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Javascript in Modern Web Design

Javascript in Modern Web Design
In today's web design, Javascript is a must-have component. Aside from its functionality, Javascript can enhance user experience by creating transitional effects such as fading and sliding animation. Thanks to the open source Javascript frameworks, we don't need to write custom Javascript from scratch anymore. Here are 47 Javascript plugins that you can use to enhance the user experience and functionality of your website. Don't forget to check out the sample sites, which show how the plugins can be used. The Two Popular Javascript Frameworks Right now, the two commonly used Javascript frameworks are: jQuery and MooTools. Loading ... Image Zoom and Popup Lightbox You're probably very familiar with Lightbox — a light Javascript used to display overlay images on the current page. jQuery lightBox Plugin This is exactly the same as Lightbox JS, but written on top of jQuery library. Thickbox Thickbox is a jQuery plugin that is very similar to Lightbox, but comes with more features. Highslide JS Tabs

20 Amazing jQuery Plugins and 65 Excellent jQuery Resources : Sp All released this year, the free JavaScript plugins and libraries on this page all offer a straightforward and specific function. There are no bloated all-in-one frameworks. Just useful, lightweight and problem-solving solutions to help make the web design and development process much easier and quicker for you. As you would expect, there are plugins below for creating sliders, image galleries, responsive menus, modal windows, and many other common components. But you will also find plugins that offer a truly unique functionality, like sidebar margin notes, GIF previews, animated favicons, and much, much more. The Designer & Developer ToolboxUnlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Themes, Plugins & Design Assets

Javascript - Noupe Design Blog Pump up da Project: 5 Must-Have JavaScripts (February 2014 Edition) Have you already heard of “You might not need jQuery”? That site created ripples soon after its release a few weeks ago. It suggests that you might be better off targeting modern browser features directly, instead of relying on jQuery to achieve basically the same. The Science of Looking Good in the Inbox CSSHow do I add margins to my image so text will wrap around it? Outlook 2007 and 2010 do not support the margin or padding CSS properties when placed within an image. Try using hspace and/or vspace:<img src=“ align=“left” vspace=“10” hspace=“10” /> Or add the additional spacing to the image itself (in pixels). CSSHow do I make a long text string wrap to the next line? If you have text within a table, for instance “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” and you want it to wrap, try adding this style:

Python beginner's mistakes Every Python programmer had to learn the language at one time, and started out as a beginner. Beginners make mistakes. This article highlights a few common mistakes, including some I made myself. Beginner's mistakes are not Python's fault, nor the beginner's. 8 useful sites for web developers The easiest way to upload images Any developer, designer or webmaster have to share images online with clients and co-workers. is an all new service that allow you to upload images extremely easily: Just drag and drop them into and the image will be saved on their servers. A short url will be automatically created so you can share it across the web.»

Ganesh » Blog Archive » LavaLamp for jQuery lovers! Hover above and feel for yourself, the nifty effect of Lava Lamp. What you just experienced is nothing but the LavaLamp menu packaged as a plugin for the amazing jQuery javascript library. I personally believe that the effect rivals that of flash – Don’t you? Especially considering the fact that it is extremely light weight. Just so you know, it weighs just 700 bytes(minified)! 15 Javascript Web UI Libraries, Frameworks and Toolkits Almost all of the rich web applications that we currently see on the web today rely on a subtle set of UI controls, libraries or frameworks (or toolkits) that not only greatly simplify application development, they also provide a consistent, reliable, and highly interactive User Interface. What more could you ask for? Currently, there are a wide varied range of Web UI frameworks covering varied languages – for today we will focus on Javascript Web UI libraries. Not all libraries are suited for every project, but most developers will still rely on a single UI framework, a faithful friend they will always turn to in times of need…

Bootstrap, from Twitter Need reasons to love Bootstrap? Look no further. By nerds, for nerds. Built at Twitter by @mdo and @fat, Bootstrap utilizes LESS CSS, is compiled via Node, and is managed through GitHub to help nerds do awesome stuff on the web. Made for everyone. Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!)
