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Blog. April 15th, 2014 I recently said no to a contest featuring my books in a popular teen mag. The prize was some postcards of mine that were completed by celebrities. I turned it down because I feel that our society has an unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture, and a need to glorify superficial qualities in people (mainly appearance) and make them into role models. This is a terrible message to send to teenagers, who are often in a difficult and challenging place emotionally, and feeling physically and socially insecure at the best of times. I was at that age. I’d like to start a movement where kids are able to see the cult of celebrity for what it is. The selling of fantasy, with a focus on “selling”, and a fixation on the superficial. This week I read an interesting article that helped me to relax my “anti-celebrity” stance somewhat, (I believe the author is Alain de Botton, who founded the school).

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This is not a book. L'actu culturelle en continu. Trois fois rien.

Google Ngram Viewer. Ma vie est tout à fait fascinante. Music. Cinema. Savoir Inutile - Connaissances futiles, superflues, insolites, l'encyclopédie qui ne sert a rien. Reader. Vie de merde : Vos histoires de la vie quotidienne.

I waste so much time. Dear blank, please blank. Zéros Sociaux.