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La gola di Gorropu, il Grand Canyon della Sardegna. In Sardegna, tra i monti del Gennargentu, sorge la stupenda gola di Gorropu, un vero e proprio spettacolo della natura che nel corso dei secoli è stato scavato nella roccia dall’intensa azione erosiva delle acque del Rio Flumineddu.

La gola di Gorropu, il Grand Canyon della Sardegna

La gola ha una lunghezza di circa 1.500 metri e nei punti più alti le sue pareti superano i 400 metri di altezza, caratteristiche che hanno valso alla gola di Gorropu l’appellativo di Grand Canyon della Sardegna. The Best Google Features You're Probably Not Using. Add anything from anywhere. Organize your interests naturally.

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Univ. Acquire. 46 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE June 2016] - DreamGrow. Last Updated on December 8th, 2019 If you want to know what’s happening with your brand’s social networking sites you need social media monitoring tools.

46 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE June 2016] - DreamGrow

Before you reach for your wallet and start to spend money try out some of the free social media monitoring services. This way you will get an understanding of what is available and if you need any paid services to monitor social media. Social media monitoring definitionThe activity of tracking social media channels. Organizations measure and use social media analytics tools to find out where are the discussions about them, their competition and other topics of interest. This time we have collected a lot of free social media monitoring tools. Group A HootSuite Monitor and post to multiple social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Twitter Analytics The free statistics in your own Twitter account. Group B.


The Local - Italy's News in English. Contributed, organised, and mapped by you. Strona główna. Cose. HW. Shop. Delicious - Discover Yourself! Website utili. Photo. 50 Things Everyone Should Know - StumbleUpon. By Mark and Angel Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life.

50 Things Everyone Should Know - StumbleUpon

To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. While not totally comprehensive , here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pearltrees videos

Pearltrees tips. Linux. Tgoerlich/Schnapphoto. XBMC - Raspbian. Instructions for building XMBC from source are below, but they will take over 12 hours to compile on the Pi.

XBMC - Raspbian

If this doesn't interest you and you just want a working, binary XBMC package, one is being built and provided by Michael Gorven. It can be installed by following the instructions in his blog post. The following instructions were derived from instructions passed to me from Obsy on the #raspbian IRC channel. These instructions document the steps necessary to build XBMC in Raspbian. These steps are not optimal and need to be refined, but they do result in a working build of XBMC that seems to work well within Raspbian. Build and Install XBMC Start with a Pisces or similar image of Raspbian.

Prepare to Run XBMC Comment out the swap line in /etc/fstab by prepending a '#' character. XBMC Configuration Output The following is output from the XBMC configuration command. Dropbox on Raspberry Pi via SSHFS. This tutorial will demonstrate how to mount Dropbox (or any filesystem) over the network on the Raspberry Pi using SSHFS (Secure SHell FileSystem).

Dropbox on Raspberry Pi via SSHFS

For this procedure to work for your Dropbox share, you will need another machine somewhere that is running Dropbox, and is accessible to the Raspberry Pi via SSH. Note: The following is not actually specific to the Raspberry Pi, nor to Dropbox. The tutorial generalizes for other systems and architectures that are not officially supported by Dropbox, as well as for mounting of other non Dropbox shares over the network. How it works. Treating a RaspberryPi as just another Windows machine. This guide has been superceded by the AutoInstall version but it still shows the process needed to go through :) To access the files on your RPi over your network and to stop worrying about finding its IP address, you need to install and configure something called Samba – but don’t worry- I’ve made this easy peasy.

Treating a RaspberryPi as just another Windows machine



Basics. Getting started with Pi-Tronics: adding electronics to your Pi Hamish Cunningham, April 11th 2013 The Pi is a general purpose computer.


It runs GNULinux, which is an operating system used in satellites and phones, desktops and tablets, supercomputers and set-top boxes. It has graphics capabilities good enough for full HD video, plus computational power and memory sufficient to run a web browser or an office productivity suite. It has a good selection of standard interconnectivity options (including ethernet, HDMI, stereo analogue sound, and USB). Another game changer with the Pi is its ability to connect directly to electronic circuits that can take readings from the physical environment and trigger actions in that environment (and/or over the network). The Pi's connections for getting data from sensors and for activating external gizmos are called general purpose input output pins, or GPIO pins. Controlling an LED (hello world!) Materials used: a breadboardresistors (270?? Raspberry Pi - Camera Tutorial...