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Web Equity Infographic | Mike Blumenthal 716-372-4008. Iptables Basic Guide. People always complain about how hard iptables are to understand and configure. I'm not saying it's an easy process but once you get the hang of it, it should seem a little less difficult. Iptables is a user space tool which is used to create rules for packet filtering and NAT modules. Basically, iptables create the firewall for your Internet connection in Linux. If you are new to Linux but will use it on a regular basis, then you must learn how to use iptables as your whole system security is based on it. Kernel support check Before you configure iptables, you first have to check if your system has been configured properly. . # cat /boot/ | grep -i "CONFIG_IP_NF" should print some lines ending with '=y' or '=m'. Iptables check/installing You must check if you have iptables installed by executing the command: # rpm -qa | grep iptables.

This should print iptables-your.installed.version and eventually iptables-devel-your.installed.version (this is optional). The End. 22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography Tips. Command line - How can I restart compiz from tty? (& Related, how can I set up a fallback WM?) Making the World Suck Less - I'm a startup guy in Brooklyn who wants to make the world suck less; I create things, startups, communities, and cute logos. This is a collection of things I upvote. Compiz running on Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) | NOTE: October 18, 2011. I see that this page is the top hit on my blog this week. I think if you’re looking for more up to date information, you should see my current opinion on Compiz on Kubuntu here. After months of waiting for things to be resolved with the nvidia drivers and such, I finally buckled down to see if I could get compiz running again smoothly on Ubuntu 11.10. Happily, I can report that the answer is yes!

Using the latest packages, the trick was to follow some advice in this thread. First, you need to blacklist the nouveau driver. Sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf add “blacklist nouveau” to the end of the file, then save and close it. Next, you do need to update initramfs and reinstall the nvidia-current driver: sudo update-initramfs -u -v sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current compiz --replace You should be good to go again. How to DJ with Ableton Live. Twice a month we revisit some of our reader favorite posts from throughout the history of Audiotuts+.

This tutorial was first published in October 2008. Ever wanted to DJ with Ableton Live? Here’s how! While it’s true that you can produce a complete live show with Ableton Live, bringing your studio production to stage, some would just like to mix their favorite tracks “a la DJ.” The most basic principle of DJing is to have a set of tunes playing continuously — no jumps, no cuts, no funny transitions, just as if all the pieces in the playlist were one.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Dade. There are many sets of tools to help you achieve this, the most common being turntables and a selection of vinyl records. No matter what set of tools and techniques you choose, DJing will always require the smooth transitioning and syncing of musical pieces. An Ableton Live DJ can do many things: What you definitely need: A copy of Ableton LiveA laptop (PC or MAC) What you might optionally want: Getting Started. OpenCart. Improving OpenCart Security | Nine Changes That Will Help Lock Down OpenCartApplies to Opencart versions 1.4.x, 1.5.x Out of the box OpenCart is one of the most secure ecommerce platforms around. With a few tweaks you can bring that security to the next level and help keep prying eyes away from private sections of OpenCart. While the following changes are not the full scope of PCI compliance for merchants many (such as changing system defaults) are considered best practices.

They are noted with (PCI) in the article. As always, to ensure compliance please consult appropriate PCI compliance rules or professionals. 1) Enable SSL for Admin (PCI) 2) Rename the admin directory 3) Password protect the admin directory with .htaccess 4) Rename the 'admin' user (PCI) 5) Restrict user permissions (PCI) 6) Strong passwords (PCI) 7) Change your encryption key (PCI) 8) Disable 'Display Errors' (PCI) 9) Remove 'Powered By OpenCart' 1) Enable SSL for Admin (PCI) By default data sent to and from Admin is not encrypted. And. Community • View topic - Removing "Powered by.." - how much?

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