How to Tag Your Social Media Traffic for Google Analytics - DreamGrow
Last Updated on July 10th, 2019 Organic reach of Facebook page posts is dropping. More often than not you need to boost your posts and create ads to get any meaningful reach on Facebook. When you spend money you need to measure results. In this post I will show you how to track all your Facebook ad spending in Google Analytics. When I wrote about measuring your social media success with Google Analytics I got a lot of feedback. In our website, we estimate that more than half of the visits from Twitter show up as direct traffic. However there’s a way to register those visits as non-direct if you add special Google Analytics tags to the original link. Just copy the address above and edit it by hand. You can do it like a pro in any text editor or use Google Campaign URL Builder. Short explanation what the fields mean Media Channel (utm_source) Required field. utm_source tag defines the channel where you put the link. Important!
Free Business Tools - Tutorials, Marketing, Design and Daily Operations for your Online Business
This set of free tools will reduce the costs of getting started. If you are already in business, then making use of free tools will strengthen your bottom line. There's something interesting about "free". The word "free" changes our attitude towards things. It lowers our guard and makes us more open to trying. When we can use a tool for free, we are much more likely to give it a try. Free Marketing Tools Sure, you know about some of these great tools. Free Tools to Run Your Business Run you business in the clouds? Free Business Ideas Some of the top business minds have put together a selection of tools and lists to help create great ideas.
5 Crowdsourcing Platforms Every Developer Should Know
Marcus Thielking is the co-founder of skobbler, a leading provider of mobile map-based solutions. Follow the company at @skobbler. It can be easy to underestimate the time and effort that developers invest in creating many of today’s most popular apps or services. After all, these unsung heroes must navigate the challenge of building a great user experience while dealing with issues like funding. However, there are certain crowdsourced platforms that developers can use to address the quality of their product and the money they'll need to create it. These services can range from crowd-funding platforms to community data sets. 1. What Is It: OpenStreetMap is often appropriately referred to as the Wikipedia of maps. Why It’s Important: For developers, location data can be the lifeblood of a service. The Gist: OpenStreetMap provides users with a free and constantly updated source for accurate, detailed map data. 2. 3. 4. The Gist: Instagram delivers photos and image data for developers. 5. - Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales et du social business
Analyze your Facebook page | Likealyzer
Easil : Des vidéos et des GIF pour vos stories Instagram
Faites-vous partie de ceux qui galèrent pour réaliser des animations pour vos réseaux sociaux ? Ou désirez-vous tout simplement utiliser un outil gratuit en ayant un joli rendu sur vos différentes plateformes ? Découvrez Easil ! Une appli sensationnelle en ligne pouvant vous aider dans la création de visuels pour vos réseaux sociaux voire de sublime Instastory pour votre compte Instagram. Prêts à franchir le cap ? Présentation d’Easil Actuellement disponible en version anglaise, Easil se positionne comme étant le GIF Maker et créateurs de visuels facile à prendre en main. Ayant compris la problématique de chacun dans la création de contenu, Annette Mc Donald a décidé de simplifier toutes les démarches de création graphique pour fournir un outil de qualité adapté à tous. En effet, vous pourrez avoir la possibilité de redimensionner et/ou réutiliser des templates prédéfinis pour vos différents supports. C’est un outil qui en vaut le détour si vous êtes à la bourre. C’est tout ! Et voilà !
3 Free SEO Tools for Identifying Target Keywords
Choosing the right target keywords builds the foundation for an entire SEO campaign. If the right keywords with the highest potential for return are not selected, the foundation of the campaign will be weak and, therefore, success is nearly impossible. In order to select the right keywords, data must be collected and analyzed so projections on return can be made. For those with limited budgets and without access to paid SEO tools, impactful keyword data is not out of reach. Below are three such tools. Google Adwords Keyword Tool The first step in choosing the right keywords is to understand what keywords consumers are searching and the demand of each of those keywords. There are three main ways to find relevant keywords using this tool, including inputting the website or page that is to be optimized, the category of the products or services the website offers, or a seed list of keywords related to those products or services. Google Analytics Rank Checker
Outils et ressources graphiques pour le community manager
Vous pouvez trouver parfois difficile de publier du contenu intéressant et/ou d’emprunter des idées à vos concurrents. Cependant ! Sachez qu’il existe des dizaines de services et d’outils utiles, qui facilitent la vie du community manager. Travailler et s’appuyer sur sa communauté est la nouvelle tendance dans le monde numérique moderne. Et, bien sûr, c’est également le moyen le plus efficace pour un community manager d’attirer un nouveau public. Les réseaux sociaux restent parmi les rares canaux, une source de trafic gratuit pour les entreprises. La question des bons outils Chaque community manager sait qu’il est une personne aux multiples compétences. Et à ce titre, de nombreux gestionnaires de communauté consacrent beaucoup de temps et de ressources à créer du contenu divertissant pour leur communauté. Le secret de leur succès réside dans l’utilisation d’outils pratiques et utiles pour la gestion de leur communauté. Photos et illustrations Vidéo Animations Les captures d’écran Présentations