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Musique polyphonique du moyen-âge - école de Saint-Martial. L'école de Saint-Martial L'étape qui suit le chant grégorien est représentée par l'École d'Aquitaine, dite encore École de Saint-Martial, car l'abbaye de Saint-Martial de Limoges fut le grand centre musical de son époque et son influence rayonnait sur toute la région aquitaine. Du fait de sa position sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle elle constituait en outre un point de rencontre privilégié.

Les oeuvres que l'on définit du "style de Saint-Martial" datent de la fin du XIème siècle et de la 1ère moitié du XIIème siècle, c'est-à-dire en pleine époque de l'architecture romane. Les quatre effets paradoxaux que l'on doit s'attendre à trouver dans le style de Saint-Martial sont "synchronisé / incommensurable", "continu / coupé", "lié / indépendant" et "même / différent" [voir le tableau qui les regroupe].

L'extrait que nous analysons est un Versus intitulé "O primus homo coruit", interprété par l'Ensemble Organum sous la direction de Marcel Pérès. RI OPAC. “In the Name of Almighty God”: Gregory VII and the Investiture Controversy - – October 6, 2011Posted in: Articles “In the Name of Almighty God”: Gregory VII and the Investiture Controversy By Sam Dollarhide Western Oregon University, Senior Seminar Thesis, 2010 Introduction: The Investiture Controversy was a conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the German King Henry IV over who had the right to appoint church officials in the Catholic Church.

In the Roman Council of 1074 presided over by Gregory he declared: “Those who have been advanced to any grade of holy orders, or to any office, through simony, that is the payment of money, shall hereafter have no right to officiate in the holy church.” This statement as well as several others made throughout the Dictatus Papae offended and enraged secular rulers across Western Europe, especially Henry IV the Holy Roman Emperor, who previous to Gregory’s pontificate had appointed church officials at their pleasure. Over the years scholars have examined the life of Gregory VII. Seconde bible de Saint-Martial du XIème.

Iconographie germanique

Persée : Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales. Exempla and lineage: Motives for crusading, 900-1150 - Exempla and lineage: Motives for crusading, 900-1150 Robert H. Bouskill (McGill University, Montréal) M.A. Thesis, History, McGill University (1996) Abstract From 900 to 1150, major institutional and political changes took hold in Europe. with the advent of the castellans and consolidation of the agnatic noble family, new terms of reference were deployed by writers to reflect these changes.

Abstract – French De 900 à 1150, des transformations majeures eurent lieu en Europe, tant au niveau institutionnel que politique. Click here to read this thesis from McGill University.


Exempla and lineage: Motives for crusading, 900-1150 - Revues. Monnaie. Châteaux. Christian Values and Noble Ideas of Rank and their Consequences on Symbolic Acts - – August 5, 2011Posted in: Articles Christian Values and Noble Ideas of Rank and their Consequences on Symbolic Acts By Gerd Althoff e-Spania, Vol.4 (2007) Abstract: In the Middle Ages a Christian system of values met the values of a noble warrior society. Although these two systems had completely different conceptions of norms, they adapted from each other certain values and symbolic forms to express these values. The development of this adaptation is depicted by treating the Christian values misericordia, humilitas and clementia. In which way did the noble warrior society take up these values and how did these norms possibly change?

Misericordia, for example, became an essential part of noble behaviour, but the fundamental idea of Christian misericordia was changed. Although the value of humilitas implied a sharp contrast to the values of honor and rank, one can find forms of expression, which revealed a noble’s or ruler’s humility. Click here to read this article from e-Spania. Léon IX et la Moselle... [11ème s.]

Saint-Sernin médiéval. Le moine, le roi, l’évêque. First Crusade -


Persée : Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales. We’re on a Mission from God: A Translation, Commentary, and Essay Concerning The Hierosolymita by Ekkehard of Aura - We’re on a Mission from God: A Translation, Commentary, and Essay Concerning The Hierosolymita by Ekkehard of Aura King, Matthew LaBarge (University of Washington) History Honours Thesis, University of Washington, March 7, 2011 Abstract This project is a translation, essay, and commentary about the Hierosolymita by Ekkehard of Aura. Written in the early 12th century, the Hierosolymita is a First Crusade chronicle that has been largely ignored by historians. Click here to read this thesis from the University of Washington. Illuminated Manuscript, Reichenau Gospels, Evangelist portrait of John, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.7, fol.161v. Who Went on the Crusades to the Holy Land? -

– July 19, 2011Posted in: Articles Who Went on the Crusades to the Holy Land? By Christopher Tyerman The Horns of Hattin: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Society of the Crusades and the Latin East, ed. B.Z. Introduction: However the crusades to the Holy Land are regarded, the question of who undertook the journey to Jerusalem is of central importance. Click here to read this article from De Re Militari. Wellsprings of Heresy: Monks, Myth and Making Manichaeans in Orleans and Aquitaine - – July 24, 2011Posted in: Articles Wellsprings of Heresy: Monks, Myth and Making Manichaeans in Orleans and Aquitaine M.A. History Thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina (2009) Abstract The execution of a number of clerics at Orléans in 1022 is viewed as a watershed moment in the history of heresy in the West. Five documents bear witness to the events, and each presents problems for historians.

The accounts of Adémar of Chabannes and Paul of St Père de Chartres have received more attention than others, since they hint at the presence of dualist heretics in France, whom some historians have sought to link to the dualist Bogomils of Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire. Click here to read this thesis from North Carolina State University. Patterns of Episcopal Power: Bishops in Tenth and Eleventh Century Western Europe - – July 22, 2011Posted in: Books Patterns of Episcopal Power: Bishops in Tenth and Eleventh Century Western Europe Edited by Ludger Körntgen and Dominik Waßenhoven Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-11-026202-5 Publisher’s Synopsis: In medieval Europe, the death of a king could not only cause a dispute about the succession, but also a severe crisis.

Click here to visit the Publisher’s Site. Laetus diaconus | Un espace d'échanges autour de l'écrit et du visuel au Moyen Âge. 2009allenphd[edited].pdf (Objet application/pdf) Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris - Les élites dans le haut Moyen Âge. L’historiographie des élites dans le haut Moyen Âge Textes de travail rédigés dans le cadre de la recherche sur « Les Élites dans le haut Moyen Âge VIe-XIIe siècle », (Marne-la-Vallée et Paris 1), 27 et 28 novembre 2003. Travaux mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique en octobre 2004.] Régine Le Jan, Introduction Hans Werner Goetz, L’historiographie allemande de la noblesse Philippe Depreux, L’historiographie des élites politiques Sylvie Joye, L’historiographie des élites féminines Steffen Patzold, L’historiographie allemande de l’épiscopat Charles Mériaux, L’historiographie des élites ecclésiastiques Laurent Feller, L’historiographie des élites rurales Anne Nissen-Jaubert, La spatialisation des élites Stuart Airlie, L’historiographie des élites en Gaule Alban Gautier, L’historiographie des élites dans le monde anglo-saxon Céline Martin, L’historiographie des élites en Espagne Vito Lorè, L’historiographie des élites en Italie Voir également : Les élites aux frontières.

Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris - Les communautés d’habitants. La formation des communautés d’habitants au Moyen Âge. Perspectives historiographiques Textes de la plupart des communications faites lors de la table ronde de Xanten (R.F.A.), les 19-22 juin 2003, organisée par Ludolf Kuchenbuch, Dieter Scheler et Joseph Morsel [Travaux mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique en avril 2005]. Joseph Morsel, Indroduction Juliette Dumasy, L’approche des communautés rurales par le biais des communaux. Autour de Nadine Vivier et Nicole Lemaître Emmanuel Huertas, Les communautés d’habitants en Italie aux XIe-XIIe- siècles.

Parcours historiographique Patrice Beck, Lecture d’Osvaldo Raggio, « Faide e parentele. Lo stato genovese visto dalla Fontanabuona » (1990) Roland Viader, Lecture de José Angel García de Cortázar, « La sociedad rural en la España medieval » Monique Bourin, L’historiographie des communautés de la France méridionale Ghislain Brunel, Aux origines des communautés d’habitants. Islam medieval: espaces, reseaux et pratiques culturelles. ::: Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance ::: St. Gall Monastery Plan - Welcome. The Plan of St. Gall The Plan of St. Gall is the earliest preserved and most extraordinary visualization of a building complex produced in the Middle Ages. Drawn and annotated on five pieces of parchment sewn together, the St. Why was it made? One of the inscriptions on the Plan itself states that it was designed for Gozbert, the abbot of St. While our inability to pinpoint the Plan's author and his motivation is frustrating, the conclusion that the Plan was not created for a specific time and place paradoxically makes it more valuable: the Plan might be fairly characterized as a two-dimensional meditation on the ideal early medieval monastic community, created at a time when monasticism was one of the dominant forms of political, economic, and cultural power in Europe.

What's on our site? This site will provide access to the results of our long-term project of creating an extensive data base to aid research into the Plan and Carolingian monastic culture. Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris - 2011. 8-11 - Pecia Le livre et l'écrit. Almsgiving and the Formation of Early Medieval Societies, A.D. 700-1025 - – July 7, 2011Posted in: Articles Almsgiving and the Formation of Early Medieval Societies, A.D. 700-1025 By Eric Shuler PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame (2010) Abstract: This dissertation undertakes an investigation of a behavior practiced by kings and commoners alike: charity to the poor or, to adopt the term favored then, almsgiving (eleemosina).

It covers early medieval England and Francia. This work makes two arguments, one for continuity and one for change. Early medieval Christians embraced their late antique inheritance of almsgiving, entrenching it as a sophisticated and robust system of personal and institutional charity. The second part describes the practice of almsgiving. The third part turns to society. Click here to read this thesis from the University of Notre Dame. Les représentations du pouvoir dans la broderie de Bayeux (XIe siècle) - – December 7, 2008Posted in: Articles Les représentations du pouvoir dans la broderie de Bayeux (XIe siècle) By Philippe Lardin Histoire, Images, Imaginaire, edited by Pascal Dupuy (University of Pisa, 2002) Abstract: La broderie de Bayeux est un document exceptionnel pour connaître le XIe siècle dans ses aspects les plus concrets.

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