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AI - Artificial Intelligence

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Could you fall in love with this robot? "Our goal is that she will be as conscious, creative and capable as any human," said Hanson. "We are designing these robots to serve in health care, therapy, education and customer service applications. " Hanson said that one day robots will be indistinguishable from humans. Robots walk, play, teach, help and form real relationships with people, he said. "The artificial intelligence will evolve to the point where they will truly be our friends," he said. "Not in ways that dehumanize us, but in ways the rehumanize us, that decrease the trend of the distance between people and instead connect us with people as well as with robots. " The key to creating robots that care about humans is giving them humanlike faces that enable them to gather data while real humans explore different applications for the technology, said Hanson. "That can really help to prevent some of the disconnect and possible dangers of developing superintelligent or human-level machines that don't care," he said.

iMom - Erschreckender Film zur Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Le jour d'après. Pour tout vous dire, j'ai bien pensé rédiger ma chronique sur les 30 fermes-usines qui vont voir le jour en France et dénoncer bruyamment la dangerosité de ces projets d'élevage industriel, au moment où il faudrait au contraire réduire notre production de viande dans un soucis à la fois économique et écologique, et puis je me suis un peu dégonflé face à vos invités, en me disant que ce serait tout de même idiot d'avoir les deux jambes et les deux bras cassés pour mon anniversaire qui est dans deux jours seulement. 12 scenarii de fin du monde hucky © domaine public A la place, je vais donc vous parler, une fois de plus, de l'apocalypse qui nous attend dans les heures, les mois ou les années à venir. Parce qu'il n'y a pas que moi qui suis obsédé par l'apocalypse, figurez-vous... une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université d'Oxford et de la Global Challenges Foundation s'est penchée sur les 12 scénarios probables de la fin de la civilisation humaine.

Vient ensuite la pandémie globale. Les maîtres des machines - New York Times. Les maîtres des machines - New York Times. Alice - Powered by Couple. Les voix multiples des intelligences artificielles au cinéma - Cinéma. La cosmologie - Le Big Crunch. Le Big Crunch Le retour au néant En supposant que l'Univers est né à partir d'un Big Bang et en appliquant les principes de la thermodynamique, nous pouvons présager les conditions d'existence de l'Univers s'il contient suffisamment de matière pour qu'il se referme sur lui-même[1]. Pendant la phase de contraction, nous assisterons aux mêmes événements que durant la phase d’expansion, aux seules différences près que la détente gravitationnelle n’existera plus et que les trous noirs y joueront un rôle prédominant. Voici un premier scénario possible que nous devons à l’équipe de Martin Rees de l'Université de Cambridge.

Compte tenu de la vitesse d’expansion de l’univers, au plus tôt dans 50 milliards d'années - voire bien plus tard en fonction de la densité de la matière - les choses iront en sens contraire. Nous savons déjà que dans 3.07 milliards d'années, la galaxie M31 d’Andromède et la Voie Lactée fusionneront. La matière attire la matière avec une force inverse au carré de sa distance. Our Phones Are Starting to Know Us Better Than We Know Ourselves, Thank Goodness | Big Think TV. The term data exhaust doesn't seem very pleasant, as it sounds "like something you're trying to get rid of or something noxious that comes out of the back of your car," says Rick Smolan, author of The Human Face of Big Data. And yet, data exhaust could save your life. Smolan points to a company called Ginger IO that has a smartphone app that can predict two days before you get depressed that you’re going to get depressed. How does that work?

Your phone is recording your behavior, and the app picks up on patterns of behavior. Ginger IO focuses in particular on people with diabetes who have a very high correlation with depression. "When you get depressed, people stop taking their medicine," Smolan says. So this is one example of how our phones are "starting to know us better than we know ourselves. " Watch here: Image courtesy of Shutterstock. Our Final Invention: Is AI the Defining Issue for Humanity? | Guest Blog. Humanity today faces incredible threats and opportunities: climate change, nuclear weapons, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and much, much more.

But some people argue that these things are all trumped by one: artificial intelligence (AI). To date, this argument has been confined mainly to science fiction and a small circle of scholars and enthusiasts. Enter documentarian James Barrat, whose new book Our Final Invention states the case for (and against) AI in clear, plain language.

Disclosure: I know Barrat personally. He sent me a free advance copy in hope that I would write a review. The book also cites research of mine. And I am an unpaid Research Advisor to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, which is discussed heavily in the book. The central idea is haltingly simple. Unfortunately, total human extinction or some other evil seems to be the more likely result of superintelligent AI. The human brain: still number one, for now. I really wish this was the case. Qualcomm to Build Neuro-Inspired Chips. Brain chip: Qualcomm CTO Matt Grob says the new technology will soon be ready to ship. The world’s largest smartphone chipmaker, Qualcomm, says it is ready to start helping partners manufacture a radically different kind of a chip—one that mimics the neural structures and processing methods found in the brain.

The approach is emerging as a way to enable machines to perform complex tasks while consuming far less power. IBM has been prototyping similar chips (see “IBM Scientists Show Blueprints for Brainlike Computing),” and the area is the focus of intense research around the world (see “Building a Brain on a Silicon Chip” and “Intel Reveals Neuromorphic Chip Design”). Speaking in a sponsored talk at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech conference today, Qualcomm CTO Matt Grob said that by next year his company would take on partners to design and manufacture such chips for applications ranging from artificial vision sensors to robot controllers and even brain implants.

Ethics of the Future: When does Artificial Inte.