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Gestion de projet

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Product Backlog - DEEP Model. Product Backlog is a very important concept on Agile so we have to pay attention very carefully how to create, update and refinement.

Product Backlog - DEEP Model

Because of its importance I would like to explain what the DEEP model is. What does DEEP mean? D = Detailed Appropriately: Highest priority, more detail; lower priority, less. Broken down into smaller stories for sprints/release. How can we use Pareto Principle on Agile methodology? C’est aussi Noël sur DantotsuPM, sélection de documents gratuits du PMI en 2014 sur le management de projet. Noël continue sur DantotsuPM avec davantage de documents gratuits sur le management de projets. 24 Juin - Paris - APMG Showcase France: L'événement en management de projet et IT Bonjour, comme l'an dernier, j'animerai avec Lenny Descamps, France and Belgium Country Manager APMG International, le APMG Roadshow France 2014 !

Noël continue sur DantotsuPM avec davantage de documents gratuits sur le management de projets

Conférence CNAM 2014 : Le Management de Projets par la Chaîne Critique (TOC) One Solution for Project Success: Project and Change Management in the PMBOK® Guide white paper written by Thomas Luke Jarocki. 21 nov Download a new white paper that explains how change and project management practices work together to achieve project success.

One Solution for Project Success: Project and Change Management in the PMBOK® Guide white paper written by Thomas Luke Jarocki

It also demonstrates why the structure and rigor of project management practices enhance change efforts. Plus it tells you how to create an integrated plan that incorporates change management perspectives into a set of project activities. Should the product manager and product owner be the same person? I recently read the question on the difference between the product manager and product owner on Quora and ended up sharing my opinion – at length.

Should the product manager and product owner be the same person?

So I’ve decided to publish it here for posterity. Needless to say, there are other answers and other opinions, all equally valid. The product manager is charged with communicating the voice of the customer — and at the end of the day achieving customer and market success. Meanwhile, agile development teams demand that the customer representative (aka the product owner) must articulate detailed user stories, participate in daily scrum rituals, and answer questions at all times. Should this be the same person? There is no absolute answer to this question – as with many things in life it entirely depends on many factors including (for starters): If it makes sense in your organisation for one person to be responsible for all aspects of the product, then that’s cool.

PMGS-Template-Charte-de-Projet.pdf. Introducing the new PMI Practice Standard: Managing Change. Posted by Elizabeth Harrin Change management, according to the new PMI practice standard, is “a comprehensive, cyclic, and structured approach for transitioning individuals, groups, and organizations from a current state to a future state with intended business benefits.”

Introducing the new PMI Practice Standard: Managing Change

The new PMI practice standard, Managing Change in Organisations: A Practice Guide, is over 130 pages long and aims to complement the other PMI standards. Change management can be managed in projects by a separate change manager, but it is more and more common for project managers to have to adopt this role as part of their own responsibilities on projects. It’s a skill set for project team members and project managers and it covers leadership, business awareness and technical change management skills. All of these are covered by the new practice standard which looks at these areas, amongst others: The guide sets out the change life cycle framework.

Techniques de Brainstorming (« remue-méninge ) 19 mar Read the full article 25 Useful Brainstorming Techniques and you’ll certainly find a few you didn’t know but could easily use in the future !

Techniques de Brainstorming (« remue-méninge )

5 of the Best Project Management Techniques to Steal. Posted by Stefan As Stephen P.

5 of the Best Project Management Techniques to Steal

MacMillan, former CEO of Stryker Corporation and current Board member of MDSave notes: “companies can unlock value by changing how they interact.” This quote is as applicable to your small project team as it is to the large companies MacMillan runs. Changing how you interact can have dramatic effects on your ability to complete projects. Applying a new project management system, like Scrum, Kanban, or GTD, often frees up your team to focus on tasks and helps you better manage your workflow. The trouble is that these official certifications are expensive. APMG2014-Methodes-Agile-Nouveau-paradigme-dans-la-gestion-de-projet.pdf.aspx. APMG2014-PMO-au-dela-dun-cadre-methodologique-quels-facteurs-cles-de-succes.pdf.aspx. BCI - Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (anciennement connu sous le nom de « Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec » CREPUQ) Le CFTL prône les bonnes pratiques pour réaliser des tests dans un environnement agile.

Le Comité français des tests logiciels (CFTL) a récemment publié le Syllabus Testeur Agile, niveau Fondation, un document qui décrit les bonnes pratiques à mettre en œuvre pour réaliser les tests dans un environnement agile mis en place par les petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises.

Le CFTL prône les bonnes pratiques pour réaliser des tests dans un environnement agile

Fruit du travail d'un groupe d'experts internationaux de la communauté du test logiciel, ce document est associé à un nouveau programme de certification dédié à ces pratiques de tests au sein d’une méthodologie de développement agile. Disponible ici sur le site du CFTL, le Syllabus Testeur Agile s'adresse aux professionnels du test, expérimentés ou juniors, aux développeurs professionnels et à toute personne souhaitant comprendre le test en environnement agile. Méthode Lean Startup : aller à l'essentiel pour tester la pertinence d'un projet rapidement -

Décryptage du management 3.0. De profond changement sont à venir.

Décryptage du management 3.0

L’agilité s’étend à de plus en plus d’entreprises ce qui implique une remise en cause des organisations pyramidales en place. Les managers d’équipe, chef de projet et autres managers du « front » sont les premiers concernés par ce changement. Depuis une vingtaine d’années, nous avons assisté à de nombreux changements. Les entreprises se sont digitalisées dû à une hyper connexion croissante, la circulation de l’information est beaucoup plus fluide, les marchés se sont ouvert et se sont complexifié et pour finir l’environnement des entreprises est devenu fragmenté, complexe et incertain.

Perdu dans la nébuleuse, pas facile d’avancer sans savoir où aller. Jurgen Appelo a écrit un livre à ce sujet « Le management 3.0 » dans lequel il décrit l’approche que doivent adopter les managers d’équipe, chefs de projets, coachs agiles dans la transformation des organisations. L’essentiel de la conférence est axée sur une image: un monstre à 6 yeux. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. PROJECT AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN THE PMBOK ® GUIDE. Back to basics: responding to resistance. In a previous post, I wrote about the basics for running an effective call.

back to basics: responding to resistance

In this article, I’d like to focus on some of the basics for responding to resistance during calls or meetings, especially when you’re selling a project or an idea. Again, this is certainly nothing new for experienced PMs or sales professionals. But what goes well without saying, goes even better when you say it. I learned that there are essentially three different types of resistance that need to be recognized and managed: Misperception, Skepticism and Concern.

Actually, the way to respond is not so different but let’s see the three cases: 1. Image courtesy of stockimages / To misperceive is to perceive incorrectly or misunderstand. Acknowledge the misperception: prove by repeating as much as possible the words of the person that you acknowledge the fact that there is a misperception. Partenaire de DantotsuPMprovide clarification on the piece that has not been well understood. 2. 3. Hyperchange-La-conduite-du-changement-dans-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9conomie-de-la-connaissance-leslivresblancs.Fr.pdf. The Five Levels of Agile Planning. To many people, working in an agile manner means little or no planning, or planning at the last possible moment (e.g., writing user stories for the upcoming iteration during the iteration planning meeting). While this may work in a very small project with a close-knit, highly effective team, for larger projects, it becomes problematic. Contrary to popular belief, agile projects require as much planning as any other project type.

It is the timing of this planning and how we attempt to minimize wasted effort that is different from other approaches. This article attempts to explain the different levels of agile planning and how we utilize them in an ongoing project. All projects have different levels of requirements, represented in various forms depending on the type of project approach we take. We start with looking at the big picture through project planning. 20+ questions for a « lessons learned  session at the end of your project. Over time, I gathered from various sources a number of questions that I find appropriate to consider with the team at the end of a project.

Governance and Communication 1. Business Value Game « Agile Belgium. Agile teams want to deliver maximum business value. That’s easy if the Onsite Customer assigns business value to each story. But how does the Customer do that? Noël continue sur DantotsuPM avec davantage de documents gratuits sur le management de projets. C’est aussi Noël sur DantotsuPM, sélection de documents gratuits du PMI en 2014 sur le management de projet.