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Sikh group develops app to report airport profiling. By Arielle Hawkins, CNN Washington (CNN)–– Airline travelers who feel they've been harassed at airport check-ins by screeners now have a speedier outlet on which to complain right at their fingertips.

Sikh group develops app to report airport profiling

The Sikh Coalition, a civil rights advocacy group, on Monday released a mobile application on iPhones and Android phones giving passengers who feel they've been racially or religiously profiled a way to speak out against screeners with the Transportation Security Administration. The free mobile app, FlyRights, prompts disgruntled passengers with questions and allows them to quickly check the basis on which they feel they've been discriminated, then name the airport where the incident occurred, the airline and the flight number.

Gay Romney aide quits over sexuality backlash - Americas. A spokesperson for expected Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has resigned, after critics questioned his conservatism because of his sexuality.

Gay Romney aide quits over sexuality backlash - Americas

Richard Grenell, who is gay, announced on Tuesday that he has decided to leave Romney's campaign after just a few weeks. In a statement, Grenell said his "ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues" was hurt by what he called "hyperpartisan discussion of personal issues". Grenell previously worked for John Bolton, Washington's former ambassador to the UN, as well as other foreign policy hawks. Clinton faces human rights showdown in China - Asia-Pacific. Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has arrived in Beijing for talks with Chinese leaders that risk being overshadowed by the case of an activist said to be under US protection.

Clinton faces human rights showdown in China - Asia-Pacific

Her visit on Wednesday comes at a highly sensitive time for US-China relations, with the embassy in Beijing said to be protecting the blind rights campaigner Chen Guangcheng, who fled house arrest last week. Publicly, the US and Chinese governments have said nothing about the Chen case. Neither side wants the biggest human-rights issue between the two since Tiananmen Square to damage a working relationship between the world's top importer and exporter, and between the world's biggest military and the fastest developing. Chen, a 40-year-old lawyer who exposed forced abortions and sterilisations as part of China's one-child policy, was delivered into the protection of US diplomats in Beijing late last week, according to fellow activists. Obama silent The president's options are limited. Key factor. Wall Photos. When Obama Endorsed Same-Sex Marriage. D Magazine : Barrett Brown is Anonymous. Comment.

D Magazine : Barrett Brown is Anonymous

Comrade Locke - By Anne Henochowicz. China doesn’t know what to make of Gary Locke.

Comrade Locke - By Anne Henochowicz

The first Chinese-American ambassador to Beijing, the friendly, self-effacing Locke has become an online celebrity for acting like the opposite of a typical Chinese government official. His fans think he’s selfless and heroic; his detractors call him deceitful and traitorous for representing the United States instead of China. The Locke debate began last August with a photo taken of the incoming ambassador at the Seattle airport on his way to China to take up his post. The photographer, a tech entrepreneur named Tang Chaohui, watched in disbelief as Locke bought his own coffee. "The funny thing is Ambassador Locke pulled out some kind of coupon and gave it to the cashier," Tang wrote.

6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America. When it comes to the birth of America, most of us are working from a stew of elementary school history lessons, Westerns and vague Thanksgiving mythology.

6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America

And while it's not surprising those sources might biff a couple details, what's shocking is how much less interesting the version we learned was. It turns out our teachers, Hollywood and whoever we got our Thanksgiving mythology from (Big Turkey?) All made America's origin story far more boring than it actually was for some very disturbing reasons. For instance ... #6. Counterparties: America’s trillion-dollar student debt burden. Obama's Gay Marriage Position Mobilizes Latino Supporters. Not surprisingly, President Obama’s announcement last week in support of same-sex marriage appeared to mobilize his gay supporters.

Obama's Gay Marriage Position Mobilizes Latino Supporters

But, contrary to what some might expect, it also appeared to mobilize his Latino supporters, regardless of their sexual orientation. Latinos, who are predominately Roman Catholic and who are more often associated with immigrant rights than gay issues, happen to support gay rights in larger numbers than the rest of the American populace. In a survey conducted last year by the Pew Research Center, 59 percent of Latinos said homosexuality should be accepted by society, compared to 58 percent of the general population. Shirl Mora James is lead co-president of the non-partisan National Tequila Party Movement, which encourages Hispanic voter registration, promotes the DREAM act, and supports children regardless of their sexual orientation.

Dreaming of a World Without Intellectuals - The Chronicle Review. By Russell Jacoby Are conservative intellectuals anti-intellectual? The short answer must be no. Edmund Burke, Leo Strauss, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Harvey Mansfield, Wilfred M. McClay—conservative thinkers have championed scholarship, learning, and history. The long answer, however, is more ambiguous. A new book, America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered in the Obamacrats) (Encounter), by David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale, affords an occasion to revisit the issue: Do contemporary American conservatives scapegoat intellectuals and teachers? William F. Or consider feminism. To their suspicion of economic analyses of social issues, American conservatives add a suspicion of intellectuals as elitists. Buckley was hardly alone in deriding intellectuals as out-of-touch elitists, an attitude that can easily slide into a wholesale denunciation of knowledge and education itself.

No longer. Magazine - Why Women Still Can’t Have It All. The culture of “time macho”—a relentless competition to work harder, stay later, pull more all-nighters, travel around the world and bill the extra hours that the international date line affords you—remains astonishingly prevalent among professionals today.

Magazine - Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

Nothing captures the belief that more time equals more value better than the cult of billable hours afflicting large law firms across the country and providing exactly the wrong incentives for employees who hope to integrate work and family. Yet even in industries that don’t explicitly reward sheer quantity of hours spent on the job, the pressure to arrive early, stay late, and be available, always, for in-person meetings at 11 a.m. on Saturdays can be intense. Indeed, by some measures, the problem has gotten worse over time: a study by the Center for American Progress reports that nationwide, the share of all professionals—women and men—working more than 50 hours a week has increased since the late 1970s.

Revaluing Family Values. House Passes CISPA In Early Vote. At Trial, Serb Gen. Mladic Taunts Survivors With Throat-Cutting Gesture : The Two-Way. Hide captionFormer Bosnian Serb Gen.

At Trial, Serb Gen. Mladic Taunts Survivors With Throat-Cutting Gesture : The Two-Way

Ratko Mladic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague earlier today. Toussaint Kluiters /AFP/Getty Images Former Bosnian Serb Gen.

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