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Noise, what you need to hear - ChristopheW's posterous. Fragmentation in the Android market. Plus, the search engine leaders and a new all-in-one 3D PC from MSI September 15, 2010Android 2.x Grabs 70% Of Android Market ShareThe VAR Guy Dave Courbanou writes about fragmentation in the Android market. “The big issue with Android, versus an mobile OS like Apple iOS, is lack of control over which Android releases hardware companies choose to embrace. Apple has clearly set guidelines on what versions of their phones get which version of their operating system, but Google doesn’t dictate that way in the Android market. So the result is fragmentation among Android devices and OS versions.” What’s your opinion? MSI Wind Top AE2420 3D launching in North America on September 20ZD NetRachel King writes about a new all-in-one 3D PC from MSI. “First announced in February, MSI has a big announcement as the Wind Top AE2420 3D, self-dubbed as the ‘world’s first’ all-in-one 3D multi-touch PC, is set to launch in the United States and Canada next week.

The History of eCommerce - ChristopheW's posterous. UpNext : cartographie 3D sur iPhone et iPad - ChristopheW's posterous. Rethinking the Mobile Web - ChristopheW's posterous. Emploi et Réseaux sociaux - ChristopheW's posterous. User Centred Design - Infographic Poster by Pascal Raabe. What’s this all about? The central premise of user centred design is that the best designed products and services result from understanding the needs of the people who will use them. —Design Council As a Graphic Design student in my second year, I took a year of self-directed study during which I had the pleasure to work with many interesting design studios and practitioners which got me interested in user centred design.

Although I know that this diagram is by no means complete, I believe that it can be beneficial for students and design practitioners in various disciplines. Any questions? Love it, hate it? Get your copy Feel free to download and share the digital version of the poster and make a donation if you found it useful. What do you think it’s worth? Thanks a lot to everyone who donated and ordered a printed copy of the poster.

Leave me a tip A quid or a fiver. Thank you! Credits Credits and special thanks go to these great folks: Adobe dévoile une faille critique de Flash. Posté par SOS Blog Team le Mardi 14 septembre 2010 dans Actualités Dans un communiqué hier, Adobe a dévoilé que les versions 10.1 et antérieures de Flash pour Android, Windows, Mac, Linux sont porteuses d’une faille critique qui donnerait accès à votre système à des attaquants potentiels. En faisant crasher le player, il est possible d’exécuter un code tiers. Sur un téléphone, c’est d’autant plus gênant que la plupart des gens ont beaucoup de données personnelles.

Pour vous prémunir de ce genre de désagrément, paramétrez le navigateur de votre mobile pour que les plugins ne soient activés qu’à la demande. Flash ne se lancera donc pas à votre insu. Adobe promet un correctif pour le 27 Septembre. A propos de l'auteur: Tostaki Blogueur sur SOSAndroid et SOSiPhone, je conseille et accompagne quelques entreprises dans leur développement sur le mobile. Semi-marathon de Paris. Marathon de Paris - Accueil. Vibram FiveFingers® - You Are The Technology. The Growth of Mobile: Stats and figures on video - ChristopheW's posterous. Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu. La Galaxie Google avec ses forces et ses faiblesses - ChristopheW's posterous. Gt; Tendances du salon E-commerce 2010. How much does it cost to make an app? | Wireless Industry Partnership (WIP) - We connect mobile developers to tools, partners and resources.

Our friends over at Golden Gekko have a great post on their blog covering a question they (and we) get asked quite a bit: “How much does it cost to make an app?” As they note, it's not a particularly easy question to answer. It's sort of like asking, “How much does a car cost?” The short answer to that, like with mobile apps, is: “It depends.” Based on the cost of outsourced development, GG estimates 10,000-60,000+ euros for an iPhone app and 15,000-60,000+ for an Android or BlackBerry app. Where things get a bit more interesting is their talk about the cost of developing an app for both iPhone and Android, which they estimate at 20,000-100,000+ euros, based on the complexity of the app. GG gets to the heart of why cross-platform development remains such a bugbear for so many developers, and why it's still a hot topic at our events: How does this track with your experience?

Says Android to Become No. 2 Worldwide Mobile Operating System in 2010 and Challenge Symbian for No. 1 Position by 2014. STAMFORD, Conn., September 10, 2010 View All Press Releases    The worldwide mobile operating system (OS) market will be dominated by Symbian and Android, as the two OSs will account for 59.8 percent of mobile OS sales by 2014, according to Gartner, Inc. Symbian will remain at the top of Gartner's worldwide OS ranking due to Nokia's volume and the push into more mass market price points. However, by the end of the forecast period, the No. 1 spot will be contested with Android, which will be at a very similar share level. Communication service providers' (CSPs') marketing and vendor support for Android-based smartphones will drive the platform to become the second-largest platform, following Symbian, by year-end 2010 (see Table 1).

"The worldwide mobile OS market is dominated by four players: Symbian, Android, Research In Motion and iOS," said Roberta Cozza, principal research analyst at Gartner. Source: Gartner (August 2010) Contacts About Gartner Gartner, Inc. Apple Opens App Store To “Other” Development Platforms, Publishes Review Guidelines. The black box that is the Apple review process is creaking open. In a very brief release, Apple has essentially relaxed the requirement that developers use Apple’s own development tools “as long as the resulting apps do not download any code.” They’ve also published some review guidelines, allowing programmers to understand just what will go on behind the curtains in Cupertino.

What does this mean? Well, in the updated SDK license, circa April of this year, a number of paragraphs essentially banned outside development tools including systems that ported Flash, Silverlight, Java, and other platforms to the iPhone. Now, presumably, any app that runs on the iPhone, regardless of source, will be considered. The language is so mushy that it’s still unclear what this means. As for the review process, Apple will be publishing review guidelines, allowing app developers to meet the requirements before submitting. Press release after the jump. Statement by Apple on App Store Review Guidelines. The Geosocial Universe - ChristopheW's posterous. iTunes app total downloads to overtake songs this year - ChristopheW's posterous. The iPod Nano : how it's changed over the years - ChristopheW's posterous.

BlackBerry App World Hits 10,000 Apps. Apps Showdown : Facebook vs iPhone vs Android - ChristopheW's posterous. Value of SEO vs PPC - ChristopheW's posterous. Nike+ GPS App for iPhone. The internet marketing guide to infographics. Information graphics or infographics for short are hot to trot online for a number of reasons. Firstly, they illicit the ’wow factor’ response, (especially if they are vector based and well designed), and secondly and perhaps most importantly they tell us something in an intuitive, and easy to process way. The very nature of the format, also makes them easy to share on blogs, wiki’s, social networks and tumblelogs, without the associated hangups of traditional content duplication and syndication.

You can expect a well thought out, unique infographic to appear all over the web, often with the magical attribution link back to your site. Things to consider In 9 out of 10 cases where I’ve seen this work before as a marketing strategy, the data you choose to showcase should apply as closely to your niche as possible. As infographics are often positioned to be shared offsite, its also imperative that you take the steps to improve your brand exposure directly in the graphic itself.

So what works? 7 Awesome Foursquare infographics showing how users are collecting badges and checking in. | Wayne Sutton - location-based services, gadgets, marketing, social media, iPhone & iPad. Earlier this week I posted 9 location-based infographics showing how and why the mobile world is checking in, not including a series of Foursquare infographics I’ve seen around the web.

Foursquare data and how people are using the platform ranges from how many checkins are created by various communities to what if President Obama used Foursquare. It seems people who love createing infographics love Foursquare too therefore I deiced to have a separate post for Foursquare infographics. If you’re a data and/or Foursquare fanboy/lady here are seven awesome Foursquare infographics showing how users are collecting badges and checking in. 1.

Foursquare Check-In Analysis: July 11th through July 17th Via: Trendrr 2. Via: thenextweb 3. Via: Hubspot 4. Via: ReadWriteWeb 5. Via: ogilvyprworldwide 6. Via: Advertising Aphasia 7. Via: Mashable You can find me on Foursquare here: Android 3.0 is Honeycomb, Gingerbread 2.3? Noah from Phonedog just posted an interesting article concerning the next two upcoming Android versions. As it turns out, Gingerbread may not be the official Android 3.0, but 2.3 or 2.5, and that Honeycomb may hold the 3.0 crown. Honeycomb is also said to be the first Android release that would truly be optimized for tablets. So, where does that leave Gingerbread? So will Gingerbread remain on smartphones only? Samsung has shown us that even Froyo can look great on a tablet, so who knows just what sort of standards Google has for a software version to be considered “tablet optimized.”

So whatever Gingerbread may be, it’s more than welcome to hurry its way on over, as now users already have another version of the OS to look forward to. While I love what Google has done with Android 2.2 , Froyo is old news to me and I’m trying to patiently await the next version without peeing a little. Guess I’ll be waiting even longer to get a tablet, after all. [Via: Phonedog pic from Mashable ] iPhone, BlackBerry, not Android are top Twitter mobile clients. Twitter has realized that mobile is the place to be and has been pushing out mobile clients to all the major platforms over the course of this year. Twitter launched its Twitter for BlackBerry app as a private beta in February and rolled out the official app in July.

Unlike the other mobile platforms which were developed by Twitter independently (Android) or via acquisition (iPhone), the Twitter for BlackBerry app was developed in conjunction with RIM. Soon there after, Twitter took on the Android powerhouses of Twydroid and Seesmic when it launched the official Twitter for Android back in April of this year. Last but not least, it acquired Tweetie and rolled out the official Twitter for iPhone in May. With official apps in place on Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry, Twitter has been able to track mobile client usage on these three major platforms. Twitter for Android is noticeably absent and its absence, though confirmed not to be an oversight, is not explained. [Via Twitter] NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear! Sony Introduces New E-Readers. On Wednesday Sony will introduce a new line of e-readers and applications for iPhones and Android phones. The Sony Reader Touch Sony has updated each of its three e-readers.

The Reader Pocket Edition, with its 5-inch screen, weighs less than many of its competitors. The Reader Touch Edition has a 6-inch screen and the Reader Daily Edition is the biggest of the bunch at 7 inches. “Consistently the No. 1 thing we heard was it needs to feel like a book, so you just forget that you have a device in your hand,” said Steve Haber, president of Sony’s digital reading division. To try to achieve the book feel, Sony made the readers smaller and lighter than before.

Sony previously offered touch on the two bigger readers and updated the screens by removing the top layer of glass so there is less glare and to make them more responsive. The new devices arrive as the market is getting ever more competitive. Sony has struggled to capture the same brand recognition as other e-readers. La puissance du crowdsourcing résumée en une infographie. Dimanche 29 août 2010 7 29 /08 /Août /2010 13:35 Voici une infographie qui résume la puissance de l'écosystème du crowdsourcing qui se développe de plus en plus dans l'univers du marketing numérique ; je vous renvoie également aux tribunes libres où j'ai accueilli, Creads et eYeka, deux acteurs français de ce marché : La version complète de l'infographie en grand format : ici Source : 99designs / Via :Jean-Marie Le lien pour parcourir les billets relatifs au Marketing.

Partager l'article ! La puissance du crowdsourcing résumée en une infographie: Voici une infographie qui résume la puissance de l'écosystème du crowdsourcing qui ... inShare Par Julien Bonnel - Publié dans : Marketing 0. Huawei to unveil Android 2.2 device co-developed with Google. According to The Wall Street Journal, Huawei, the Chinese brand that does both infrastructure equipment and dabbles in devices, will announce a high end Android 2.2 device on Thursday that was jointly developed with Google.

That’s a huge win if it’s true, considering the only other device that Google ever admitted to having a say in was the HTC made Nexus One. Now let’s think about this for a second. Huawei is in the same position that HTC was in 5 years ago. Remember how HTC used to make devices for operators, but their hardware never had any HTC logos? Then one day the Taiwanese firm said they’re going to compete with the big boys and ramped up their brand and now all of a sudden they’re a force to be reckoned with.

That same tactic is likely to be implemented by Huawei who wants to prove that the Chinese can do more than just copy designs from the west and then pump out poorly built devices that break in less than a year. Color me interested. About The Author Stefan Constantinescu. Radiohead emporté par la foule - Nouvelles technos. 20 métriques pour mesurer la performance de son site web. A priori, si vous lisez cet article, vous êtes à peu prêt concerné et conscient de l’intérêt du web analytique et de son importance dans l’optimisation de la performance d’un site web. Vous savez probablement également qu’on peut tout savoir, quasiment sans limite sur les actions de vos visiteurs.

Vous avez d’ailleurs installé un outil d’analytique et constatez régulièrement le trafic et les conversions de votre site. Oui mais au-delà du fait de regarder les gros chiffres dans Google Analytics (ou dans votre outils), l’utilisez-vous réellement pour optimiser votre site ? Je vous propose aujourd’hui 20 métriques à regarder et quelques explications sur comment s’en servir pour améliorer la performance de votre site. La diversité des mots clés La diversité des mots clés, c’est tout simplement le nombre de mots clés qui vous apportent du trafic.

Par ailleurs, le trafic provenant de la longue-traîne est souvent plus qualifié car plus spécifique et entraînera ainsi peut-être plus de ventes. Utilisateur de FourSquare, attention à vous, votre femme vous surveille ;-) The Wilderness Downtown. Petit rappel sur les markets d’applications alternatifs | FrAndroid - LA communauté francophone Android. Tout d’abord, vérifions que vous savez tous ce qu’est un market d’applications : il s’agit d’une application permettant de télécharger et installer d’autres applications (la plupart donnent aussi la possibilité d’acheter ces applications). Le plus connu étant bien entendu l’Android Market de Google, pré-installé sur la plupart des terminaux actuels. C’est sur celui- ci qu’on trouve le plus grand nombre d’applications, mais ses fonctionnalités sont assez critiquées : description trop limitée, pourcentage sur les gains affecté à Google trop important, pas de suivi des utilisateurs , absence ou presque d’interface web officielle pour parcourir le market… C’est pour corriger ces différentes fonctionnalités que quelques développeurs ont décidé de créer leur propre Android Market, qu’on qualifie alors de market alternatif.

J’ai décidé aujourd’hui de vous présenter quelques alternatives… qui méritent très souvent d’être connues et utilisées. Qu’y gagne-t’on ? Appoke Appslib. Turn Your Head & Swipe: Doctors Love the iPad (Infographic) Le mobile et le social media | Clicali. Do-it-yourself home energy audit, courtesy of your smartphone. Cisco, prêt à s'offrir Skype pour 5 milliards de dollars ? - Journal du Net > e-Business. Google prévoit de se lancer dans la vidéo payante à la carte. La carte du monde de la piraterie ? | FrAndroid - LA communauté francophone Android. Sign In.