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Emergency Preparedness

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Doom Survival Guide - SAS Survival Manual. Are you prepared? Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) Emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime and anywhere.

Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM)

They can happen quickly and without warning, and they can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or require you to stay in your home. It is vital that you understand what a disaster could mean for you and your family.

Be Red Cross Ready - Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed. Virginia Department of Forestry. For many people, the words “wildfire” and “Virginia” might not seem to go together, but wildfire risk is a genuine concern.

Virginia Department of Forestry

Each year, about 1,600 wildfires consume a total of 8,000-10,000 acres of forest and grassland in the state. During the fall drought of 2001, Virginia lost more than 13,000 acres to wildfires. Here you'll find out about wildfires, fighting wildfires, and what you can do to reduce your wildfire risk.