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Gouvernance criminelle / Criminal political decisions

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Quand les hommes partent, les feux reviennent. Diagnosing the Republican Brain. «Avec tant de richesses dans le monde, pourquoi y a-t-il encore tant de pauvreté?» Écrit par Patrick C.

«Avec tant de richesses dans le monde, pourquoi y a-t-il encore tant de pauvreté?»

Callewaert, La Grande Époque Les bidonvilles à Mumbai en Inde. «L'État et les banques, les dessous d'un hold-up historique» par Myret Zaki et Etienne Chouard. Echec des politiques d'austérité. Women Hurting Women. Les Archives Oubliees - La Guerre De La Fusion Froide. Développement durable. Iraq: War's Legacy of Cancer. Bombsites like this one in Fallujah remain toxic and likely continue to cause illnesses.

Iraq: War's Legacy of Cancer

(Photo: Dahr Jamail / Al Jazeera) Contamination from Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions and other military-related pollution is suspected of causing a sharp rises in congenital birth defects, cancer cases, and other illnesses throughout much of Iraq. Many prominent doctors and scientists contend that DU contamination is also connected to the recent emergence of diseases that were not previously seen in Iraq, such as new illnesses in the kidney, lungs, and liver, as well as total immune system collapse.

DU contamination may also be connected to the steep rise in leukaemia, renal, and anaemia cases, especially among children, being reported throughout many Iraqi governorates. Cites: bid to curb sale of ivory and rhino horn voted down. Efforts to curb the sale of ivory and rhino horns were voted down on Thursday at an international wildlife summit in Bangkok.

Cites: bid to curb sale of ivory and rhino horn voted down

At the 178-nation Convention in Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) meeting, Burkina Faso and Kenya cited the "merciless slaughter of elephants" in their attempt to extend to a wider group of nations a pledge from some countries not to sell ivory stockpiles before 2016. But the proposal was seen as legally flawed by many delegates and failed to get support. But Tom Milliken, head of the elephant and rhino team at wildlife trade monitoring network Traffic, , said he was more optimistic than ever that tough action would still be taken. ALEC Is Now Deciding What You Eat. Angela Merkel soupçonnée de conflit d’intérêt dans la régulation sur les émissions des voitures.


Angela Merkel soupçonnée de conflit d’intérêt dans la régulation sur les émissions des voitures

Le blocage par l’Allemagne du renforcement de la législation européenne sur les émissions polluantes des voitures coïnciderait avec un versement d’argent au CDU, le parti d’Angela Merkel, la chancelière allemande. En effet, le New York Times le 15 octobre s’appuie sur des comptes-rendus parlementaires pour affirmer : « l’Allemagne a bloqué l’introduction d’une réglementation européenne plus stricte sur les émissions des voitures juste après que le parti de la chancelière Merkel a reçu d’importantes donations de la part de 3 actionnaires majeurs de BMW. »

US unveils Keystone pipeline environmental study. GlobalPost, March 1, 2013 US unveils Keystone pipeline environmental study Agence France-Presse The fate of the proposed pipeline, which many environmentalists fear could be damaging, is still awaiting approval from the State Department.

US unveils Keystone pipeline environmental study

"The analyses of potential impacts associated with construction and normal operation of the proposed project suggest that there would be no significant impacts to most resources along the proposed Project route," the report said. But it said Keystone operator TransCanada would have to meet all the measures it has vowed to implement to mitigate any harm caused by the project. Judge denies motion to overturn uranium-mining ban near Grand Canyon. Navajo-Hopi Observer, March 24, 2013 Judge denies motion to overturn uranium-mining ban near Grand Canyon Ruling keeps ban adopted in January 2012 in place on 1 million acres of public land near the Grand Canyon By Christina Silvestri, Cronkite News Conservation groups celebrated a federal judge's ruling that denied a motion to overturn the Obama administration's ban on uranium mining on 1 million acres of public land near the Grand Canyon.

Judge denies motion to overturn uranium-mining ban near Grand Canyon

The March 20 decision by U.S. District Judge David Campbell in Phoenix rejected arguments from uranium mining interests that the federal government couldn't withdraw such a large tract. Le Parlement Européen enterre la réforme de la PAC. Bush and the West explosion: The untold story of deregulating chemical plants. That was President Obama in his second Texas speaking engagement on Thursday.

Bush and the West explosion: The untold story of deregulating chemical plants

First, he was in Dallas to muster some nice words about the legacy of President Bush at the dedication of the Bush Library. America's Three-Tiered Justice System. Attorney General Eric Holder speaks to reporters at the US Capitol in Washington, June 19, 2012.

America's Three-Tiered Justice System

On March 6, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder indicated that some banks may be too big to prosecute. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst / The New York Times) Big shots are above the law, the government now admits, but a three-tiered justice system has Congress churning out new bills to keep the prison industry booming. "Equal Justice under Law," is the motto inscribed on the frieze of the United States Supreme Court building. "Human Beings Have No Right to Water" and Other Words of Wisdom From Your Friendly Neighborhood Global Oligarch. Truthout doesn’t take corporate funding - this lets us do the brave, independent reporting that makes us unique.

"Human Beings Have No Right to Water" and Other Words of Wisdom From Your Friendly Neighborhood Global Oligarch

Please support this work by making a tax-deductible donation today - just click here to donate. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe. (Photo: World Economic Forum / Flickr)In the 2005 documentary, We Feed the World, then-CEO of Nestlé, the world’s largest foodstuff corporation, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, shared some of his own views and ‘wisdom’ about the world and humanity.

Disparition des terres arables.