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Time Management Tips. On this page, I've gathered some of the most performant time management tips and tricks.

Time Management Tips

The Eisenhower Method: What is it? The Eisenhower method, or Eisenhower Box, is a method used to organize duties and tasks in order to figure out priorities.

The Eisenhower Method: What is it?

The explanation of the Eisenhower Method/Eisenhower Box from Wikipedia: “All tasks are evaluated using the criteria important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent and put in according quadrants. Tasks in unimportant/not urgent are dropped, tasks in important/urgent are done immediately and personally, tasks in unimportant/urgent are delegated and tasks in important/not urgent get an end date and are done personally. This method is said to have been used by US President Dwight D. 5 Apps to "Gamify" Your Habits and Turn Boring Tasks Into Exciting Ones. Work.

5 Apps to "Gamify" Your Habits and Turn Boring Tasks Into Exciting Ones

Is. Boring. Am I right? Just the thought of of sitting down… opening a text page… getting your work notes out… and doing the work… Bleh, not fun at all. These 5 Every Day Distractions Will Suck Your Life Away if You Let Them. We live in a world where almost everyone is in a rush – whether it’s getting to a meeting venue on time, submitting work notes on schedule, beating traffic so as not be late to work or school – these are just some of the common scenarios that mirror how hectic our schedule have become.

These 5 Every Day Distractions Will Suck Your Life Away if You Let Them

With so many things to do in 24-hours, we seldom get the chance of getting everything done. 5 Ways To Start Being Productive Today. Being productive is hard.

5 Ways To Start Being Productive Today

We have access to thousands of distractions thanks to the internet, and then there’s the stuff we have around us; kids, dogs, people mowing their lawns, the neighbors loud music… It’s an endless sea of distractions. But there are tips that can help alleviate these problems, and they’re actually pretty easy to use. You’re forcing productivity Here’s the thing with productivity, it’s not something that you can just bulldog your way through. Time Saving Tech Tools. “All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.”

Time Saving Tech Tools

-Baltasar Gracian Honestly, I don’t ever have enough time. Between phone calls, emails, blog work and all the myriad other tasks that demand attention, the 24 hours in my day rushes by far too quickly. And rarely do I get everything done that was scheduled for my waking hours. 5 Simple Ways to Have a Productive Day. “Make your day a masterpiece.”

5 Simple Ways to Have a Productive Day

That’s the advice that John Wooden got from his father, Joshua Wooden. He took this advice to heart: he went on to become one of the greatest coaches ever. Of course, it’s not easy to make our day a masterpiece. 8 productivity proverbs backed up with interesting stats. How To Manage Your Email. Do you feel like you spend half your day processing emails instead of actually working?

How To Manage Your Email

You aren’t alone. Marsha Egan, C.E.O. of and author of “Inbox Detox and the Habit of Email Excellence,” says that a full inbox is “an immediate source of stress—it reminds you of everything you’re not going to get done.” According to Egan, the average worker receives 100 to 200 emails per day. Even if you only spend a minute addressing each one, that’s two to three hours on email alone! To fight back against the inbox black hole, she says, we don’t need to pay for fancy plugins or shiny apps. ”The issue is self-management,” Egan explains. That sounds reasonable, but how do we do it? 1. 25 Bold Ways to Avoid the Trap of Overwhelm. "There is more to life than increasing its speed.

25 Bold Ways to Avoid the Trap of Overwhelm

" ~ Gandhi. 24 Time Management Tips For, Well, Everyone. 6 CEO Productivity Tips to Steal for Yourself. Everyone knows that leading a company one of the toughest gigs around.

6 CEO Productivity Tips to Steal for Yourself

Whether running a small business or a multi-national corporation, CEOs have to manage time, resources, and multiple demands while finding the time and head space to make decisions and plot strategies that will determine the course of their business. Which means that they’ve developed some master systems and tricks to maximize their productivity. 5 Essential Time-Saving Tips For Leaders. One of the most precious commodities for executives today is TIME. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to complete tasks. Tech distractions are a major factor in reducing productivity.

Imagine sitting down to write a major report a decade ago. World's Most Fun (and Effective) Productivity Tip. We all want to be smarter and easier to get along with. So when it comes to maximizing our performance and that of your team, here's my advice: Try dancing. A few weeks ago in Brooklyn, New York, more than 100 people gathered at an early-morning event called Morningloryville, a morning rave. As a harried entrepreneur, I experienced both a mental and emotional lift. I left the event feeling clear-headed, creative, and focused.

There was joy, active movement, and most important, a general sense of connectedness and acceptance. World's Most Fun (and Effective) Productivity Tip. 2013 Wasting Time at Work Survey. How to Use Extensions with the Chrome Web Browser. Google Chrome Extensions - How to Use Install Extensions in Google Chrome 6 for Windows - Open Your Google Chrome Browser. 7 Apps to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Build New Habits. Hopefully, by now you have written goals for this next year. If not, my new course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever, can guide you through the process. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock/Lonely But as much as I believe in having a set of written goals, it is not enough. Master Time Management From Inside Out. Posted on 27. May, 2014 by lollydaskal in Blog, Career, Goals and Success, Lead From Within, Leadership, Leadership Development, Personal Development, Workplace Each one of us has 24 hours to our day, 18,400 unique minutes.

How we master our time makes a big difference. Time management is an art. Lifehack - Tips for Life. 1-on-1: David Allen's Two Minute Rule. Good day. Every day. Google Tasks Manager. Free online to do list - manage all your everyday tasks - Wunderlist. The urgent-important matrix for time management fans. Eisenhower Helps You Prioritize Your Tasks with The Urgency-Importance Matrix. I really like the concept, I was looking for a "four quadrant" todo application for some time and this looks best so far. And finally a todo app that actually uses the calendar for scheduling!

However there are some showstoppers: The check off animation is slow as well as the "all done" fade in/out. This kind of eyecandy is not really adding to productivity. It would be better if the scheduling started with focus on the date/time instead of the title which you have already typed as a task name, you know "what" you want to do, the important thing during scheduling is "when". Also and indicator that the event has already been scheduled could be useful. It would be nice to have an indicator of number of tasks in the "not do" quadrant. Two smaller but painful things, the icon is not very nice and does not reflect what the application does. 6 Apps and Programs That Make Prioritization a Breeze.

3 Top Ways We Waste Time & What to Do About It. Totally Amazing Tools - Google Chrome Addition » Modern Day Admin » Kansas City Virtual Administrative Assistant Bringing Balance To Your Work & Life. Getting things Done for MAC - iGTD. Organize your life by contexts. Technology tips to stay organized. Students have a lot on their plate. Whether it's a heavy work load, playing a sport, leading a club, being involved in the Student Government Association or Residential Life there are always different obligations pulling you in different directions.

Not to mention, of course, a social life. 18 Epic Productivity Apps to Help You Live Your Dreams. Apps should make you more productive. 55 Apps That Can Make You More Productive. Get off email. Get it Done: 35 Habits of the Most Productive People (Infographic) Dragon Dictation App – Text to Speech App  - GTD software for Getting Things Done. The Only 5 Tools You Need to Implement GTD. Eight Productivity Tools for Getting Things Done — Business coach, trainer, and designer. Helping you make your business happen! Whiteboard Business Partners.