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Living World

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DNA - The Double Helix. Description. Microbiology Online | Society for General Microbiology | About Microbiology. Micro-organisms affect every aspect of life on Earth. Some microbes cause disease but the majority are completely harmless. These minute life forms are essential to the cycling of nutrients in the eco-systems of the planet. We need to understand the role of microbes in global terms, but there are many aspects of our daily lives where knowledge of microbiology can help us answer everyday questions such as How can I avoid flu?

Should I have the HPV vaccine? And even... What happens to my poo when I go to the loo? Biotechnology, which often uses microbes or their products, is a fast-growing area of science. Since microbes are of such biological, economic and social significance, it is important that microbiology is a part of everyone’s education. Download the climate change fact file from our Resources page Introducing Microbes Micro-organisms can be friend or foe but most importantly, we all need them to live! About microbes Microbe passports About microbe passports Microbes and food More information.

Description. Home of CELLS alive! Description.