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MARTIN ARGYROGLO photographe. Martin Heck | Timestorm Films on Vimeo. Mark Dorf - / / _PATH. Juxtapoz. Monolithe paysage | Reynald Drouhin | Recherches | Esquisses | Documents. Série d’essai paysage vs monolithe Voir aussi : Aimeriez-vous vivre dans un robot? Les morphes de William BONDIN Proposer architecture souple pour Parcs. Sure, robots can make our architecture for us, but could robots ever be our new architecture? Despite conjuring images of every haunted house movie ever made, (happy upcoming Halloween, everyone!) , “responsive architecture” explores the potential for the built environment to automatically respond to changing conditions—and, it’s on its way.

Literally—it’s coming toward you. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection With the whimsy of Theo Jansen's creatures, but the brains of a (small) computer, these “Morphs” (MObile Reconfigurable PolyHedra) are much more than just mobile park sculptures, and actually provide a proposition for a smart architectural alternative. We recently happened upon this interview with the creator, William Bondin, who spoke eloquently on the significance of his project , which came out of a unit headed by Ruairi Glynn and Ollie Palmer.

Inherent Motives from William Bondin on Vimeo. Actus. BLU. Oliver Kruse. Jean Francois Rauzier Hyperphoto. My Modern Metropolis. La boite verte : Site de découverte sur la photographie, la science, les arts et tout ce qui est insolite.