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APA Citation Machine & Bibliography Maker. Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles. BibMe: Fast & Easy Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian - Free. Power Poetry. Our Data Check out our awesome data on Power Poetry and our poets.

Power Poetry

Meet the Power Poetry team and discover what we do. Welcome! Power Poetry is the world’s first and largest mobile poetry community for youth. It is a one-of-a-kind place where you can have your voice heard about issues that matter to you. The 3 Most Common Uses of Irony. Lesson. Overview | Does the emphasis on reading “informational text” in the new Common Core State Standards set up a “fiction versus nonfiction smackdown” in English classes? If so, is that good or bad? In this lesson, students will reflect on their reading experiences in and out of school and discuss the roles that both nonfiction and fiction have played. Then, they will become familiar with what the Common Core standards say about reading, and what critics and supporters have written in reaction, in order to discuss and write about the question “What Should Children Read?”

Materials | Our Reading Questionnaire handout Warm-Up | Ask students to complete our Reading Questionnaire (PDF) to begin thinking about their own reading histories, habits and preferences — and about the roles of fiction and nonfiction in their lives. Next, have students work in small groups to discuss what they wrote. Mobile. Understanding Language. In the first lesson in this unit, students are introduced to the use of persuasion in visual, print, and multimodal advertisements.

Understanding Language

Many advertisements, particularly video, embed persuasive techniques in the familiar genre of narrative first to inform, engage, and interest readers and viewers emotionally, and then to persuade them to take some form of action. This action may be to buy a product, sign a petition, attend an event, or change their behavior. Sometimes the purpose is to raise awareness of an issue –the action or response required is not always made explicit. This lesson explores how the use of persuasive techniques within the narrative of advertisements accomplishes these goals. Students are introduced to a number of textual analysis standards and persuasive techniques that will be developed and deepened throughout the unit. Language Arts Songs: Teach Grammar, Written Literacy, and Punctuation. The Plagiarism Spectrum. Preventing plagiarism in the Digital Age GUEST COLUMN | by Jason Chu Summer 2012 was awash in breaking news of journalistic misconduct, punctuated with the exposure of Jonah Lehrer’s and Fareed Zakaria’s acts of plagiarism (for a full review of the “Summer of Sin,” see Craig Silverman’s post on[1]).

The Plagiarism Spectrum

Though the “Summer of Sin” came to an end, the Fall brought with it more bad news with cases of cheating at both Stuyvesant High School and renowned Harvard University coming to light. The breaking news, as such, regarding the current state of our journalistic and academic integrity paints a pretty bleak picture. If shame, embarrassment, and career suicide are not enough to keep professionals who traffic in facts from staying on the straight and narrow, what can be done to curb this behavior, especially among students?

Plagiarism would seem to be, on the surface, easy to recognize based on a set of straightforward criteria: Is the work the authors own? Like this: Like Loading... Plagiarism Game - Lycoming College. Student Materials: Comic Creator. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. Building Blocks of Language: The Eight Parts of Speech Tutorial. 1.

Building Blocks of Language: The Eight Parts of Speech Tutorial

It is always helpful to be able to place items in categories in order to MAKE SENSE OF WHAT YOU ARE STUDYING. We place foods in categories (fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.). We place sports in categories (individual or team sports, contact or non-contact sports, etc.). We place subject matter in categories (math, science, language arts, etc.). In fact, almost anything you come upon belongs in a category. 2.

Readers who want to fully understand what they are reading need to have some grasp of the different words they come upon. 3. A person who is a good reader (for their age or grade level) will generally be primed to be a better writer, partly because reading gives learners exposure to a wide variety of both vocabulary and sentence structure. 4. In this same blog/discussion group, a responder stated the following: It is a fact that when learning a second language, the level of knowledge of one's first language has a direct effect on how well the second language is absorbed.

Essay Map. 32-1. 32-2. Grammar - Language Arts FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format, Free Interactives and Games. Collaborative storytelling. Son of Citation Machine. Check for Plagiarism On the Web For Free -