. Fibromyalgia is classically characterized by chronic pain, particularly muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, brain fog or cognitive impairment, depression and painful tender points throughout the body. Conventional medicine has yet to uncover the cause of fibromyalgia and only offers management of symptoms through pain medications and antidepressants. Functional medicine, on the other hand, looks to find the root cause of fibromyalgia and other chronic diseases, treating the problem at the root level to restore the patient to health.

As a functional medicine physician, I've helped many patients recover from fibromyalgia. Below are the top ten root causes of fibromyalgia I see in my clinic. Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor May Not Know About 1. Gluten has been liked to more than 55 diseases and is often called the "big masquerader. " 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Factory Farming Is Destroying Our Environment.

According to the US Department of Agriculture nearly 10 BILLION animals are raised and killed for food each year in the United States alone. While there are multiple reasons for you to start cutting factory farmed animals out of your diet, one of the most important reasons is one that is not often talked or thought about -the destructive toll that is taken on the environment from the mass production and consumption of factory farmed animals and animal products.

It’s interesting how this aspect is, for the most part, entirely overlooked. No one ever really stops to think about how much land and resources are actually needed to produce enough animals and products to cater to the excessive over-consumption of animals across the globe. Just think about how much these animals need to eat and drink, feeding 10 Billion animals in the US alone is considerably more than feeding the entire planet. 2) Transport the grain and soybeans to feed manufacturers on gas-guzzling 18 wheelers. Sources: “Lait” le 2ème criminel qui se cache dans votre réfrigérateur » Eco Ecolo pour Écologie, Bien-être Bio et Médecine Alternative. Why Don't You Try This? Le Lait : Les Secrets de l'industrie. 20 More Incredible Abandoned Places Around the World. La rue qui tue | Stéphane Laporte | Stéphane Laporte. Un geste complètement gratuit commis par un bum, probablement intoxiqué par l'alcool et la drogue. En pleine rue principale de Montréal, sur la Main.

Montréal a longtemps été une ville innocente et heureuse. On s'y promenait la tête en l'air. Ce n'est plus le cas. Montréal commence à faire peur. On y marche la tête baissée en se mêlant de ses affaires. On s'y sent de moins en moins en sécurité. Avis aux candidats à la mairie: un policier n'est pas un percepteur d'impôt. Les rues, ce sont les artères qui alimentent le coeur d'une ville. Est-ce les travaux routiers qui ne se terminent jamais, les scandales de corruption à répétition ou la disette de 20 ans sans Coupe Stanley du Canadien, qui nous minent le moral? Demandez aux vedettes de tennis qui font escale, chez nous, pour la Coupe Rogers, ce qu'elles préfèrent quand elles sont ici. Une jeune mère de famille revient des urgences avec son enfant. Avons-nous perdu toute humanité dans nos rapports? C'est bien beau la bouffe de rue. Why Don. How behavioral science can lower your energy bill. Tiny Tampon Queen Stars in Best Menstrual Marketing Ever.

I will answer any questions you have, honestly, so DM me if you like. In order to yours, no, not if you are careful, although a certain degree of comfort with your body will help. It is not for the totally squeamish, but I think everyone should try it. You only need to wash it with soap and hot water once each day, so one time you can empty it in a public toilet and just wipe with some TP before reinserting.

If you are REALLY squicked out you could carry a couple flushable disposable wipes in your purse as well, but it honestly is not a big deal once you are used to it. It takes a few cycles to get used to it, but I've been a convert since I tried mine 12 years ago. no, the blood stays inside the cup- so it just goes into the toilet (barring any leakage-which has happened to me a few times, but is very rare after 3 years with my diva). That being said, shit happens and sometimes you're in public and need to empty your cup.

Carnage...ah, thanks for the laugh and the info ladies! 14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling. (NaturalNews) Her name is Rachel Parent, and she's suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She's also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you'll see in the video below, Rachel calmly argues for the basic human right to know what's in our food, even as the condescending bully of a host named Kevin O'Leary verbally assaults the girl and practically accuses her of murdering children. During the debate, Kevin O'Leary, co-host of the The Lang And O'Leary Exchange show, viciously attacked Rachel, first accusing her of being a "lobbyist" against GMOs (an absurd accusation that O'Leary knows is false, as there is no corporate interest in honest food labeling), and then equating her position of questioning GMOs with somehow supporting a holocaust of widespread death of children.

See Rachel Parent's Facebook page at: Here it is on YouTube: Risk #1) Human health side effects. Reading Food Labels Can Be Confusing. 10 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know. Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Disease. Avocado Health Benefits: The World's Most Perfect Food? Man in India who claims that he has Not Eaten Or Drunk Any Liquid in 70 Years Examined by Scientists. Le Lait : Les Secrets de l'industrie. NASA Confirms -Super Human Abilities Gained.

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Carrefour Capital. Des chevals ou des chevaux? - Le français sans secrets. Santé : les 10 ingrédients les plus dégoûtants cachés dans la nourriture industrielle, vive le bio. Accueil Xambox. (84) Jan 30, 2013 3:09pm. Discount Cruises, Last-Minute Cruises, Short Notice Cruises - Vacations To Go. Lucid Dreaming - 7 Tricks You Didn't Know! Santé : « La mort commence dans le côlon » 'I'm working as hard as I can': For the poor, the costs of life can be higher - In Plain Sight. Online Health Trends: A Mom's Trick to Whiter Teeth. Exposed: Factory Chicken Slaughterhouses Using Super-strength Chemicals to Cover Up Extreme Salmonella Contamination. Should a Pony Be Having This Much Fun? - Barnmice Equestrian Social Community. The Allies of Humanity - Extraterrestrial Intervention - Life in the Universe - Marshall Vian Summers. Grain Free Butternut (or Sweet Potato) Flatbread. The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part I. Réduire ses taxes scolaires… sans tricher. A Medium Sized Rain Water Collection System.

Rita Hayworth Is Stayin' Alive. Peru's Ancient Fortress Video - Ancient Aliens - H2 on The Ring of Fire by Matthew Ring, a dry stone fire pit. (88) Il est trés fooooooooooort !!! What’s Buried Next Door to Vancouver Island University? — Photographer Captures Waves of Trash in Indonesia. Paderno World Cuisine A4982799 Tri-Blade Plastic Spiral Vegetable: Kitchen & Dining: Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind on weed. «Oui, je connais Justin Bieber et j'ai un iPod !» 25 Incredible Makeup Transformations - Likes.

(169) Jul 31, 2013 3:46pm. (90) Share it with your friends! Etsy - acheter et vendre du fait main, du vintage et des fournitures créatives. Le co-créateur des Simpsons donne sa fortune aux sans-abris et aux animaux. Vegetarianism Can Reduce Your Risk of Death Over 30% and Add 9 Years To Your Life. 5 Foods That Kill Cancer. Alternative Sleep Cycles: 7-10 Hours Are Not Needed.

What Is The Best Non-Prescription Eyelash Enhancer? Turmeric more Effective than Prozac at Treating Depression. Situation des chauves-souris au Québec : appel aux citoyens. The Mushroom Being Used to Suppress Cancer Tumors.