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EU Parliament rejects ACTA

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EU rejects ACTA. This will probably come as no surprise to those of you who have followed this story, but the European Parliament has voted against the much maligned Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. And they voted against it in some numbers with just 39 in favour, 165 abstained and 478 were against - interesting given that all but 5 of the EU's 27 member states have already signed up to the Treaty.

That said, two of the missing signatories were Germany and the Netherlands. There was plenty of comment from both sides of the argument: Jim Killock of the Open Rights Group told told reporters: "This is a tremendous victory for the movement, for democracy and for every European citizen that has demanded that their rights be respected. ACTA must be abandoned. The Commission must drop its calls to try again. More here and here. Acta didn't stand a chance in the age of the social internet | Charles Arthur.

The dismissal of Acta, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, by the European parliament has left the treaty's opponents delighted, and its supporters – who principally work in the industries that rely on copyright and trademarks, whether virtual or physical, for their living – downhearted. Acta's creators had the poor luck – or lack of foresight – to create their baby in what feels like the Jurassic age of the social internet. They also made the bad decision to negotiate it in secret – the sort of thing that drives conspiracy theorists wild, but which is also sure to get anyone's antennae a bit twitchy. After all, if an agreement is for everyone's good, then why do its terms have to be kept secret?

(The answer – that multipartite negotiations are kept secret because many sides adopt extreme negotiating positions they might not want publicised just in order to, well, negotiate – is inconvenient, but true.) What is, or was, Acta? Absurd? Overblown? But we're in a different age now. European MPs throw out online piracy pact. THE European Parliament rejected a global agreement against copyright theft yesterday, handing a victory to protesters who say the legislation would punish people for sharing films and music online. The vote marked the culmination of a two-year battle between legislators who supported the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta) and its largely young, digitally savvy opponents. Tens of thousands of activists held rallies across Europe in February to protest against the law, which they said would curb their freedom and allow officials to spy on their online activities. About 2,5-million signed a petition against the agreement.

European Parliament MPs voted against the agreement by 478 to 39 with 165 abstentions, meaning the proposed law will have to be renegotiated by the European Commission, the European Union's (EU's) executive. Acta took four years to negotiate and has already been signed by several of the EU's big trading partners, including the US, Canada and Japan. Reuters. PatLit: the patent litigation weblog: ACTA: Not yet born and already gone. Thank you SOPA, thank you ACTA. ACTA: Total Victory for Citizens and Democracy! Strasbourg, July 4th 2012 – The European Parliament rejected ACTA1 by a huge majority, killing it for good. This is a major victory for the multitude of connected citizens and organizations who worked hard for years, but also a great hope on a global scale for a better democracy. On the ruins of ACTA we must now build a positive copyright reform2, taking into account our rights instead of attacking them.

The ACTA victory must resonate as a wake up call for lawmakers: Fundamental freedoms as well as the free and open Internet must prevail over private interests. Citizens from the Internet and all around the world have won! By 478 to 0393 during the final vote, Members of the EU Parliament killed ACTA once and for all. Together –connected through a decentralized communication architecture– we defeated this evil treaty negotiated in secret by a club of private interests and dogmatic civil servants. 1.

L'accord ACTA enterré par le Parlement européen. C'est un énorme succès pour les opposants à l'ACTA. Ce mercredi a eu lieu un vote décisif au Parlement européen. Les députés réunis en séance plénière se sont prononcés solennellement sur l'accord commercial anti-contrefaçon. Et de quelle façon ! Ils ont définitivement enterré le projet de traité international, à une écrasante majorité. Le scrutin s'est déroulé en deux étapes. Tout d'abord, il a fallu que le Parlement européen examine une requête du Parti populaire européen (PPE).

La demande du PPE a été rejetée à une large majorité, par 420 voix contre 255. Les eurodéputés se sont ensuite prononcés sur l'accord commercial anti-contrefaçon. Les autres élus, 165 eurodéputés, se sont réfugiés dans l'abstention.


European Parliament rejects ACTA. "I am very pleased that Parliament has followed my recommendation to reject ACTA" said rapporteur David Martin (S&D, UK), after the vote, reiterating his concerns that the treaty is too vague, open to misinterpretation and could therefore jeopardise citizens' liberties. However, he also stressed the need to find alternative ways to protect intellectual property in the EU, as the "raw material of the EU economy". The EPP's key ACTA advocate, Christofer Fjellner (EPP, SE), asked before the vote that Parliament should delay its final vote until the European Court of Justice has ruled on whether ACTA is compatible with the EU treaties. However, when a majority of MEPs rejected this request, a substantial minority responded by abstaining in the vote on Parliament's consent.

Procedure: Consent. ACTA : Victoire totale pour les citoyens et la démocratie ! Strasbourg, 4 juillet 2012 – Le Parlement européen a rejeté ACTA1 par une large majorité, le détruisant définitivement. Ce rejet constitue une victoire majeure pour la multitude de citoyens et d'organisations connectés qui ont travaillé dur pendant plusieurs années, mais aussi un espoir d'ampleur globale pour une meilleure démocratie. Sur les ruines d'ACTA, nous devons désormais bâtir une réforme positive du droit d'auteur, qui devra prendre en compte nos droits plutôt que les combattre.

La victoire contre ACTA doit retentir comme un avertissement pour les législateurs : les libertés fondamentales et l'Internet libre et ouvert doivent prévaloir sur les intérêts privés. Les citoyens de l'Internet et du monde entier ont gagné ! Par 478 voix contre 392 lors du vote final, les membres du Parlement européen ont tué ACTA une fois pour toutes. 1. ACTA: The new threat to the net. 692,547 have signed. Help us get to our new target of 3,000,000 Update: 7 July 2012 VICTORY!

Our 2.8 million strong campaign helped MEPs axe the ACTA treaty in the European Parliament. Read more about the ACTA victory here. Update: 13 April 2012 GREAT NEWS! Update: 10 February 2012 Amazing! Posted: 25 January 2012 Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse.

ACTA rejected by European Union vote. Netzaktivisten: Das Aus für Acta ist ein Sieg der Demokratie | Digital. Das EU-Parlament hat Acta abgelehnt. Ohne die Lobbyarbeit der Bürgerrechtler und ohne die Demonstrationen der Wähler wäre das Abkommen durchgekommen, kommentiert P. Beuth. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Anti-Acta-Parole der Digitalen Gesellschaft | © Thomas Peter / Reuters Acta ist endgültig gescheitert. Das Ende von Acta ist ein Erfolg, den sich vor allem Bürgerrechtsorganisationen wie EDRi (European Digital Rights), die Digitale Gesellschaft oder La Quadrature du Net auf die Fahnen schreiben dürfen.

Anzeige Zunächst haben sie der EU-Kommission klargemacht, dass Acta nicht im Geheimen verhandelt werden darf. Danach haben die Bürgerrechtler das EU-Parlament als den Ort identifiziert, an dem sie Acta noch stoppen können – und dann haben sie klassische Lobbyarbeit geleistet. Patrick Beuth Die Aufklärungsarbeit hat dabei nicht bei allen gefruchtet. Twitter. ACTA rejected by Europe, leaving copyright treaty near dead. ACTA has been rejected by the European Parliament, which voted on Wednesday to put the final nail in the copyright enforcement treaty's coffin — at least as far as Europe is concerned. The Parliament voted by 478 to 39 to reject the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a move that means it cannot come into force anywhere within the EU. In doing so, it followed the advice given to it by five parliamentary committees and heeded the massive public protests that were sparked by the treaty earlier this year.

ACTA could still become reality elsewhere in the world, but only if six of the eight non-EU countries that have signed it go on to ratify it — an unlikely outcome given the EU's rejection of the agreement. These countries include Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore and the US, none of which has ratified ACTA yet. The EU and most of its member states did sign ACTA in January. The rise and fall of ACTA Can ACTA rise from the dead? VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament. Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty.

In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally. This is a day of celebration. This is the day when citizens of Europe and the world won over unelected bureaucrats who were being wooed and lobbied by the richest corporations of the planet. The road to today’s victory was dark, hard, and by no means certain. The final votes on ACTA in Europarl. 39 in favor, 478 against. What lead us here? Six months ago, the situation looked very dark. A monster by the name of SOPA appeared in the United States.

In the wake of this, as citizens had realized that they didn’t need to take that kind of corporate abuse lying down and asking for more, the community floodlights centered on ACTA. Alas, they don’t understand the net. What comes next? But not today. Le Parlement européen vote contre le traité anti-contrefaçon Acta. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Damien Leloup Au terme de plusieurs mois de vifs débats et de manifestations, et après une série de votes négatifs en commission, le Parlement européen a voté contre le traité de lutte contre la contrefaçon ACTA, par 478 voix contre, 39 voix pour et 165 abstentions.

Ce texte, négocié en secret entre une dizaine de pays (Europe, Etats-Unis, Japon…) instaurait un accord commercial visant à lutter contre la contrefaçon, tant physique que numérique. Il proposait notamment de renforcer la lutte contre les médicaments contrefaits ou d'harmoniser les outils de répression contre le téléchargement illégal. Mais pour de nombreuses associations de défense des libertés numériques ou de défense des malades du sida, le texte présentait des risques d'importantes dérives. Sur la forme, d'abord : le fait que le texte ait été négocié en secret, loin du regard des élus, posait problème. Pour les opposants au traité, le vote est une victoire nette. Pour M.