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Creating and Maintaining the Marvel Style Guide in Sketch - Marvel Blog. The essence of digital product design lies in identifying problems, solving those and improving user experiences; the visual part of things should merely be an enhancement to it all, not a blocker.

Creating and Maintaining the Marvel Style Guide in Sketch - Marvel Blog

One way to stop spending time fiddling with font sizes and spacing, whilst improving consistency, is to build a comprehensive collection of highly-reusable design elements and decide on a set of rules for combining them together. Through building our style guide last year, this is just what we have achieved at Marvel. As Colm Tuite outlined in his previous article about it, our design system has saved us a lot time, giving us more chance to focus on function over form during development. Whilst a central hub of code snippets, variables and rules can be great for development, what if we could use a similar approach for designers working with design tools?

UX design - principes - règles fondamentales

10 principles for smooth web animations. Freebies. Trousse à outils. Icon. Emailing. Branding 22-10. UI kit. Prototyping. Inspiration. Animated GIF. Charte graphique. Dribbble obtenir invitation. Material motion - Motion - Material design guidelines.