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English 9: Online Teaching Tools

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What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Google in the Classroom. Google just might change the way you teach—in a good way.

What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Google in the Classroom

It makes grading more efficient, enriches the classroom experience, and allows you to connect with your students on a level they understand—all for free. First Day of School Activities for Big Kids. Every time I mentioned Back to School on my Facebook page at least one person mentions that it can't possibly be time yet!

First Day of School Activities for Big Kids

I know, I know! It's much too soon...but the fact is that it's coming. In fact, a district a few miles away from me starts school THIS FRIDAY! Throughout the summer, I have been compiling some brilliant first day of school activities from around the blogosphere. 5 Lessons from the first week of our 9th grade iPad Program. This week we launched our first 1-to-1 iPad program for our 9th graders at The Frisch School.

5 Lessons from the first week of our 9th grade iPad Program

This program, made possible by a generous donation from Mr. Dan and Mrs. Marjorie Fried, was initiated with the belief that the iPad with its portability, long battery life, relatively low cost when compared to laptops, multi-media tools, and apps could transform education. This week has been exhausting but exhilarating as students and teachers quickly adapted to the iPad. Posts - The Tech Classroom. Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing. Google Lit Trips. The short version is simple.

Google Lit Trips

Google Lit Trips are free downloadable files that mark the journeys of characters from famous literature on the surface of Google Earth. At each location along the journey there are place marks with pop-up windows containing a variety of resources including relevant media, thought provoking discussion starters, and links to supplementary information about “real world” references made in that particular portion of the story. The focus is on creating engaging and relevant literary experiences for students. Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing. Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing. Assignment Dropbox with Google Form. Gone are the days when students complete a paper worksheet and then put it in the wire box on the teacher’s desk.

Assignment Dropbox with Google Form

In today’s world, students are creating digital projects using a variety of tools on computers and mobile devices. It can become difficult for the teacher to find and keep track of all of the students’ digital products/projects. One solution is to have students use tools that will provide a URL for their finished product, and then to collect those URLs using a Google form.

Assignment Dropbox Instructions: The Teacher Will: Go to: and log into his/her account.Create a form with the following (or similar) fields: – Class (optional) – First Name – Last Name – Project Name – Notes/Description – URLClick the blue link at the bottom of the page to view the published form.Shorten the URL of the published form (use or another shortener) and share it with the students, or embed the form into a blog, wiki, or webpage. Worksheets - English Class 9th Grade. Ms. Shindledecker / "Identity" Unit Handouts and Materials. Mr. W's Blog » 2011 » August. Welcome back, Skyhawks!

Mr. W's Blog » 2011 » August

This is going to be a great year at Snowcrest. Here are copies of my disclosures Disclosure 8 2011 Disclosure 9 2011 and the the Parent Student Teacher Compact. Please return your signed compact and disclosure and purchase your required materials by Monday, August 29. 8th graders will have a binder check that day. Mrs. Dengler's 9th grade English - Honors spring independent reading.      Welcome to English with Mr. McMillan! - Home. Unit Outlines and Documents - Ms. McNamara's 9th Grade English. Homework Assignments (Quarter 1) - Roosevelt High School English 9.

Short Stories - YoderEnglish. Examples of Flipped Classes in K12 Setting - Flipping the Classroom. MrHylerLA - 7th Grade Flipped Lessons. Daily Oral Language - Mr. Lane's English Classes. Mrs. Bagley's English Class - Home. 9th Plus Vocab Practice - Mrs. Brodbeck's 9th Grade English Courses. MaloneEnglish - Daily Assignments. Class Website for 7th and 9th Grade English. Curriculum / English - Online Student Textbook 9th-11th.

AP Syllabus. Syllabus Course Description This course is a rigorous study of language, literature, and writing designed for the college preparatory student seeking academic challenges.

AP Syllabus

The curriculum incorporates many of the elements of a college-level English composition and literature program. The course is built around in-depth studies of classic and modern literature chosen from the suggested list for the Advanced Placement program. Students are expected to engage in literature in a personal and analytical way, developing critical thinking skills, as well as increasing their mastery of the language. The course is divided into thematic units. Reading and Writing Assignments Texts include: CLASS POLICIES. Ü Entering the Classroom Enter the classroom quietly and calmly, sit in your assigned seat and begin the “Do Now” activity. ü “Do Now” Work Each day when you arrive to this class, there will be a "Do Now” assignment on the table, the board or the overhead projector.


When you enter the classroom you should immediately get started on the assignment. Blog assignment sheet juniors - Google Docs. Modifying the Flipped Classroom: The "In-Class" Version. So.

Modifying the Flipped Classroom: The "In-Class" Version

You've tried flipping your class, and it didn't go well. Or you've heard about flipping and want to try the approach, but you're pretty sure it won't work in your school. Don't give up yet -- with a slight twist, flipping might be possible for you after all. Flipped classrooms -- where direct instruction happens via video at home, and "homework" takes place in class -- are all the rage right now, and for good reason. Early research on flipped learning looks promising. Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom. This year, I admitted a hard truth to myself.

Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom

I wasn't having my students write enough. In an attempt to follow Kelly Gallagher’s advice that students should write more than we can assess, I decided to have them blog weekly. One Assignment, Many Objectives After giving students some practice and solidifying my ideas by talking to a colleague and past student, I developed this assignment. I tried to ensure that the assignment would: Starting Student Feedback Loops. Feedback has been in the spotlight lately. Gone are the days of feedback scrawled below a letter grade, the days of red-inked papers and assignments. Resources for Using iPads in Grades 9-12. If you’re a high school teacher looking for iPad resources targeting your needs, you’ve come to the right place. Students in grades 9-12 will engage with technology in different ways than younger children. They can create content, interact with their peers, and explore a range of topics using an iPad. Whether you’re in a BYOD setting, in a one-to-one program, or simply looking to use one iPad effectively, this list has apps, activities, and ideas for your high school classroom.

Favorite Apps 5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices (Edutopia, 2014) This article highlights five different apps that can be used to make movies with tablets. New Chat Encourages Best Practices for PBL. This was bound to happen. Advocates of project-based learning are strong believers in collaboration. Many are also adept at using technology tools to communicate and connect.

Of Mice and Men Essay - Caroline's 9th Grade English Portfolio. 9th Grade English Standard - Library of Literature and Learning. My 9th Grade English Portfolio - Introduction. Blogs - Ms. Payseur's English Family. Mrs Scotten - Welcome to 8th Grade Language Arts! 9th Grade Portfolio - Ms. Brody's Class.

9th Grade English: 2010-11: STUDENT BLOGS. Se connecter à Facebook. Mrs. Waters' English. Hashtag #ELA sur Twitter. ELA Classroom. SAS MS Tech Resources for Students. Documents - 8th Grade English. Mrs. Scales' Room » Weekly Lesson Plans. Every week you will find the weekly lesson plans for English 10 on a new page. This weekly lesson plan will be changed and updated as needed and should be the first place to look for information about what is going on in our classroom.

You are responsible for knowing the information on the lesson plans and meeting all due dates as posted on the lesson plans. 2015/16 English 10 Lesson Plans English 10 / Scales Lesson Plan for Aug. 10 – 14 Unit 1 Introduction to English 10: Practicing the Habits of a Lifelong Learner At the beginning of English 10, the goal is to introduce students to thinking, reading, and writing strategies, which they will develop throughout the course.

Essential Questions.