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Scientific Writing

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Plagiarism checker & plagiarism detection. Plagiarism Checker. A list of key features: 1.

Plagiarism Checker

Billions of web pages This tool has the ability to check plagiarism by matching your content against billions of webpages on the Internet. Once you upload your content, it will automatically run it against every existing content on the web within seconds, making it the most sophisticated yet fastest plagiarism scanner you'll ever come across in your lifetime. 2. It has an option for automatically rewriting the content you run on it in just one click. 3. Our similarity checker allows you to upload different formats of documents including .doc, .docx, .txt, .tex, .rtf, .odt, and .pdf. 4. With this free online plagiarism test tool, not only are you able to upload different formats of documents, you can also check plagiarism via a website URL. 5. Our anti-plagiarism engine comes with a reporting option which allows you to download a report of the plagiarism search you run. 6.

How about an option for sharing the plagiarism report generated? Online tools and resources for scientific writing. I’m still struggling to teach scientific writing to a diverse group of PhD candidates that I only see occasionally.

Online tools and resources for scientific writing

My latest attempt is to give them a set of online tools to analyze their genre of target texts (published works and their own work in progress), and to tell me how they like what the tools do. These are tools I use myself when I explore a genre to analyze them within the overall corpus of English and present typical collocations. In class we’ll then look at selected texts on one topic comparing different genres (i.e. in a general publication, as opposed to a scientific journal) to determine typical collocations and rhetorical and stylistic devices. MacMillan Dictionary handiest online dictionary, with a thesaurus, examples, audio Corpora: COCA Corpus of Contemporary American English (USA) British National Corpus (GB) How are your words generally used in context? Word cloud generators: Wordle Tagxedo How frequent are key words in a text you read or write?

Check Spelling and Punctuation. Understand what you read. Academic Phrasebank. Infographic: How to write better science papers. Reporting results in a scientific journal is a process common to researchers in all disciplines.

Infographic: How to write better science papers

However, many scientific papers fail to communicate research work effectively. Pitfalls include using complicated jargon, including unnecessary details, and writing for your highly specialized colleagues instead of a wider audience. Effective research articles are interesting and useful to a broad audience, including scientists in other fields. This infographic presents tips to help you write papers people will want to read. References More resources for science writing: Elsevier Publishing Campus: Elsevier’s new online training center includes instruction on writing for books and journals, peer reviewing, grant writing, ethics — and how to get your research noticed.

A similar version of this infographic was appeared on the Research4Life blog. Elsevier Connect Contributor Natalia Rodriquez. Simple steps to avoid plagiarism and improve scientific writing. Swan - Scientific Writing Assistant. What is the Swan - Scientific Writing Assistant and how to start using it?

Swan - Scientific Writing Assistant

The Swan - Scientific Writing Assistant aims at helping writers with the content, not the grammar or spelling. It tries to guide you towards known good scientific writing practices and to help your readers in finding your contribution. The tool was designed to help you with your writing, not to merely point out errors. Using the tool should be simple; just input your text sections to the tool, optionally make some manual elaboration and click Evaluate button. For a more detailed description about this, see Main Menu. Video tutorial available here! We also list some known issues here, so check there if we know something about the problem you are possibly encountering - we might have a solution for you there!

System requirements 1. 2. Also, Java version and operating system (OS) should have the same wordlength: *) Users of 64-bit OS may have both 64- and 32-bit Java safely installed. Launching the tool Main Menu My Paper. Article Rewriter. Advertisement Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Next to watch this article rewriter do it’s thing!

Article Rewriter

If you want to see it in action first, feel free to play around with one of the included samples. copy and paste your text below: 1 2 3 4 5 ⇐ Select a sample text Advertisment Re-write ArticleCheck Grammar This article rewriter tool will scan through your content for words that can be replaced with a synonym. How Can This Tool Be Used to Produce Quality Content? We’ve added over 500,000 new synonyms to improve the end value of this article rewriter, with the purpose of improving articles by providing better words or phrases. Likewise, it can also be used as an article spinner; to create another version of an article that is unique enough to pass a plagiarism checker.

Here’s some tips to make sure that if you use this tool for search engine optimization purposes, it won’t backfire. Paraphrasing Tool - Free Online Text Rewriting Tool. Hemingway.