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Stop Animation - CNPS 56W. ICT by Teachers - Welcome. Block Posters - Create large wall posters from any image for free! ZooBurst. PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives. Get EduCreative - Home. CopaICTools - home. Get Smart - Home.

ICT with Miss C - Home. Laura Chaffey - Smore. Docs in Drive - AppsforEducationDEC. Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - Home Page. Sydney Region School ICT Website - Welcome to Sydney Region IT Support. IT Service Desk. Sydney Region School ICT Website - Step by Step Instructions for accessing DEC Intranet URLs from Home via the Portal. Written by Stuart Hasic Created on Thursday, 20 February 2014 11:01 Say you have been given a DEC Intranet URL like: - this example is the URL to the Private and Secondary Employment Policy, and you'd like to access it at home. Here’s how: 1. 2. 3. 4. It should work fine. Support - Check Warranty Status (AU) Schools - Dance Mat Typing - Home. | create and share visual ideas online. Vimeo. Symbaloo.

LiveBinders. Moodle. The 7E’s of Lesson Planning | learningmatters. I initially came across this idea a few years ago when I was using some materials provided by Upd8 (Science ASE Resource). The 7es provided a clear framework for designing Science lessons. The more I used it, the more I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. Making small changes to my old lesson plans e.g. moving the part where students explored before my explanation had massive impact on engagement and progress. I had always delivered fast pace, high energy lessons that had a mix of activities (VAK). Lising my best lessons were the ones that were closest matched to this framework. In most cases you will start with the “Elicit”. The next stage is the stage that will be KEY in assessing their progress, knowledge and understanding. As an AST and SLE I have used this deconstructive planning method a lot, particularly when coaching.

Explore-The E’s of lesson planning- This is a PowerPoint that has a few ideas for the type of thing you might do for each of the Es Like this: Like Loading... Interactive Whiteboard Activities | eLearning Resources for Teachers and Students. Google Apps Bloom's Taxonomy - Lives in Context. Resourcelinkbce | Just another site. Google Apps Digital Learning Farm - Lives in Context. Mobile Learning | Jenny Jongste.

Mobile Learning is the future of computing… Utilizing mobile learning allows at ‘point of need’ and ‘just in time’ learning to be the focus of a lesson rather than predetermined points defined by the teacher. The focus shifts from a teacher centred environment to a student centred environment with the teacher as guide and mentor. Hands down personal favourite tools are the iPod touch and the iPad The advent of the iPod touch and the iPad have started great changes in the way people view and approach mobile devices in education. Here are some of the most useful sites I have found for details and information about the use of mobile learning tools. Tony Vincent’s Learning in Hand site is fantastic for apps, details of management and practical details.

WordPress site about iPod Touch in Schools. Denise Plain is using iPods in her school and details many links to a range of pages of details. Jenny Ashby is trying out lots of differnet apps and uses for the ipods and ipads. CEO Mobile Devices Course. iPad Apps and Bloom’s Taxonomy   I felt it was worthwhile to update the Top Post (over 25,000 views) on Langwitches: Bloom’s Taxonomy for iPads I have added links to each app represented on the visual.

Remember: Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers. describenamefindnamelisttell Suggested apps: Understand: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by being able to: explaincomparediscusspredicttranslateoutlinerestate Suggested Apps: Apply: Using new knowledge. Showcompleteuseexamineillustrateclassifysolve Analyze: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Compareexamineexplainidentifycategorizecontrastinvestigate Evaluate: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria justifyassessprioritizerecommendratedecidechoose Suggested Apps Create: planinventcomposedesignconstructimagine Related Bloom's Taxonomy and iPad Apps 21.

In "Featured Carousel" 7. 29.