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Caring for Your Introvert - Magazine. Are introverts oppressed? I would have to say so. For one thing, extroverts are overrepresented in politics, a profession in which only the garrulous are really comfortable. Look at George W. Bush. Look at Bill Clinton. Extroverts therefore dominate public life. With their endless appetite for talk and attention, extroverts also dominate social life, so they tend to set expectations.

Are introverts arrogant? Are introverts oppressed? Extroverts therefore dominate public life. With their endless appetite for talk and attention, extroverts also dominate social life, so they tend to set expectations. Are introverts arrogant? Abstinence is unrealistic and old fashioned. From my inbox, an email from a high school student named Jeremy: “Dear Matt, first I want to say I really like your blog.

One of my teachers actually mentioned it in class once after you wrote something (she didn’t mention it in a good way lol) and I went and looked you up so I’ve been following you ever since. I know you get so much email so I don’t expect you to see this but in case you do I wanted to get your opinion about something. You write a lot about relationships and everything so I’m wondering if you think abstinence should be encouraged in school? Reason I’m asking is because we are doing our sex ed lessons in health class now and the topic has come up.

Yesterday my health teacher was talking about safe sex and someone mentioned abstinence and she said it wasn’t realistic. She said it was an out dated way of thinking and the people who push for it are out of touch because they were probably kids a long time ago. Dear Jeremy, Man, that is weird. So, Mrs. Hmmm. Was it worth it? How Can I Improve My Posture? Try to use a chair with good support. Adjust it so if fits you. Try to always sit in it so that it supports you - when you sit upright in the chair, the chair back should be supporting some of your weight. My wife and I were recently at staples, looking for a new chair for her. Of all the chairs there, two had good support, and those weren't as adjustable as I'd have liked (I couldn't get either to fit her properly). We ended up going to a used office furniture place. Loads of good chairs, not much more than staples. If you're having trouble getting your employer get you a decent chair, you might phrase the request as 'avoiding repetitive strain injury'.

More college 'hookups,' but more virgins, too. It wasn't until the second semester of her senior year at Fordham University in New York that Kathleen Adams had a college boyfriend. "You just don't date at colleges," says Adams, 23, now a Fordham graduate student in urban studies. But there's no shortage of casual sex on campus, she says — in part because Fordham, like many colleges, has significantly more women than men. Adams says that means guys have the upper hand when it comes to intimacy. "It's kind of like a competition," she says. "The guys have their choice of whoever they want.

So they think, 'Why would I date? ' The relationship game among college-age adults today is a muddle of seemingly contradictory trends. But even as casual sex — often called "hookups" or "friends with benefits" — is a dominant part of campus life, a new report by the National Center for Health Statistics indicates the percentages of men and women 18-24 who say they are virgins also are increasing. Avoiding commitment Getty Images Matthew Staver, Freelance. Why Pebble 2.0 may win the wearables race at CES and become a work tool in 2014. The crowd-funded smartwatch that was a wearable hit in 2013 has opened the new year by announcing its 2.0 product at CES. And, this one could attract professionals. This morning, Pebble CEO Eric Migicovsky woke up on the couch of his startup's hospitality suite in the Venetian. By mid-day, he was announcing the 2.0 version of his crowd-sourced smartwatch that is out-innovating consumer tech giants Samsung and Sony.

Not a bad day for a startup founder. Migicovsky and his team unveiled the Pebble Steel, the next iteration of the now-famous Pebble smartwatch that raised $10 million on Kickstarter in 2012 and landed on over 300,000 wrists in 2013. The details of the Pebble Steel include: Also see photo gallery: First look: Pebble Steel smartwatch has professional cred There's no question that the new Pebble has a much higher-quality finish to it.

For professionals, this is going to open up lots of exciting opportunities for pushing glanceable business information to the wrist. Spec Sheet: the wearables of CES 2014. Wearables are everywhere. It's hard to find a big technology company at CES this year that isn't unveiling a gadget that straps a sensor or a display to your body in one way or another. The idea is nothing new, but we're seeing companies start to make more of them, in more forms, that can perform more functions. To see exactly what these manufacturers are turning their wearables into, we're looking across some of the most exciting, intriguing, and gorgeous products that have been announced so far.

Click above for full specs on both smartwatches. What wearables enthusiasts will be most happy to see is the emergence of increasingly premium smartwatches. Smartwatches are turning into beautiful accessories Pebble's Steel and MetaWatch's Meta probably aren't the smartwatches that will open the product category up to the masses, though. Click above for full specs on all six trackers. But as Pebble and MetaWatch step up their wearable game, plenty of others are just stepping into it.