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Common Core: 3 Book Building Apps for Students K-12. Narrative writing is one of three main types of writing emphasized in the Common Core Standards for English language arts.

Common Core: 3 Book Building Apps for Students K-12

In addition, the history and science literacy standards expect that students can “weave narrative techniques” into their argument and informational writing. Students in kindergarten are expected to “use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.” Using Instagram, Bloom’s Taxonomy & Student Interest As A Fun Part Of A Semester Final. Four nifty ways to display and curate Twitter. A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom. Is Social Media Relevant?

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom

What’s Not to ‘Like’? Rethinking Restrictive Social Media Policies. Twitter Rubric. University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Follow us on.

Twitter Rubric

Not Monkeying Around. Several times on Twitter, Heather Moorefield-Lang, Education Librarian at Virginia Tech and current chairperson of the American Association of School Librarians Best Websites for Teaching & Learning committee has mentioned a curation tool with which she has been experimenting.

Not Monkeying Around

I decided to give it a try myself today. This tool is called Gibbon. Gibbon currently can be used without cost. When accessing the home page, you can join, log in or view the menu on the left side. When you scroll down the page further you are provided with explanations about the site. You can join using your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ account. As soon as you select the Join button, another screen opens. After I choose the Gibbon User Manual the window below opened. Basically this page is a learning flow or a textbook with chapters.

When you select a chapter the following window is opened. To start designing a learning flow go to your profile by clicking on the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner. NYtechprepper: Which part of the pencil are... Referencing a Tweet in an Academic Paper? Here's an Automatic Citation Generator - Rebecca J. Rosen. A handy little tool will take any tweet's URL and spit back MLA- and APA-style citations for it.

Referencing a Tweet in an Academic Paper? Here's an Automatic Citation Generator - Rebecca J. Rosen

Say you're writing a paper on Twitter during the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Geek is the New Black: Benefits of Electronic Gaming in the Library, a defense. Recently, I was asked about gaming in libraries.

Geek is the New Black: Benefits of Electronic Gaming in the Library, a defense

Awesome Visual on Creative Commons. By definition, Creative Commons is " a nonprofit organization that works to increase the amount of creativity (cultural, educational, and scientific content) available in “the commons” — the body of work that is available to the public for free and legal sharing, use, repurposing, and remixing.

Awesome Visual on Creative Commons

" Creative Commons Licenses provide a standard way for user-generated content creators to grant someone else permission to use their work, in other words, a Creative Commons license is used when the authors want to give others the rights to share, use , or build upon the work they have created. I have already shared a post entitled " what teachers need to know about Creative Commons" which you can check out to learn more about CC. LearnZillion. Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later. Abstract Just a few years ago Wikipedia was seen as a barbarian invading the ivory tower.

Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later

Now, an increasing number of academics recognize that it can be used as an effective teaching tool. The following paper is divided into two parts. It beings with a discussion of the advantages of using Wikipedia as a teaching tool, an activity that goes beyond a simple addition to the teaching repertoire, and allows contributing to our society through service learning and participation in an online community of practice. Contributing to Wikipedia benefits the students, the instructors and the wider community. The second part focuses on practice of teaching with Wikipedia. Keywords wikis, Wikipedia, teaching A Great Cities Initiative of the University of Illinois at Chicago University Library. The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual. Information is very powerful but for the most bit it is bland and unimaginative.

The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual

Infographics channel information in a visually pleasing, instantly understandable manner, making it not only powerful, but extremely beautiful. Once used predominantly to make maps more approachable, scientific charts less daunting and as key learning tools for children, inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern world. Social Networking with Students. Educators all over the world connect with each other to grow and it benefits all of us.

Social Networking with Students

Learning from a Pro: Best Practices for Facebook and Twitter. Why Twitter? I don't have time for that... Technology in Schools Faces Questions on Value. Masters And Phd. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: What Are the Roles of Teachers and Schools in Creating Responsible Participants? A participatory culture is a culture with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement, strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations, and some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices.