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Blogs and websites. Whiteboard. Specialneeds. Classroom data and management. Useful ideas. Fantastic Tools for Schools. Beyondlaptops.wikispaces. Fix Out-Of-Sync VLC Audio With A Keyboard Shortcut. Searchengineeducation. Gaia 3D - Finally! An ed product that doesn’t kill creativity, imagination, or critical thinking! In school I learned to HATE many subjects. For example I hated history because strangers, strange lands, and strange facts seemed to have no place on the strange timeline I was told to memorize but for which I had no learning context. At the same time, one of my favorite (though admittedly, not safest) pastimes was to sneak into abandon homes and learn about the past through artifacts, newspapers, letters, magazines, and really anything I could find. I could sit in a house for hours reading through and looking at everything. I was fascinated with looking at what prices were in the past, the sort of businesses that people were in and the language in the letters that people wrote.

I also learned to HATE science. Memories of a boring lecture followed by read chapter 6 and answer the questions at the end, still haunt me. At the same time, I was fascinated with the ocean and sea life. School should not be a place that kills our love for that which fascinates us in the real world. Build Your Own Video Games on Sploder. Wappwolf Automator for Google Drive. GoClass - Create and Deliver Lessons on iPads. Last week I wrote about NearPod which is an iPad application for creating and delivering quizzes to students. This morning, through David Kapuler, I learned about a similar free iPad application called GoClass. GoClass is a free iPad application for creating short lessons and delivering them to your students. The lessons can include annotated images, free hand sketches, text, and video. GoClass gives teachers tools for creating class rosters that they can use to keep track of which students are using the lessons when. Applications for EducationGoClass is a promising iPad app for teachers who are working in 1:1 iPad environments.


Quizzes and polls. Geocaching. Qr codes and barcodes.