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How to Install MySQL in Ubuntu 10.04. Database management system is necessary every where whether it’s a web application or other business purpose software;in ubuntu 10.04 you may like to use MySQL,the fastest database management system for web applications. MySQL is one of the most widely used database management system and it is light,free and open source so it is also in resonance with ubuntu philosophy.The aim of this post is to help you in installing mysql on your ubuntu 10.04 to help you in getting started with mysql.

Install MySQL on Ubuntu 10.04 1. First,Open SPM(Synaptic Package Manager) from System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager.Enter your password(Ubuntu login account) if it ask else,proceed to next step.2. 6. To access Mysql server you can use following command in the linux terminal. Mysql -u root -h localhost -p (Enter the root password that you entered at the time of installation) You can also install MySQL query browser(From Ubuntu Software Center) to make this process more simple. Welcome to Apache™ Hadoop™! GettingStartedWithHadoop.

Note: for the 1.0.x series of Hadoop the following articles will probably be easiest to follow: The below instructions are primarily for the 0.2x series of Hadoop. Hadoop can be downloaded from one of the Apache download mirrors. You may also download a nightly build or check out the code from subversion and build it with Ant. Select a directory to install Hadoop under (let's say /foo/bar/hadoop-install) and untar the tarball in that directory. A directory corresponding to the version of Hadoop downloaded will be created under the /foo/bar/hadoop-install directory. Startup scripts The $HADOOP_INSTALL/hadoop/bin directory contains some scripts used to launch Hadoop DFS and Hadoop Map/Reduce daemons. - Starts the Hadoop DFS daemons, the namenode and datanodes. It is also possible to run the Hadoop daemons as Windows Services using the Java Service Wrapper (download this separately). Configuration files More details on configuration can be found on the HowToConfigure page. <? Running Hadoop On Ubuntu Linux (Single-Node Cluster) @ Michael G. Noll. In this tutorial I will describe the required steps for setting up a pseudo-distributed, single-node Hadoop cluster backed by the Hadoop Distributed File System, running on Ubuntu Linux. Hadoop is a framework written in Java for running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware and incorporates features similar to those of the Google File System (GFS) and of the MapReduce computing paradigm.

Hadoop’s HDFS is a highly fault-tolerant distributed file system and, like Hadoop in general, designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. It provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. The main goal of this tutorial is to get a simple Hadoop installation up and running so that you can play around with the software and learn more about it.

This tutorial has been tested with the following software versions: Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS (deprecated: 8.10 LTS, 8.04, 7.10, 7.04) Hadoop 1.0.3, released May 2012 Sun Java 6 Disabling IPv6. Welcome to Apache Pig! Pig Setup. Overview Requirements Unix and Windows users need the following: Hadoop 20 - Java 1.6 - Set JAVA_HOME to the root of your Java installation. Ant 1.7 - (optional, for builds) JUnit 4.5 - (optional, for unit tests) Windows users need to install Cygwin and the Perl package: Run Modes Pig has two run modes or exectypes: Local Mode - To run Pig in local mode, you need access to a single machine.

You can run the Grunt shell, Pig scripts, or embedded programs using either mode. Beginning Pig Download Pig To get a Pig distribution, download a recent stable release from one of the Apache Download Mirrors (see Pig Releases). Unpack the downloaded Pig distribution. Add /pig-n.n.n/bin to your path. . $ export PATH=/<my-path-to-pig>/pig-n.n.n/bin:$PATH Try the following command, to get a list of Pig commands: $ pig -help $ pig Grunt Shell Local Mode Build Pig. Pig Tutorial. Overview The Pig tutorial shows you how to run two Pig scripts in local mode and mapreduce mode. Local Mode: To run the scripts in local mode, no Hadoop or HDFS installation is required. All files are installed and run from your local host and file system. Mapreduce Mode: To run the scripts in mapreduce mode, you need access to a Hadoop cluster and HDFS installation.

The Pig tutorial file (tutorial/pigtutorial.tar.gz file in the pig distribution) includes the Pig JAR file (pig.jar) and the tutorial files (tutorial.jar, Pigs scripts, log files). These files work with Hadoop 0.20 and provide everything you need to run the Pig scripts. To get started, follow these basic steps: Install Java. Java Installation Make sure your run-time environment includes the following: Java 1.6 or higher (preferably from Sun) The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set the root of your Java installation. Pig Installation To install Pig, do the following: Download the Pig tutorial file to your local directory.

Installing and Running Pig - Programming Pig. Installing Ubuntu inside Windows using VirtualBox. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The screenshots in this tutorial use Ubuntu 12.04, but the same principles apply also to Ubuntu 12.10, 11.10, 10.04, and any future version of Ubuntu. Actually, you can install pretty much any Linux distribution this way. Introduction VirtualBox allows you to run an entire operating system inside another operating system. Please be aware that you should have a minimum of 512 MB of RAM. 1 GB of RAM or more is recommended. Comparison to Dual-Boot Many websites (including the one you're reading) have tutorials on setting up dual-boots between Windows and Ubuntu. A dual-boot allows you, at boot time, to decide which operating system you want to use.

Advantages of virtual installation The size of the installation doesn't have to be predetermined. Follow these instructions to get a Ubuntu disk image (.iso file). You can call the machine whatever you want. Click Next. Click Next again. How to Download & Install Java (JRE/ JDK) in Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) via PPA (Command Line) » VirtualBox: access Windows-host shared folders from Ubuntu-guest. This is the scenario that you run Windows as your host operating system and Ubuntu in a VirtualBox, and that you want to access a specific Windows folder from Ubuntu. First you have to make sure that have install Guest Additions. From the VirtualBox’s menu go to Devices → Install Guest Additions… This will mount a virtual CD on your /media/cdrom. Normally this folder’s window will show up. As root run the program When the program completes reboot your VirtualBox. With Guest Additions installed you may now go ahead and define the shared folder(s).

When done with you shared folder(s) specification, you may now go ahead and actually mount these folders from Ubuntu. . # sudo mkdir /media/windows-share Of course you may choose an alternative path for your mountpoint. . # sudo mount -t vboxsf folder-name /media/windows-share Where folder-name will be the name you assigned for this folder when you were adding it in the shared folders list. Installing Ubuntu. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Future versions of this will be posted to my blog. NotesInstalling Ubuntu Notes This tutorial goes over the option of installing a traditional dual-boot. If there is any chance you might want to remove Ubuntu and return to Windows exclusively, do not set up a traditional dual-boot. Instead, I would recommend you start migrating to open source Windows applications in Windows, playing around with Ubuntu virtually inside Windows, and then use a dual-boot between Ubuntu and Windows.

If you are using Mac OS X, the community documentation may help you out here. This tutorial features screenshots from Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). Installing Ubuntu Now that you have the Desktop CD, you'll need to reboot your computer to use Ubuntu. Your computer's BIOS must be set to boot from CD first; otherwise, Windows will just load up again. When you boot up, you'll see this blank screen with tiny logos on the bottom. Login as Root in Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) For new users who just starting with Ubuntu and wanting to know about the root account, here’s a brief post that gives you a little insight about the root account and how / why to use it. You see, every Ubuntu edition comes with a root account. The root account is also known as the administrator account. Think of the root account as an account with god-like rights. It can delete any file, any folder and make any change to the system.

The power of the root account is limitless. Because the root account is so powerful, it is automatically created with a password value with no possible encrypted match on the system, which makes it unusable to sign on with. The sudo command allows authorized users to temporary elevate their privileges using their own password without knowing the root password or using the root account. If you still want to enable and logon with the root account for other unknown reasons, simply give it a password.

Sudo passwd Then add the line below as shown in the image. Running Apache Ant. Command Line If you've installed Apache Ant as described in the Installing Ant section, running Ant from the command-line is simple: just type ant. When no arguments are specified, Ant looks for a build.xml file in the current directory and, if found, uses that file as the build file and runs the target specified in the default attribute of the <project> tag. To make Ant use a build file other than build.xml, use the command-line option , where file is the name of the build file you want to use (or a directory containing a build.xml file).

If you use the option, Ant will search for a build file first in the current directory, then in the parent directory, and so on, until either a build file is found or the root of the filesystem has been reached. By default, it will look for a build file called build.xml. To have it search for a build file other than build.xml, specify a file argument. You can also set properties on the command line. Command-line Options Summary Library Directories ant. Apache ANT Configuration in Ubuntu « D.Lak Says. I am using Ubuntu Linux 9.04. JDK is located in “/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun” and ANT is located in “/usr/share/ant” in my machine. Following instruction shows instruction for configuration. If you don’t know JAVA_HOME, you can retrieve with command “sudo update-alternatives –config java” as following. xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config java There is only 1 program which provides java (/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java).

Nothing to configure. First, open bash file with following code. xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc Then, Insert Java home as path to JDK location and ANT home as path ANT location as mentioned below at the end of bash file. Export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun set path=$path $ANT_HOME/bin Eventually, save and close the file. Xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ ant -versionApache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on November 10 2008 It means configuration is Ok. Like this: Like Loading... Installing ANT on Ubuntu « Rocksolutions's Blog.