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Last minute handmade gifts: sewing tutorials and patterns. 1 Comment About these ads Rate this:

Last minute handmade gifts: sewing tutorials and patterns

Tutoriels d'introduction. I thought I’d share with you how to make my fabric scrap “basket”.

Tutoriels d'introduction

It’s VERY simple. I whipped out another two baskets in no time at all. Now I have all of my smaller scraps organized into small, medium and large groupings. Did I even mention I’m a Capricorn and like to be organized to a fault? Martha Stewart. Au Fil du Temps. Le blog d'Alizarine. Un petit bout de fil... Le meilleur du DIY. Napkin Folding Instructions. Marie Claire idées. Que Cache Ma Boite à Belette ? Handmade. Ma Petite Valisette. Avec ses 10 p'tits doigts... Soyez DIY !