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A place to find creative expressions and also new ways to ex press your creativity....have fun!!!!!!

New Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee. Artist Guy Laramee (previously) has recently completed a number of new sculptural works where he transforms thick tomes into incredible topographical features including mountains, caves, volcanoes, and even water. Many of the works are part of a new project titled Guan Yin, a series of work dedicated to the forces that enable individuals to endure grief and pain, or in his words “the mysterious forces thanks to which we can traverse ordeals.”

If you happen to be near Quebec, a number of Laramee’s works are currently on view at Expression gallery in Saint-Hyacinthe through August 12. Update: You can also see a number of works by Laramée at Foster/White Gallery in Seattle. Art Leaks | Tribe House - A Culture of Collective Creativity. Sean E. Avery – sculptures from broken CDs | Tribe House - A Culture of Collective Creativity.

Sean E. Avery – sculptures from broken CDs Tags: Art, artist, Austrailian, Scultpture, Sean Avery, Sean E. Avery, Sustainable art Posted : April 12th, 2012 by Nico Boesten Sean E Avery brings recycling to a whole new level. “I blend many different man made materials together to make them appear strangely organic, with a distinct sense of movement.

These sculptures were too fascinating not to share. He graciously shot over a few of these images to place into our site and for that, we tip our hat to you Mr. Sean E. Upside-Down Kingdom Live! Wednesday May 28th 2014 Upside-Down Kingdom Live! TribeHouse compilation to benefit the Homeless InnCluded a music compilation to benefit those without a home. Tribehouse has put together a fine music compilation to benefit “Inn From The Cold” homeless shelter in Kelowna BC. The project is called InnCluded and… Night at the Inn – Photo diary. Arts and Culture - Essay. Mozilla Firefox Start Page. Comic Books. Did you spend a couple of years of your life agreeing or disagreeing with Archie's dilemma over Veronica or Betty?

Or did you want a pet like Garfield? Comic books are a relief for anyone craving for light-hearted comedy and they have become a major part of our lives. Let us see how. 11 Great Gift Ideas for Comic Book Lovers The world of comic books is sometimes beyond the realms of understanding of us mere mortals. Jungle Book Characters The Jungle Book is one of the most famous children's fiction book of all time. Best Comic Books of All Time The name says it all, comic books are humorous and can lift your mood within no time.

Comic Book Story Ideas Creating a comic book is a very expressive art form that stimulates your imagination like no other. Most Loved Comic Characters With a large number of comic characters in the world of comics, there are a few who happen to be the most loved comic characters. How to Grade Comic Books By Condition How to Make a Comic Book How to Write a Comic Book. The Fundamentals of Stop Motion Animation. Animation done by using stop motion technique is a craft, in which a puppet or any imaginary inanimate thing, is brought to life, frame by frame. Stop motion is a combination of ancient puppetry tradition and modern technically advanced animation. Concept of Stop Motion Animation Puppets Animation For making a flawless animated movie, in which, large number of puppets and objects move at different speeds and show multiple actions and expressions, lot of concentration, intimate coordination and knowledge about spatial choreography is required.

In stop motion, the movement of the object is registered by contrasting against something that is not moving, whereas these objects or characters move in a real space. Building Puppets The basic thing that is required when building puppets is a table-top space to work on. Frames per Second The frames are shot individually and played successively, to create an illusion of motion. Elements of the Digital Camera Used in Stop Motion. Animation. Computer animation began in the 1960s, with abstract color designs in motion. This technology has advanced so much that artists draw and modify pictures using computer imagery.

Using computer programs to change backgrounds and choose colors, the finished product is visualized on a television monitor, and saved on computer disc. Multimedia computer systems integrate materials from a variety of formats. Film animation applies techniques of cinematography to the graphic and plastic arts in order to give the illusion of life and movement to cartoons, drawings, paintings, puppets, and three-dimensional objects. Animated graphics have served to delineate the web as an artist's medium. However, old-style cell animation is the mainstay of professional artists in creating characters, and computers are only used to move the objects and backgrounds within a scene. Below are articles with information on computer animation, animated graphics and special effects.

Best Animation Software Mr. Lynne Hull | Eco-Art. Riddles. A funny riddle can spread the room with laughter, while a challenging one helps keep your kids engrossed during a road trip. Riddles are fun to solve, although some can be tricky and nerve-wracking. Let's take a look at some tricky riddles and brainteasers, and enjoy solving them! All the best! Math Riddles and Puzzles Math is a subject which is said to be a kind of a brain tester. Fun Trick Questions and Brain Teasers Fun trick questions and brain teasers are a source of real hearty laughs, stimulation for the brain, an ideal way to get rid of boredom, and an assured way to strike a casual conversation with colleagues in office or fellow... Hard Riddles - Good Brain Teasers Has it been a real long time, since you have 'troubled' your brain in finding the right answer to a question?

Difficult Riddles Riddles are good when they are difficult. Funny Riddles and Answers If you happen to be one of those who think that brain teasers can be fun, the funny riddles given below are meant for you. Improvisation Exercises. Simply put, improvisation is, performing an art form spontaneously. It can be theater, music, dance, creative writing, etc. It also gives the performer a nice warm-up. In the theater, exercises for improvisation are more focused on improving the spontaneity of the actor. This article will target improvisational exercises for actors. Exercises for Actors The Improvisational theater has developed into a separate branch of theater.

Guess Who This is a simple exercise that will boost the spontaneity of the actors immensely. JAM (Just A Minute) This drama activity will stimulate the imagination power of the actors by a great deal. So Convincing This exercise has to be done in pairs. Alphabetical Exercise This exercise is a lot of fun and will help actors shed their inhibitions. Go Mute Make two teams, 'A' and 'B', and call one person from each team on the stage.

Split Personality Two actors stand facing each other, as if standing in front of a mirror. Funny Skits. While enacting this skit, make sure the names of the characters are spelled out in order to let the audience understand the jokes. Lee Sum Van: "Hello, may I speak to Annie Van? "Mr. Sorie: "Yes sir, you may speak to me. "Lee Sum Van: "No, I want to speak to Annie Van. "Mr. Lee Sum Van: "I'm Sum Van. Colors. Imagine a world without colors! Without the beautiful colors splashed all around us by nature, life would be like a black and white film. (Well, even black and white are colors after all!) A rainbow is perhaps the most magnificent rendering of 'colors' and 'colorfulness'. Here we take you through articles on types of colors and color schemes and combinations. Come, be a part of our 'colorful world'! Colors that Go Well Together Looking for a combination of colors that go well together?

Color Spectrum Chart Colors are the most significant part of our everyday lives. Pastel Colors Pastel colors are beautiful as they help bring out your imagination on paper. What are the Different Hues of Blue Blue is often considered the most soothing color in the universe. The Power of Colors and their Meanings Colors form an integral part of our lives. Soothing Colors Choosing cool and soothing colors for your home or office can be a herculean task, as there is a wide range of colors to choose from. Beading. Beading is an art that is now getting ample recognition in the fashion industry as well. The articles below will help you out a great deal with beading, so check them out. How to Make Dreadlock Beads Dreadlock beads add more personality to the hairstyle.

You do not always have to go hunting for these beads and instead you can make them yourself. Learn to make dreadlock beads by taking inspiration from the 8 bead making methods... Making Paper Mache Beads Paper mache is a very common material used in science projects and decorations, but have you ever used it for jewelry? Bead Loom Patterns There are various types of bead loom patterns that one can come up with to make the bead work look attractive. Pony Bead Patterns You can use a multiple variety of pony bead patterns for making arts and crafts at home. Bead Bracelet Patterns Bead bracelet patterns not only look so adorable and attractive, but are easy to make as well.

Bracelet Designs with Beads Peyote Stitch Beading Beaded Watch Bands. Ballet Dancing. Think of men and women waltzing around, seemingly in their own worlds, dressed in ridiculous tights – see you're getting it, we're talking about ballet dancing. Ballet dancing is an extremely difficult dance form but if you have the patience and you are ready to put in hours of practice, mastering this dance form will not be that difficult! Get more information on the subject from the articles presented below. Tips to Prepare for Pointe Work Pointe work is the goal for young ballerinas, so the day they finally get there is both exciting and fraught with anxiety.

History of Ballet Dancing It is believed that ballet dancing emerged as early as the Renaissance period (1400s) in Italy. Ballet Terms Ballet is the most beautiful form of dance. Beginning Ballet as an Adult Whether you left ballet behind as a teen or never fulfilled your ballerina dreams, it’s never too late to start over. How to Buy Ballet Shoes Ballet is a difficult and yet graceful dance form.

Pointe Shoes for Beginners. Hip Hop Dance. Hip hop dance refers to the dancing style that is performed on hip hop numbers. Both hip hop dance and music have evolved from, and are very much a part of the hip hop culture. Learn about hip hop dancing through the following articles, and get ready to shake a leg and sway, the hip hop way! Best Hip Hop Dance Songs With new songs releasing every month or week, it's tough to keep a track on the best hip hop dance songs we've had so far.

So go through the following article to find the songs that will make any party, rock.. Hip Hop Dance Moves Fascinated by street dancing styles? How to Choreograph a Hip Hop Dance Routine Preparing to enter a hip hop battleground? Hip Hop Dance Clothes So you enjoy the entire routine of popping and locking, but are unsure of what clothes you are supposed to wear. Hip Hop Dance Shoes If movies like Step Up series have caught your fancy making you want to groove to hip hop tunes, knowing about the proper dance shoes may be a good idea then.

Hip Hop Dance Costumes. Guitar Lessons. It's never too late to learn an instrument! Learning to play the guitar may seem intimidating, but it's not impossible. With keen interest, enthusiasm, and a whole lot of practice, one can master the art of playing the guitar. In the comprehensive guide provided below, there are several articles that help beginners learn the art of guitar playing. There are also articles on how to play the electric guitar, etc. Guitar Lessons for Kids Having your child learn a musical instrument early on is an excellent way to improve their sense of music as well as keeping socially active. Bass Tabs for Beginners The bass guitar is definitely the more curiosity-rattling instrument in the stringed instrument family. Bass Guitar Chords for Beginners The second stage in bass playing is learning and using all the chords.

Useful Guitar Finger Exercises Like all other stringed instruments, the guitar is difficult to start off on, easy at the intermediate level and hellish on the professional levels. Singing Lessons. For those who have a penchant for music, music lessons are not a novelty. Music lessons are taken up by music enthusiasts who want to pursue music either as a profession or a hobby. Music lessons can be either instrumental or vocal. Singing Tips for Guys All my male readers, especially the ambitious Adams, who are considering wooing their respective Eves, with a little exhibition of their vocal cords; please spare a few minutes to read through the following write up on singing tips...

How to Become a Famous Singer Is singing your passion? Do you aspire to become a famous singer, much like millions of people across the globe? How to Hit High Notes For those wanting to know how to hit high notes, regular practice is the main key. Singing Exercises Singing exercises, warm ups, and practice are the most important factors for a good and smooth voice. How to Become a Singer If you're one of those individuals who has a penchant for making a career in singing, then this article is meant for you. Acrylic Paintings. Acrylic paints are fast drying paints that are used by versatile painters to present their own unique styles.

There are many intricacies in acrylic painting as this polymer based paint needs careful manipulation. Acrylic paintings have gained recognition amongst passionate art lovers in the recent times. Know the overalls of acrylic paintings from the articles showcased below. Acrylic Painting Ideas Acrylic painting ideas provide endless possibilities to use creativity on canvas.

Best Brushes for Acrylic Painting Buying the best brushes for acrylic painting is like an investment, hence one should do it wisely. What is Acrylic Paint Acrylic paint is a type of paint which is used by artists to create different effects on canvas. Acrylic Painting for Beginners Acrylic paint is very popular with artists. How to Use Acrylic Paint on Fabric Acrylic paint on fabric is one of the upcoming artistries and a craze among children and artists alike. Acrylic Paint Colors Acrylic Painting Techniques. Oil Painting. Artistic Expressions . . . Introducing Gifted People and Their Work. Edgar Mueller - 3D Street Art. Virtual Street Reality. Celtic Woman - The Butterfly. Josephine wall. Google Image Result for. Google Image Result for.