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Top 10 Most Useful Excel Formulas. - Scientific Video and Animation Site. الملصقات العلمية الإنجليزية و العربية و معايير التقييم – الأكاديمية التعليمية – البحث العلمي. تطرقت في مقالات سابقة إلى بعض النصائح قبل و أثناء تصميم الملصق العلمي و العناصر الأساسية في الملصق العلمي و التي يفضل أن تكون موجودة في كل ملصق علمي (أكاديمي)، وبالنسبة لهذه العناصر فإنها تتشابه سواء كان محتوى الملصق مكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية أو العربية، مع الأخذ في عين الإعتبار بعض الفروقات تبعاً لإختلاف اللغة و ربما الجهة التي سيتم تقديم الملخص فيها.

الملصقات العلمية الإنجليزية و العربية و معايير التقييم – الأكاديمية التعليمية – البحث العلمي

La Traduction en Français d'Epi Info 7. Article publié le 6 octobre 2012, mis à jour le 28 mai 2015 Document sur l'installation de la traduction française d'Epi Info 7: ce document, au format PDF, est à télécharger en cliquant sur l’image ci dessous. ➢ Installation du module: L’installation d’une langue dans Epi Info est un processus un peu long, j’ai donc créé une vidéo explicative, ainsi qu’un texte avec des copies d’écran pour ceux qui auraient des difficultés à voir la vidéo.

La Traduction en Français d'Epi Info 7

Science Matters. Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science. BAD ANTIBODIES Background: Antibodies are the... - Nature Graphics. First-ever view of protein structure may lead to better anxiety drugs. When new medicines are invented, the drug may hit the intended target and nullify the symptoms, but nailing a bull’s eye – one that produces zero side effects – can be quite elusive.

First-ever view of protein structure may lead to better anxiety drugs

New research conducted at Michigan State University and published in the current issue of Science has, for the first time, revealed the crystal structure of a key protein, TSPO, which is associated with several forms of anxiety disorders. By identifying the structure at the atomic level, scientists can now pinpoint where drugs may interact with the protein. “Many other scientists have studied this protein, but what exactly it is doing has been very difficult to determine,” said Shelagh Ferguson-Miller, University Distinguished Professor of biochemistry and molecular biology.

“Drugs and other compounds bind to TSPO, but without knowing the structure, their effects are hard to interpret. Download - TinkerCell. To get automatic updates on plugins, you need to install: For Windows: Subversion (also included with the windows installer) For Mac: Xcode (if you don't have an account, use username "tinkercell" and password "password") For Linux: sudo apt-get install subversion Install Python and Octave In Linux, just install Octave and Python using apt-get python octave In Mac, Python is setup properly by default.

Download - TinkerCell

You will need to install Octave. Export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ In Windows: Python and PySCeS if you don't have Python and PySCeS installedInstall Octave and add Octave/bin to the system path by following these steps: Currents in Biology. Golden Bread: Lab. About your experiment A person who's really worried about his pants falling down could choose to wear both a belt and suspenders.

Golden Bread: Lab

This redundancy might seems silly, but for system engineers, redundancy is a commonly used strategy for making systems more robust. Having more than one version of a component can avoid some catastrophic failures in a system. For example, car manufacturers still choose to install seat belts in their cars even after they started using air bags. In biology, cells use redundancy too. The Machinery of Life. The Machinery of Life David S.

The Machinery of Life

GoodsellWith 93 illustrations, 16 in color 1993 Springer-VerlagNew York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona BudapestFrom the Preface - Contents - Information Our Molecular NatureThe Body's Motors, Machines and Messages David S. April. Molecular Probes (@MolProbes) Human: Browser Compatibility. ZygoteBody™ Le blog. Featured Systems Archive. Irving Geis and His Paintings of Proteins — L2Molecule. Interview with Dr.

Irving Geis and His Paintings of Proteins — L2Molecule

Richard E. Dickerson about Mr. Geis 1. It’s rare that an artist shares the authorship with a text writer. It is my understanding that he acquired his background knowledge slowly by illustrating for magazines such as Scientific American. 2. Irving Geis was a true artist. 3. The purpose of Irv’s scientific drawings was to convey information about how the molecules work, and not simply to illustrate the fine-structure details of the molecules. 4. I have no strong opinions on this. 5. I think that the days of an atlas that contains every known structure are over. 6. HIVE Center. HIV Life Cycle HIV Life Cycle (2015, David S.

HIVE Center

Goodsell) These illustrations integrate information from structural biology, electron microscopy, and biophysical studies, with goal of simulating a view of the macromolecular structure of HIV in its cellular environment. Each illustration captures the virus at one point in its life cycle, in a cross section that shows all macromolecules and membranes. Current efforts are extending these semiquantitative illustrations, using these diverse sources of information to specify 3D models of HIV and its interaction with host cells, for use in hypothesis generation and simulation. 1 - HIV and Antibodies In this cross section, HIV is shown at lower right, with viral proteins in red and magenta, and viral RNA in yellow. HIVE Center. Des expériences facile à faire. Les expériences à faire à la maison. DzXplore - Resources. Resources.

DzXplore - Resources