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TpG 74 | Revista tipoGráfica. Identifont - Identify fonts by appearance, find fonts by name. Welcome to IAMPETH. Design & Typo, le site. Letrag. PampaType. The Font Bureau, Inc. Editions: Bodoni Tipografico. The Typographic Manual of Giambattista Bodoni is the greatest monument ever constructed to the art of printing from metal types.

The two-volume work contains a dazzling array of 142 roman alphabets (with corresponding italics), numerous script and exotic typefaces, and a striking collection of flowers and ornaments. These typefaces and decorative materials were the culmination of more than forty years of devotion by Bodoni to the typographic arts, both in his capacity as printer to the Duke of Parma, and as the owner of his own private press and typefoundry. The son of a master printer, Bodoni held to four principles from which a good typeface derives its beauty: uniformity of design, smartness and neatness, good taste, and charm. At the time of his death Bodoni was working on the first volume of this book, of which only 250 copies of the two-volume set were later published by his widow Margherita. The original book imaged for this digital edition: 13 1/8 x 9 inches (333 x 229 mm)

T i p o g r a f i a . c o m . b r. Letras Latinas. Home. Calligraphie : accueil de l'atelier version 1. La galerie récente sur FACEBOOK (accès libre) Misprinted type 3.0_ art, design and type (1998-2005) Eduardo Recife. Resources - Stencil Revolution. 2.1. Inversions. Unostiposduros. Teoría y práctica de la tipografía.