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Herramientas para crear Flipped Classroom desde vídeos ya existentes. Cuando comenzamos a usar Flipped Classroom queremos ofrecer a nuestros alumnos vídeos de gran calidad, pero no siempre disponemos del tiempo o de las herramientas necesarias para realizar dichos vídeos para nuestros alumnos. En estos casos podemos encontrar cientos de vídeos educativos en YouTube o en otras webs de vídeos compartidos.

Sin embargo, no siempre podemos comprobar que nuestros alumnos han visto esos vídeos. Para ello presentamos ahora una serie de herramientas que no solo nos ayudan a comprobar si han sido vistos al completo o no, sino a introducir una serie de cuestiones online que podemos compartir con nuestros alumnos. TESTeach permite organizar y compartir fácilmente los materiales educativos. Con TESTeach puedes organizar vídeos, links, imágenes y archivos sobre un tema determinado permitiendo que los alumnos accedan a la secuencia que has planificado según su propio ritmo.

EDPuzzle es ya muy conocido, permite poner voz y preguntas a los vídeos. Tutorial Edpuzzle: crea y edita videolecciones. EDPUZZLE. Enseña con vídeo y evalúa a tus alumnos. Exámenes autocorregibles con Google Forms. Con Google Formularios - Google Forms + Flubaroo + formLimiter - Tutorial 2016. Poner tiempo límite a los exámenes con Google Forms. Evaluar con rubricas, ayudados por Google Forms. Integrate Quizzes Into Videos To Ensure Active Learning - eLearning Industry. The primary objective of any evaluation mechanism is to ensure learner knowledge retention. Chickering and Gamson in their 1987 paper 'Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education' discuss the importance of active learning: Learning is not a spectator sport...Learners must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves.

The Motivation Making your online course engaging for learners is therefore very important. Videos are becoming increasingly important as part of eLearning courses. They offer a potential for active engagement with learners, and are therefore critical to successful pedagogy. Well-designed evaluation mechanisms are a critical element to ensuring active learning. Active learning. Better Teacher Feedback Clarity of video content.Ability of video content to engage learner attention.Understanding difficulty level for learners problem solving. Take notes on videos. Take notes on videos. Vizia - Create Interactive Video Quizzes. 4 Great iPad Apps to Annotate and Edit Videos. December 29, 2015 The apps we have curated for you today allow you to add annotations to your videos on the go. As a teacher, you can use these applications to enrich your videos with illustrative content to guide your students understanding and engage them in the learning process. The apps differ in what they offer to users but some of the things you can do with them include: adding text, hyperlinks or images to your videos, add soundtracks or voiceovers, stitch together various clips into a single movie and many more. 1- Write-on Video ‘Write-on Video is a user-friendly tool that allows you to annotate and animate videos and pictures.

Arrange photos and videos into a stunning slideshows complemented by free-hand drawing, text boxes, stickers, audio and sound clips. Write-on Video automatically organizes each annotated frame into a storyboard so that you can add comments and information beside each scene. All text in the storyboard is true text that can be edited in reader apps.’ 4 Educational Web Tools to Create Interactive Lessons. April 20 , 2016 Web technologies provide teachers with limitless possibilities to create challenging and engaging content to use with students in class.

There is now a wide variety of easy to use and free web tools teachers can use to enrich their curricula and diversity their teachable content in such a way that attends to multiple learning styles. In today’s post we are sharing with you a set of excellent tools to help you create interactive lessons. More specifically, using these tools will enable you to add different multimedia materials to your lessons including videos, questions, images, hyperlinks… and create engaging learning experiences in class. All of these tools have been featured in different posts in the past. Enjoy 1-TedEd 'TED Ed is a website that allows teachers to create lessons around YouTube videos. 'DocentEDU is a great web tool and mobile app to use with your students. 3- EDpuzzle ‘If you use videos in the classroom, EDpuzzle is a must have. Three Tools Students Can Use to Add Annotations to Videos. When we talk about flipped lessons it often involves a lot of heavy lifting on a teacher's part.

From finding a video to adding questions to the video, it is a time-consuming process and in the end we're still not always sure if the students actually watched the video or they just guessed at the answers to the questions. One way to flip the standard flipped classroom model is to have students find and annotate videos that then submit to you.

The following three tools can be used by students for that purpose. Using VideoANT anyone can add annotations to any publicly accessible YouTube video. To do this copy the URL of a video and paste it into the VideoANT annotation tool. Vialogues is a free service that allows you to build online discussions around videos hosted online and videos that you have saved on your computer. MoocNote is a free tool for adding timestamped comments, questions, and links to videos. Una selección de herramientas para introducir preguntas en un video.