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What is a Learning Technologist? Review of ‘What is a Learning Technologist?’

What is a Learning Technologist?

By David Hopkins. David Hopkins new short book entitled ‘What is a Learning Technologist’ caught my eye because it’s a question that I’ve asked myself many times. In 2010 after 20 years working as a college lecturer and then lecturer in Higher Education I made the leap over to the ‘dark side’ and became a Learning Technologist at Regent’s University in London. Regent’s is a new University and didn’t previously have anyone doing my role and to be honest they didn’t really know what they wanted me to do. I was lucky and had a manager who had enough confidence in me to let me just get on with things and define my own agenda. eLearning, mLearning, Blackboard, Blogging, Social Media, and the stuff in between / David Hopkins. Certified Membership (CMALT) The eLearning Coach - Ideas and tips for designing mobile and online learning.

Prensky - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - Part1.pdf. E-language - home. ELTJ: Digital literacies. DigitalLiteracies.pdf. SAMR Model - Technology Is Learning. TPACK.ORG. New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies. In this article I want to reflect on the rhetoric of 'Web 2.0' and its potential versus actual impact.

New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies

I want to suggest that we need to do more than look at how social networking technologies are being used generally as an indicator of their potential impact on education, arguing instead that we need to rethink what are the fundamental characteristics of learning and then see how social networking can be harnessed to maximise these characteristics to best effect. I will further argue that the current complexity of the digital environment requires us to develop 'schema' or approaches to thinking about how we can best harness the benefits these new technologies confer. The Tension between Web 2.0 and Education So my primary interest is to focus on the educational aspects of new technologies and in particular what might be appropriate 'schema' for describing the ways in which technologies are being used. 1102R distans vid universitet högskolor. Flexspan. Pm it iundervisningen. Onetoonecomputing. Applying Social Informatics for Tertiaryteaching.

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