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One Penny - Make Your Idea Come True! Online Portfolios on Behance. CONEXIONES IMPROBABLES. Creative pills What are creative pills? [3 min.] Spanish TV Documentary about Conexiones improbables by Spanish TV Channel TVE2, within its programme La aventura del saber, with examples of collaboration between artists and organisations at Cruces Hospital, Silam, Orbea, i68 and Nekane Moda. [February 2014, 20 min.] Successful collaborations between artists and organisations i68 + Paola Tognazzi [3 min.]

Orbea + Cocreable [3 min.] Lauaxeta Ikastola + Mikel Morlas [3 min.] Fundación Anesvad + Carme Romero [4 min.] Agenda Permanent. 2015/04/15. 13:30-15:30. 2015/05/08. 2015/05/20. 10:30-14:30. 2015/05/22. 2015/05/27. 2015/06/11. 13:30-15:30. In short Supported by Bidasoa Activa, a Cook in innovation Laboratory and three maxi-creative pills are activated for companies of the region of Bidasoa who want to rethink or improve their organizational model and/or their ways of working. The artists collective Sra. Good news: we have received, along with the Unperfekthaus, Essen, the second prize of N.I.C.E. FounderDating | Premiere online network for entrepreneurs to connect with cofounders. Feedback on what can be improved | 7Skills. Voordekunst. Discover and get early access to tomorrow's startups - Beta List.

Mind Courts | Innovation for people. Pricing & Payment. REDESIGN ME / MAXIM SCHRAM | Open Design Now. Maxim Schram Open design by online communities is becoming more common among companies that had previously been secretive about the products they create. Dutch tea manufacturer Pickwick, for example, used the online design and idea community to interact with an audience of external designers, marketers and consumers. The goal was to collect input from stakeholders and lead users on the subject of innovative tea products. A challenge was presented to a community of about 3,500 people; the assignment was to ‘create innovative tea concepts that match Pickwick’s brand values’. The exercise proved successful in terms of the number of ideas generated. 90 people participated actively over a period of six weeks, creating 198 tea-related concepts.

The concepts ranged from new flavours to new packaging, as well as items to be sold or given away as a marketing gimmick. Initially, 70 people created 125 concepts without further encouragement. . → Twitter Co. Conversations | demo version of Newk. Agora Collective | A Network of Cross-Disciplines based in Berlin Neukölln. RealtimeBoard | Online collaboration whiteboard. Best Made Company — Welcome.

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Business group chat, file sharing, group decision making: Campfire. Welcome to Gaia | Gaia Online. How Spigit Helps Organizations Innovate and Drive Growth. Jive Software | Social Collaboration for Social Business. What is Yammer. SharePoint - the new way to work together. Strava | Running and Cycling GPS Tracker, Performance Analytics, Maps, Clubs and Competition. — Claim your Trustworthy Data & Use it Anywhere.

Crowdsourcing, Labor On Demand — CrowdFlower. §. Meet. Call. Share. Chat. Collaborate. Take one look at iMeet and it will change the way you think about web conferencing. OpenIDEO - Home. Eflux. Welcome to e-flux projects. In 2001 we initiated a program of special projects for The early part of this program focused on web publications and art works that explicitly engage audience participation. In 2004 e-flux opened a storefront space in New York's Chinatown where this program evolved into a series of physical public projects, which subsequently travel to contemporary art institutions worldwide. In 2006 e-flux opened a second location in Berlin. Agency of Unrealized Projects” (AUP) is a public database of censored, forgotten, postponed, impossible or rejected art projects, by nearly 2000 artists.

View online and submit your unrealized projects. Forget gallery hassels—GET CASH NOW! To PAWNSHOP Time/Bank is a platform where groups and individuals can pool and trade time and skills, bypassing money as a measure of value. To TIME/BANK To Unitednationsplaza To Martha Rosler Library To Report (Not Announcement) To East.Art.Map Utopia Station: posters by more than 100 artists. Share goods, services and rides in your local community! Project Management Software, CRM, Sales, Intranet - thousands of apps - Podio. About Huddle - Enterprise Content Collaboration Software | Huddle. Product overview Huddle is a remarkably simple, yet powerful way to collaborate on content. It’s more than just file sharing. It’s conversations around content to move projects forward. It’s one copy of a file, saved in the cloud, for your team to work from. It’s being absolutely sure you’re working from the right version every time. It’s one secure, organized place for all your files, available anytime you need it, from whatever device you’re on.

Huddle is everything you need to supercharge your productivity. File sharing, sync, and management Supercharging productivity means an easy way to manage your content. Create content in Huddle, share it in a few clicks Open, view, and edit files with complete version control Seamless collaboration The modern enterprise workforce demands more than just secure file sharing. Create secure workspaces to work with external partners Control workspace access by assigning individuals to teams and setting permissions Manage complex projects Customized for you. Create a social networking site with Ning, the Best Social Site Platform.

Examples of Website Builds & Social Networks Made on SocialGO. Elgg - Open Source Social Networking Engine. Download | Community Tools. Download Community ToolsVersion 2.0 beta 3 · 10.01.2013 · Changelog · License: free, GPL You need a web server with PHP and MySQL to run this package. If you have ever installed a CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, everything should be familiar. Please note: As our software is quite complex, it needs a bit more memory during the initial setup compared to usual configurations.

Please select a hosting provider where you can set PHP memory limit (php_value memory_limit) to 128MB. Also we recommend to set the maximum time allowed for scripts to run (php_value max_execution_time) to 120 seconds.It does not work with PHP 5.4 at the moment because of bug in ajax_comments module. Community Tools 2.0 is based on Drupal 7, please consult Drupal Install Guide for system requirements and troubleshooting.

Source code Community Tools source code is hosted on Bugs and feedback Please report any issues, bugs and ideas to our User Echo forum.