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4 Apps for Children with Autism | Spark, the Kids+Creativity Network. Best 5 Ipad Apps for Dyslexia - Dyslexic Advantage. ADHD diagnosis more likely for kids born later in the year: study. Researchers in British Columbia have discovered that children born in the latter months of the year are more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than their peers born earlier in the year. The study, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found those children are also more likely to be placed on medication, some of which may be linked to side effects. The finding should serve as a wake-up call for educators, parents and the public about the hazards of properly diagnosing ADHD. It raises serious questions about whether certain behaviours, such as restlessness or inability to concentrate, are leaving younger, more immature classmates vulnerable to an inaccurate diagnosis of ADHD than their older, more developed peers.

The scale of the study also sets it apart – it is the largest of its kind. A separate study, also released Monday, confirmed an upward trend in the last decade in ADHD diagnosis and medication among Canadian children. Mr. Beta | Goalbook. Digital revolution changing lives of students with disabilities. The Refreshabraille has a Braille keyboard that allows students to write as well as read. Kyle Beasley is a smart second-grader with an infectious grin. He’s also functionally blind. Until last fall, the 7-year-old used 8-by-11-inch Braille texts that teachers printed for him on a special machine.

Each page cost about $1. He once had four lockers just to store his textbooks. Today, the student at Roosevelt Elementary School in Janesville, Wis., easily carries his own iPad and a special Braille translator that allow him to read all his textbooks, send eMails, access the internet, check the weather, and do just about anything anyone else can do with a computer. It’s new technology that is fundamentally changing how blind people interact with their world, but it appears the digital revolution is just getting started when it comes to improving the lives of people with all sorts of disabilities.

Some of the developments border on the magical, compared with what was available 20 years ago. Misunderstood Minds. Dare to Differentiate - 50 Terrific Teacher Tips! iPad Helps Special Education Student to Learn - A Video Story. TeachMeetSEN. In partnership with Leicester City Council TeachMeet SEN took place on 28 January 2012 with over 60 people attending in person from all over the UK. It will live on through a micro-site which will contain the resources shared on the day, including the best videos of the presentations and selected tweets, photos and blog posts.

The site is in production, and will be linked here once ready, but if you can't wait, you can see photos on the flickr and read blog posts by Josie Fraser and Jo Badge for quick summaries of the day. What is TeachMeetSEN? TeachMeet SEN will focus on engaging, amazing and effective examples of practice from parents and carers, school leaders, teachers and learning support staff working with children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN). What is a TeachMeet? TeachMeets are informal, free meetings, providing space and structure for people supporting education to share practice, innovation, insight and approaches. Venue, date and time Accommodation Social!

Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs. Special Education Apps for iPad. Add In my classroom , I was blessed to have students from amazingly diverse backgrounds and with an array of skills and strengths. I worked relentlessly to build in supports and foster an inclusive community for all of my students. This meant cutting, laminating, velcro-ing, washing, re-making, and constructing what felt like a million supportive learning devices for my students with and without special needs. Now, having an iPad, I often play around with apps that I realize would have been incredibly beneficial for my students with special needs.

Continuing with our Education Apps for iPad series, here are some apps grouped by category that students, parents, and teachers can leverage to support all learners! Communication Proloquo2Go . Grace . iConverse . iConverse is a simpler and cheaper AAC device that focuses on basic needs. TapToTalk . iCommunicate . Behavior First Then Visual Schedule . AutismXpress . CBTReferee . Earn It Stars . Skills Everyday Skills . iDress for Weather . Special Needs Apps for Kids | Special Education Apps | Therapy Apps. Special Needs iphone/ itouch apps. Special Education Apps | Best iPad Apps for Kids | Educational iPad Apps - Apps for Literacy Support. Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs. 10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone.

This post is part Five of the Special Needs iPad & App Series. In only one year the Apple iPad has revolutionized the tech industry. 15 Million iPads have been sold and estimates are that within the next 3 years over 115 million tablets will be shipped. Dozens if not hundreds of applications have been created that enhance the quality of life for individuals with all types of disabilities. This has lead Apple to create a special education section in the App Store. To try and make sense of all of this we have put together a nine part series on the iPad and useful applications. In part four we discussed 11 Social Skills & Life Skills Apps in iPad App Store This week we bring you: 10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone About.Com – Apps for Children With Special Needs highlights new apps that are designed specifically to make life easier for people with special needs, by making communication or behavior management or health management easier.

Did we miss any? Special Education Apps | Best iPad Apps for Kids | Educational iPad Apps - 10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone. Apps for special needs. Education - Special Education. Special Ed. Apps for Autism. Special Needs Apps for Kids | Special Education Apps | Therapy Apps. 10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone. Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs.