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Jérémie Périn. THE CHERNOBYL CINEMAGRAPH COLLECTION. Romain Laurent. We will always have French kissing.Quoiqu’il arrive, on se roulera toujours des pelles. This past week has been as intense as it gets for a lot of people in Paris. I happened to be visiting for a couple week. We were all affected one way or another. Horrible stories after horribles stories were shared, friends lost loved ones, were wounded, attacked while doing nothing more than just enjoying life. Shock, disgust, sadness came first. Some anger too. Guudjob. Short Motions on Behance. Cinemagraphs Archives Page 23 of 33 Ann Street Studio | Page 23. It’s Friday! I hope you design yourself a beautiful weekend! Designer Gretchen Jones in NYC at her Trunk Show. Robin Davey • I’ve been working with the good people at Wired... RRRRRRRROLL_gif. Free Online Animated GIF Maker - Make A GIF Easily.

-flomize. 365 Rounds – Yimbo. Estoy empezando el año con un proyecto que me gustó de los Golpeavisa, que es crear diariamente cualquier cosa, un scketch, una ilustración, una foto o en mi caso un GIF animado. Aquí voy a ir poniendo diariamente los GIF que vaya sacando y a final de cada mes un video con las animaciones de ese mes y links para descargar los archivos… ojalá llegue a los 365 Acá pueden ver lo que está haciendo otra gente que le entró al proyeto. #365rounds Diciembre Noviembre Octubre Septiembre Agosto Julio Junio Mayo Abril Marzo Descarga los archivos de éste mes aquí Febrero Descarga los archivos de éste mes aquí Enero Descarga los archivos de éste mes aquí Todas las animaciones fueron hechas usando After Effects CS6, Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6 y Cinema 4D 14, por lo que es necesario tener como mínimo éstas versiones para abrir los archivos.En la mayoría de las animaciones en 3D usé el HDRI Studio Pack de Greyscale Gorilla, para iluminación.

Exploding actresses. How To Make Animated GIFs: a Brief Tutorial. Dudes and dudettes of internetville, In my spare time, I'm making a lot of looping gifs these days. I've been hearing from lots of folks who want to know how I'm making these little moving images. Making them has been so much fun, so I figured I'd try and share a little of what I know. Keep in mind that this is, of course, just ONE WAY of making animated gifs, so it's hardly authoritative or exhaustive. Mostly it's just a working method that I've discovered--and it's bound to change over time. I'll update again when I figure out some new things. Until then, on to the show! The gif animation thread. Fighting Gifs. Love You Good. Animators Survival Gif. Catcloud.gif | SUCK MON GIF | 1882 gifs and still counting. IWDRM. LOGO Gif. Cinemagraph. Anna Sees Everything Paint It On Awaiting Their Turn Charlotte Olympia Obtaining Perfection All You Need is Red "We all get dressed for Bill.

" Nina Garcia That's the show Les Tendrils She's Glamorous. Next Level Gif Control.