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Chemo drugs may lead to cancer relapse. Double therapy can stop breast cancer relapse - Health - Cancer. 18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants. (Part of an Exclusive WebEcoist Series on Amazing Trees, Plants, Forests and Flowers) From marijuana to catnip, there are hundreds of remarkably common herbs, flowers, berries and plants that serve all kinds of important medicinal and health purposes that might surprise you: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, insect repellent, antiseptic, expectorant, antibacterial, detoxification, fever reduction, antihistamine and pain relief.

18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

Here are eighteen potent medical plants you're likely to find in the wild – or even someone's backyard – that can help with minor injuries, scrapes, bites and pains.* Marijuana Images via Current and Street Knowledge Seriously. Lady Ferns Image via US Forest Service If you grew up in the Pacific Northwest you likely know what ferns are good for: treating stinging nettles. California Poppy Images via Netstate and Mountain Meadow Seeds The brilliant blooms of the poppy make this opioid plant an iconic one. Blood Flower Tansy Image via Earth Heart Farm. The Ultimate Superfood Guide. How the Cancer Industry Controls Women - Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA - sign the petition.

(NaturalNews) The one man who may be responsible for more food related illnesses and deaths than anyone in history, Michael R.

Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA - sign the petition

Taylor, has just been promoted from US Food Safety Czar to Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and legally feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person who is not 100% strictly organic. President Obama has appointed the former Monsanto Vice President and lobbyist Michael R. Taylor to the throne. This is the same man who was Food Safety Czar for the FDA when Genetically Modified Organisms were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks.

This is like putting a terrorist in charge of the world's food supply. The GMO nightmare all started with the Dan Quayle led FDA/GMO marriage. Michael Taylor is part of a revolving door at the FDA, where Monsanto Execs just come and go as they please. Here's the link:( “Forks Over Knives”: Is the Science Legit? (A Review and Critique) « Raw Food SOS: Troubleshooting on the Raw Food Diet. Welcome to my “Forks Over Knives” analysis, AKA the longest movie review you’ll ever attempt to read.

“Forks Over Knives”: Is the Science Legit? (A Review and Critique) « Raw Food SOS: Troubleshooting on the Raw Food Diet

Thanks for stopping by! In case you aren’t yet convinced that I’ve made it my life’s mission to critique everything related to T. Colin Campbell, this should seal the deal. As most of you probably know, a documentary called “Forks Over Knives” recently hit the theaters after months of private screenings. Vegans everywhere are swooning, giddy that their message is now animated, narrated, and on sale for $14.99. Vilification of animal products aside, “Forks Over Knives” highlights something I strongly believe in—the power of diet and lifestyle to trump illness. Is Dairy Healthy? The Whole Story - Part 1. Written on September 9, 2011 at 3:35 am, by Eric Cressey In light of the overwhelming popularity of a recent guest blog on the topic of sports nutrition and healthy food options, I wanted to keep the ball rolling with some regular nutrition content.

Is Dairy Healthy? The Whole Story - Part 1

This week, Brian St. Pierre kicks off a three-part series on everything you want to know about dairy. Enjoy! -EC Dairy: perhaps the most controversial food in history. While some people would argue that we shouldn’t consume dairy at all, others recommend getting at least three servings per day. Let’s find out. The History of Dairy Consumption The fact of the matter is that humans have been consuming dairy in one form or another for 10,000 years. Fast forward to today and things have changed. Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, January 24, 2012 (Full) Cat's Claw Treats Cancer and Many Other Illnesses. (NaturalNews) There is much talk about cat's claw and its healing properties used for the treatment of cancer, but cat's claw can be used in the treatment of many illnesses.

Cat's Claw Treats Cancer and Many Other Illnesses

It is not just for cancer, but it is also used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, inflammations of the urinary track, kidney detox, healing deep wounds and bone pain. It is also used since the 1990's for the treatment of cancer, ulcers, chronic inflammations, and viral diseases (such as herpes). Cat's Claw is a plant of the Amazon rain forest.

There are two main species and they are Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis. In the US, you see mainly Uncaria tomentosa and in Europe you will see the Uncaria guianensis. Cat's Claw and Alzheimer's Disease: Teen creates cancer fighting technique.