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Nestle Baby Formula Case

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Census_2011_Census_in_brief. Mark Thomas Comedy Product Series 4 Episode 3 Nestle. Maternal attitude and practices in ... [Indian J Pediatr. 1988 Nov-Dec. Babies Means Business. THE lives of hundreds of thousands of infants could be saved each year in the 1980’s by the promotion of breastfeeding, said James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF.

Babies Means Business

The World Health Organization indicts the infant formula industry: ‘The promotion, marketing and distribution of breastmilk substitutes can. . . contribute to the overall discouragement of breastfeeding and contribute to underfeeding, malnutrition, and vulnerability to infection.’ The current corporate drive to replace breastmilk with a profitable artificial product is convincing women perfectly capable of producing wholesome, plentiful breastmilk to become consumers of expensive, imperfect and sometimes lethal infant formula. The infant formula industry’s attack on the basic human function of breastfeeding has been the rallying point for the largest-ever international campaign to expose and reverse exploitative corporate practices.

But the scandal is not a unique case. How does an industry go about creating consumers? THE CONTROVERSY OVER INFANT FORMULA. When the Jamaican woman brought her two babies to Alan Jackson's clinic at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, the pediatrician was shocked by their condition.


Her 4-month-old son weighed only five pounds - two less than at birth - and her daughter was in even worse shape. At 18 months, she weighed only 12 pounds, and soon lost four more. When Dr. Jackson questioned the woman, who had 10 other children, he discovered that she had never breast-fed her two youngest. Their diets since birth had been infant formula. There is no third-world poverty in Cooperstown, N.Y. But Allan Cunningham, who had been a pediatrician for a tribe of Sioux Indians before moving to Cooperstown, became aware of something odd about his new patients at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital: Nearly all of the sick in-fants he treated were formula-fed.

Dr. Formula for Disaster: UNICEF documentary (FULL VIDEO) THE%20BABY%20KILLER%201974. The Infant Formula Controversy. Case_1_2_Nestle_The_Infant_Formula_Controversy. P1396. Higher Education. Idiocracy - Brawndo. Rates of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1 in Africa, Am... : JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Rates_of_Mother_to_Child_Transmission_of_HIV_1_in.11. How Nestle Chile Reached Female Consumers - Avivah Wittenberg-Cox.

By Avivah Wittenberg-Cox | 8:00 AM July 30, 2012 Nestle has a fairly decentralized management culture.

How Nestle Chile Reached Female Consumers - Avivah Wittenberg-Cox

So rolling out a program to gender balance the corporation’s management globally across over 100 countries was always going to be more about followership and role modeling success than it would be about a centralized imposition of the scorecard-based approach typical of many companies. As I described in a previous post, I helped CEO Paul Bulcke and fellow members of Nestle’s Executive Board to led the way by running workshops (we called them “Awareness Sessions”) with their own teams first, highlighting the business case for achieving a more equitable balance of gender in the company’s management teams. The members of these teams in turn let leaders around the world know that the Awareness Sessions were being made available to those who wanted to structure the debate in their own divisions and geographies.

Take the case of Nestle’s unit in Chile. They had to fight for their concept. Nestle's Infant Formula Scandal.