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Toits Vivants ← projet d'agriculture participative, sur toitures et terrasses. Vivre entre les bâtiments par Mateusz Mastalski et Ole Robin Storjohann. Two Denmark architects have designed a concept for narrow apartments that fill tiny gaps between existing buildings.

Vivre entre les bâtiments par Mateusz Mastalski et Ole Robin Storjohann

Mateusz Mastalski and Ole Robin Storjohann's project Live Between Buildings proposes a series of micro-home apartments for urban living. In the designs, the tiny living quarters are proposed in playful shapes including an X, an O, a tree, a cloud, a speech bubble and a space invader. The designers have illustrated, in a series of diagrams, how their concept could work in highly dense cities such as New York, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Helsinki and London. Mastalski and Storjohann's concept recently won the annual New Vision of the Loft 2 design award, organised by roof window manufacturer Fakro and A10 new European architecture magazine. The competition asked designers to develop concepts for urban loft spaces that would be functional, space-saving, energy-efficient and full of natural light. Solar-Powered Trikes Delivering Food In Amsterdam. FOODLOGICA is a system where food is transported throughout the city of Amsterdam using electric bikes.

Solar-Powered Trikes Delivering Food In Amsterdam

The Dutch capital is a city that runs on bikes — well for the most part that statement is true. According to the Research and Statistics Department of the City of Amsterdam there were 881,000 bicycles in use in the city in 2012. That means there were more than enough bicycles for its 800,000 inhabitants, but there were also 330,000 motor vehicles registered in the same year. So while it’s true that bikes beat motorized vehicles in the competition of quantity and number of personal users, when it comes to logistics, there was hardly any competition going on, since cars and trucks were the obvious choice for that task. ON THE MOVE - Deuxième prix Europan 12 sur Architizer. Open Government Partnership. Les Concours proposés aux étudiants. L’enjeu principal de l’appel à projets Tango est de contribuer au développement économique et stimuler l’innovation en favorisant les transferts de compétences et la fertilisation croisée entre secteurs de l’économie locale.

Les Concours proposés aux étudiants

Le projet doit être présenté par un binôme ou un consortium constitué au moins : - d’un acteur issu des industries créatives (entreprise, association, artisan, artiste ou étudiant) appelé le prestataire. Flying Houses by Laurent Chéhère. The residential buildings of Paris appear to be sailing through the sky like kites in these dream-like images created by French photographer Laurent Chéhère (+ slideshow).

Flying Houses by Laurent Chéhère

"All these flying houses are the fruits of my travels in the popular districts of Paris; Ménilmontant and Belleville," Laurent Chéhère told Dezeen, explaining how he manipulated photographs of real buildings to create impossible images inspired by "the poetic vision of the old Paris. " Some of the buildings pictured look just like typical houses, while others boast unusual features like a giant window or wonky walls. "Sometimes I use the realistic, metaphoric, symbolic and subjective, if it is necessary to tell a story," said the artist. One image shows a circus tent, with juggling sticks and balls falling out of its open base (above), while another shows a caravan gliding through the sky (below). The images are on show at the Galerie Paris-Beijing in Paris until 8 December. Variations On a Dark City by Espen Dietrichson. The buildings of Lyon are pulled apart in these impossible photographs by Norwegian artist Espen Dietrichson.

Variations On a Dark City by Espen Dietrichson

The series is entitled Variations On a Dark City and forms part of the artist's One of Many Unusual Moments exhibition on show at the Galerie Roger Tator in Lyon. For each image the walls and roof of a building are moved apart into the sky, just like the exploded axonometric diagrams drafted by architects. "The series of modified or levitated architecture started as my first interest when I went to art academy," Dietrichson told Dezeen.

Des données sur Paris et les Parisiens localisées par le biais du réseau métropolitain. Revenu net annuel moyen par foyer fiscal.

Des données sur Paris et les Parisiens localisées par le biais du réseau métropolitain

Année : 2009. Source : INSEE. Impôt annuel moyen par foyer fiscal. Habit Makes Us Blind by Espai MGR. These conceptual images by Spanish studio Espai MGR show impossible Lego structures filling vacant neighbourhood plots in Valencia.

Habit Makes Us Blind by Espai MGR

The aim of the project, named Habit Makes Us Blind, is to draw attention to the problem of unused spaces in urban environments. The architects intend the project to promote the spaces for recreational use. Treehugger. Treehugger Concepts “Treehugger” is a pavilion that is currently exhibited at the National Garden Show (BuGA) 2011 in Koblenz, Germany.

Treehugger 10 Awesome Works Of Moving Architecture. La nouvelle vie du bassin minier. Le bassin minier veut en finir avec Germinal.

La nouvelle vie du bassin minier

Revue Qui ne dit mot consent (QNDMC) Scot Valenciennois. Cerveau et comportement - Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw. L'architecte face à «la triade castratrice» selon Ignacio Vicens. Un volume explosé, des formes éclatées...

L'architecte face à «la triade castratrice» selon Ignacio Vicens

Rien moins qu’une église à Rivas, une «urbanización» à quelques kilomètres de Madrid. L’édifice détonne parmi les villas du quartier et ni croix ni clocher ne permettent d’en identifier la fonction religieuse. «Au XVe siècle, les campaniles avaient un sens mais aujourd’hui, nous avons des téléphones portables», déclarait Ignacio Vicens, architecte, au quotidien El País*. L’art de faire passer ses idées et convaincre, part 1. Vous êtes vous déjà demandé comment serait votre vie si vous saviez rapidement convaincre votre entourage … un client … vraiment convaincre votre profession, présenter un projet professionnel, présenter un projet personnel, avoir du charisme ?

Où en seraient votre vie aujourd’hui, vos projets, votre situation ou vos amours ? PENSEZ … ne serait-ce, qu’à un moments important de votre vie qui n’a pas marché comme vous l’auriez désiré. Que ce serait il passé si vous aviez atteint votre objectif, ce jour là ? Que ce serait-il passé si vous aviez réussi à vous faire entendre cette fois là ? … à faire en sorte que les autres aient le même ressenti que vous, voient les choses comme vous les voyiez ? Et vous le savez bien. Et puis un jour, j’ai découvert ce que vous allez découvrir ici, pas à pas, en détail … ET TOUT A CHANGE. Ce que vous allez découvrir ici est la façon de vous faire entendre, de convaincre et d’avoir du charisme. Tout le monde ! Lego Greenhouse by Sebastian Bergne. London Design Festival 2011: This timelapse movie shows how British designer Sebastian Bergne constructed a Lego greenhouse in London’s Covent Garden in one night for the London Design Festival.

The pitched roof and walls of the hut are made entirely from transparent pieces of the toy brick, allowing it to function like a conventional greenhouse. Behind these plastic wall,s vegetables and flowers emerge from a bed of brown Lego blocks. The greenhouse will be on display until 25 September as part of the London Design Festival. See all our stories about the London Design Festival 2011 here and see more stories about Sebastian Bergne here. AlICe.