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25 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom, By Degree Of Difficulty. How Can We Stop Cheating In Online Courses? 6.11K Views 0 Likes While clearly not every student is trying hard to take the slacker route, it's worth noting that picking out the students trying to take this route gets a little more complicated when you move from taking classes in person to taking classes online. 5 Ways To Have A High-Tech Classroom With What You Already Have 11.45K Views 1 Likes There are a host of ways to use the technology you already have at your fingertips to create a Classroom 2.0. How Common Core Standards Mesh With Education Technology.

Making Twitter more manageable with Twitter Lists | 30 Day Books. My two blog posts on how – and why – to use Twitter are among the biggest hits on this blog. But even for those who understand the value of this micro-blogging system, once it reaches a certain point Twitter can become daunting and unmanageable. Tweet after tweet of stuff you really don’t need to know or care about from people you may not even know – the sheer volume can be enough to turn off your feed completely! Enter Twitter Lists! It’s all a matter of organization by way of lists. By properly using the lists and groups feature Twitter offers, you can organize your contacts, stay in touch with a cherry-picked group of folks, and streamline your time spent on Twitter. The Beauty of Lists Using Twitter’s List feature, you can build communities and groups that will help you in a number of ways: How do they work? Lists allow you to organize your feed into groups, providing you with an overview of what the members in each ‘group’ are up to – as opposed to everyone whom you’re following.

Kathy Cassidy -- Blogmeister. This spring, our class has been working with other classes around the world--sharing and learning together. Several collaborative projects have resulted. The book below is one of the products from that collaboration and contains pages created by various PreK - 2 classrooms from around the world as part of the Flat Classroom Project. Each of the participating classes focused on "A View From the Window" of their school in a different way. Our page (containing photos and text created by the students) is first, but it is fascinating to see what all of the other classes have created as well. Click on the image to see the finished product. Blog writing wisdom. Home. TeachMeetMelbourne - home.

Create your free Blog. Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces. It’s a matter of trust. When Billy Joel wrote the lyrics to It’s a Matter of Trust, he probably wasn’t thinking about the Finnish education system. Yet the more I read the literature on high performing systems, I am convinced that trust is at the core of the cultural change needed to reshape schooling. It’s not new nor is it rocket science. Michael Fullan says that you build trust through behaviour. John Hattie tells us that the ability for teachers to develop trust within the classroom is key to making students feel OK about making mistakes and asking questions.

As noble a calling as teaching is, the profession has been tarnished by a lack of trust, suspicion of teachers’ work and a top down approach to school improvement. What differentiates high performing systems from others is trust. I know Finland is the system du jour and some may be tiring of hearing about the Finnish way but I read a superb reflection in February’s Phi Delta Kappan magazine by its editor in chief, Joan Richardson. Pandora | Drawing inspiration with words... LiveJournal: Discover global communities of friends who share your unique passions and interests. Typepad. Share your passions with the world. | Typepad. — Get a Free Blog Here. 21Classes – Classroom and Education Blogs - Home. Kevin’s Meandering Mind « If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. ~ Charlie Parker. A Life Our Students Will Never Know. Posted by Mrs Kathleen Morris on Tuesday, April 10th 2012 Over the holidays, while attempting to be less “connected”, I’ve been thinking about how much technology seems to be increasingly infused into our day-to-day lives. With laptops, smart phones, iPads, iPods and other portable devices becoming so common place, gadgets are no longer something we go to, they come with us. This clearly brings about many pros and cons. Technology lets us connect and access information more easily, however, being hyperconnected can compromise our health and wellbeing.

Sometimes it’s fun to think back and remember how you did things pre internet/mobile/computer. Meeting someone for lunch/a movie/a walk/any event outside the house and not being able to let them know if you’re running late, lost or if your plans have changed.Researching a holiday destination by reading a book. While these tasks seem inefficient now, I don’t remember questioning them. What do you think? How has technology changed your life?