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Extend - npm. Node-extend is a port of the classic extend() method from jQuery.

extend - npm

It behaves as you expect. It is simple, tried and true. Notes: Node.js pour les développeurs jQuery. Node.js pour les développeurs jQuery est un article destiné aux développeurs front end qui souhaitent se lancer dans l'aventure du développement JavaScript côté serveur.

Node.js pour les développeurs jQuery

Vous allez découvrir, pour ceux qui en doutaient encore, que la réputation de jQuery ne tient pas seulement à sa faculté de manipuler facilement les éléments du DOM ou d'être compatible avec la majorité des navigateurs. Mais il la tient aussi par ses patterns, son concept d'objet unique, son système de plugins et surtout sa faculté à être simple, accessible et en perpétuelle évolution. Cet article est articulé autour d'exercices et d'exemples de solutions qui vont vous permettre d'appréhender quelques concepts de Node.js et jQuery, tout en développant des briques logicielles qui pourront vous suivre sur vos futurs projets.

Les exemples de code décrits dans cet article sont téléchargeables ici ou disponibles sur github. Node.JS Module Patterns. Node.JS Module Patterns Using Simple Examples Darren DeRidder / @73rhodes Modules for n00bs.

Node.JS Module Patterns

D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. HTML5 – Drag & Drop. Ahhh le Drag & Drop !

HTML5 – Drag & Drop

Cette action si commune et si intuitive qui consiste à faire glisser un élément graphique du bout de sa souris d’ordinateur, pour aller le lâcher au dessus d’une zone d’accueil… Et bien chers lecteurs j’ai le plaisir de vous apprendre que cette fonctionnalité très appréciée des internautes fait partie intégrante de la spécification HTML5 proposée par le W3C ! Je vous propose d’en découvrir les rudiments à travers un exemple. Et bien moi, je ne t’ai pas attendu ! Le Drag & Drop, parfois abrégé DnD et appelé glisser-déposer en français, n’est pas une fonctionnalité neuve et n’a pas attendu HTML5 pour exister.

Winning-design.png (918×6966) Une conception responsive rendue possible pour tous vos e-mails. Vous avez probablement entendu parler de l’importance du responsive design lors de la construction des sites Web, mais cette conception est encore plus importante pour la gestion des e-mails.

Une conception responsive rendue possible pour tous vos e-mails

L’e-mailing est un tel milieu personnel que l’adaptation de votre message marketing à la taille de l’écran du destinataire peut être vital pour qu’il est un impact. Selon les recherches de Google, 82% des utilisateurs vérifient leurs e-mails sur des appareils mobiles, alors qu’une enquête GetResponse montre que 42% des abonnés suppriment les e-mails qui ne s’affichent pas correctement sur les téléphones mobiles.

D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. Over 1000 D3.js Examples and Demos. Conical Gradients in CSS. The following is a guest post by Shankar Cabus.

Conical Gradients in CSS

Shankar made a really rad color wheel on CodePen and showed it to me. I thought it was an image underneath, because gradients like this aren't something CSS can natively do. Or so I thought. Shankar found a way to do it with newfangled tech. When I create filters, shadows, transformations or gradient backgrounds in CSS, it feels amazing. Despite all this evolution, CSS still has limitations. In 2011, Lea Verou started a thread about implementing a native CSS conical gradient, creating a draft specification which has already been introduced to W3C's official draft. Beautiful, right? The Beginning To reduce code duplication, I'm using Sass. This @mixin is only used to set properties of shape and placement, creating a circle of absolute position and centered horizontally and vertically in relation to its parent. The Magic! - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. Charts. Webgl Academy : tutorial to learn WebGL.

Cross-hatching GLSL shader. OAuth that just works. Node.js. The Opa Framework for Javascript. Bootstrap. 5 HTML5 Javascript APIs to keep an eye on — Adnane Belmadiaf's Blog. In my last post, i have talked about HTML5 APIs, so thought it will also interesting to write about some new old JavaScript APIs.

5 HTML5 Javascript APIs to keep an eye on — Adnane Belmadiaf's Blog

Since CSS has been improving over the time and today you can achieve what was only done with Javascript with CSS only, on the other side Javascript have to improve and follow the evolution, so today Javascript can do a lot of things, like accessing hardware(camera, microphone, gamepad, GPU), accessing the filesystem and websocket. Battery Status API The Battery Status API allows any webpage to inspect the state of the device's (Laptop, phone or tablet) battery through javascript : - More on Front End Web ! The web technology today has improved dramatically and the way scripting is done on websites have changed drastically over the years now. - More on Front End Web !

Gone are the days when JavaScript was used to just validate forms. JavaScript now holds the major share of the website code. But this also resulted in JavaScript files being heavier which in turn has its own effects like slower loading of the page etc. The JavaScript files are now much heavier and that requires us to minify and pack the JavaScript files so that the file size becomes much lesser without compromising on the quality or the functionality.

So what is minifying a JavaScript file? K. Risk - JavaScript Refined. Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript.

K. Risk - JavaScript Refined

Download: fuse.js - (9 kb) development fuse.min.js - (1.58 kb) production Why? If you need a lightweight, fast way to search through a list of items, and allow mispellings, then Fuse.js is for you. Web Developer Checklist. Sly. Introduction Sly is a JavaScript library for advanced one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.


It can be used as a simple scrollbar replacement, as an advanced item based navigation tool, or as a great navigation and animation interface for parallax websites.


Browserhacks. Lab & Demos. SoFresh! - It makes your CSS yummy. The pro's guide to CSS layouts. Powerful New CSS- and JavaScript-Techniques (2012 Edition) Advertisement Since our last round-up of useful CSS techniques1, we’ve seen a lot of truly remarkable CSS geekery out there. With CSS3, some of the older techniques now have become obsolete, others have established themselves as standards, and many techniques are still in the “crazy experimentation” stage. Since the release of the previous post, we’ve been collecting, sorting, filtering and preparing a compact overview of powerful new CSS techniques. Leading Enterprise Java Web Framework. Front end standards. Is as awesome as Chewbacca riding a squirrel, fighting Nazis with a cross bow. - @codepo8 Foreword This little book is to aid a shared understanding of front-end development best practice at PUP.

It's to help us deliver high quality content that works better, reaches more people - not only in today's browsers & devices, but in tomorrows. D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. Front-end Code Standards & Best Practices. Introduction◊ This document contains the guidelines and best practices for the front-end web development team at Isobar. Each item here represents either: A reminder to follow existing standards or industry conventions,guidance on what constitutes professional patterns and organization, or a decision we've made favoring one method over its alternatives. The very best of creative JavaScript and HTML5. Create a new Fiddle - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS) NicEdit - WYSIWYG Content Editor, Inline Rich Text Application. Selenium web application testing system.
