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Plugin. Javascript. Accessibility. Widgets. Wtf.hax: jQuery DatePicker and Selectbox. I have recently been drinking the jQuery kool aid. One of my favorite plugins for it is the excellent Datepicker plugin , which I am using whenever I want to display a nice calendar to users. Last week I needed it to work on a single selectbox that listed available dates but couldn't find any documentation for it. There are some examples of a datepicker for multiple selectboxes (day/month/year), but not when you only have a single one. So here is my attempt at it. I am using the jQuery UI 1.5 beta release , so your milage may vary since the API has changed quite a bit lately. The Markup The example I am working with has the following structure: Select date May 1, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 25, 2008 Select date May 1, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 25, 2008 Datepicker primarily works with input elements so you will need to add a hidden element for it. DatePicker, Setting the Scene We need to tell the datepicker which dates are available from the selectbox.

$(document).ready( function () { Mond-JN - jQuery UI - Effects cheat sheet. Use jQuery - Showcase of sites that use jQuery. Event Pooling with jQuery Using Bind and Trigger: Managing Compl. Managing Complexity in the UI As everyone knows, the more dependencies you have in a system, the harder maintaining that system is. Javascript is no exception- and orchestrating actions across complex user interfaces can be a nightmare if not done properly. Luckily, there’s a great pattern for orchestrating complex interaction in a disconnected way. No, it’s not the Observer pattern. It’s a take on the Observer pattern called Event Pooling which is a piece of cake with jQuery’s bind and trigger functions. For the get to the code folks, here’s an example of using jQuery’s bind and trigger for event pooling. Problems with the Observer Pattern The observer pattern is great for some things, but it still requires a dependency between the observer and the subject.

Observer pattern Event Pooling Event pooling is simply a variation on the Observer pattern, where a “middle man” is used to orchestrate the publish/subscribe system. Event Pool Show me Code! This is wired up via the bind function: jQuery Ajax tutorials, jQuery UI examples and more! - The Ultima. jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts. Coda Bubble Example. jQuery pageSlide - Halobrite. Advertisement a jQuery plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane by Scott Robbin Download PageSlide Now If you've ever used the mobile version of Facebook, or Path,then you've probably seen something akin to PageSlide in action.

Clicking on a button or link slides the page over to reveal a hidden pane,one that usually contains secondary navigation, a form, or additional information. There are several ways to use PageSlide, some of which are shown below.Additionally, there is a responsive demo which shows how PageSlide can be used as a mobile solution. Slide to the right, and load content from a secondary page Slide to the left, and display hidden content from this page in a modal pane Modal This slide uses "modal" option set to "true". Where can I get it? If you are interested in learning more about PageSlide, it's recommended that you view the project on GitHub. Other jQuery Plugins If you like this plugin, feel free to check out some of the others I've built. 45+ New jQuery Techniques For Good User Experience | Developer&#

20 Amazing jQuery Plugins and 65 Excellent jQuery Resources : Sp. All released this year, the free JavaScript plugins and libraries on this page all offer a straightforward and specific function. There are no bloated all-in-one frameworks. Just useful, lightweight and problem-solving solutions to help make the web design and development process much easier and quicker for you. As you would expect, there are plugins below for creating sliders, image galleries, responsive menus, modal windows, and many other common components.

But you will also find plugins that offer a truly unique functionality, like sidebar margin notes, GIF previews, animated favicons, and much, much more. The Designer & Developer ToolboxUnlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Themes, Plugins & Design Assets You might also like to take a look at our top 50 JavaScript collection for 2016 or our top 50 free jQuery plugins. Choreographer-js Choreographer-js is a simple library to take care of complicated animations. Leaflet.js Leaflet.js is a JavaScript library for interactive maps. Lory. Javascript in Modern Web Design. In today's web design, Javascript is a must-have component. Aside from its functionality, Javascript can enhance user experience by creating transitional effects such as fading and sliding animation.

Thanks to the open source Javascript frameworks, we don't need to write custom Javascript from scratch anymore. Here are 47 Javascript plugins that you can use to enhance the user experience and functionality of your website. Don't forget to check out the sample sites, which show how the plugins can be used. The Two Popular Javascript Frameworks Right now, the two commonly used Javascript frameworks are: jQuery and MooTools.

Loading ... Image Zoom and Popup Lightbox You're probably very familiar with Lightbox — a light Javascript used to display overlay images on the current page. jQuery lightBox Plugin This is exactly the same as Lightbox JS, but written on top of jQuery library. Thickbox Thickbox is a jQuery plugin that is very similar to Lightbox, but comes with more features. Highslide JS Tabs. 15 Resources To Get You Started With jQuery From Scratch. Ganesh » Blog Archive » LavaLamp for jQuery lovers! Hover above and feel for yourself, the nifty effect of Lava Lamp. What you just experienced is nothing but the LavaLamp menu packaged as a plugin for the amazing jQuery javascript library.

I personally believe that the effect rivals that of flash – Don’t you? Especially considering the fact that it is extremely light weight. Just so you know, it weighs just 700 bytes(minified)! Often I have noticed, that the credits are usually granted towards the end. As User Interface developers, we know that one of the first widgets our visitors use is a “Menu”. I hope you agree that a typical HTML widget consists of 3 distinct components. A semantically correct HTML markupA CSS to skin the markupAn unobstrusive javascript that gives it a purpose Now lets follow the above steps and implement the LavaLamp menu for your site. Step 1: The HTML Since most UI developers believe that an unordered list(ul) represents the correct semantic structure for a Menu/Navbar, we will start by writing just that.

Bonus. Flexigrid.