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High speed video reveals the bizarre physics of an ordinary water droplet. Loco by Rudy Rucker,Bruce Sterling. You can’t just morph a federal scientist into a giant invertebrate that catches fire. That’s not an acceptable protocol. And the feds aren’t going to fund you anymore. Not when your boss is a self-flattening radioactive pancake.” In “Loco,” an original science fiction story by Rudy Rucker and Bruce Sterling, desperate times call for desperate inventions. This story was acquired and edited for by Tor Books editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden. “Waverly’s dead?” “You hear that rumbling outside?” “What kind of bodyguard are you anyway? Gordo rubbed his chapped hands. “This means we’re on a hit-list,” said Becka. “Lighten up,” said Gordo, his voice echoing in the unheated room.

“Was it Yellco who got Waverly?” “Not likely,” said Gordo, blinking at her. The contents of Project Loco’s offices had been manhandled by forklift robots and crammed into their hideout: a derelict McMansion in dismal Middleburg, Virginia. Eight or nine species of leeches. Uneasily, Becka rubbed the back of her neck. Footage Of NASA'S Control Room Going CRAZY As Curiosity Lands On Mars. The laws list. The future of space with Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Pamela Gay, and Lawrence Krauss discuss our future in space | Geekation: where geeks go.

Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science | Online - Table of Contents. The Top 5 Astronomical Events to Witness Before You Die | Fun Lists - Top 10 Lists. In the age of internet, television, and Lady Gaga, it’s easy to ignore the dazzling displays the sky gives us every night. In ancient times, however, human civilizations based their entire calendar, and thus their way of life, upon what they saw in the cosmos. While humanity’s interest in astronomy has diminished over the centuries, the sky remains nonetheless spectacular. Few people have the time to go stargazing every night, but here are 5 celestial events so awe-inspiring, everyone must see them in their lifetime. 5. Perseid Meteor Shower Next Occurrence: August 9-14, 2011 Every August, the night sky lights up with a dazzling display known as the Perseid meteor shower. 4.

Next Occurrence: June 15, 2011 in Africa Ever get bored with the predictably drab hue of the moon? 3. Occurrence: Year round More commonly known as the Northern Lights, Aurora is a fantastic light display that occurs at extreme Northern or Southern latitudes. 2. 1. Top 10 Amazing Stars in the Universe ( The Top Ten Daily Consequences of Having Evolved. Extinct woolly mammoth could be brought back to life: report - The long-extinct woolly mammoth could be brought back to life within four years after a breakthrough in cloning technology by Japanese scientists.

Researchers have tried unsuccessfully in the past to recover nuclei in cells from the skin and muscle tissue of mammoths found frozen in permafrost, The (London) Daily Telegraph reported late Thursday. The attempts failed because the cells were too damaged by the extreme cold. However, a technique pioneered by Dr. Teruhiko Wakayama of the Riken Centre for Developmental Biology has succeeded in cloning a mouse from the cells of another, which had been frozen for 16 years. Akira Iritani, a professor at Kyoto University, said the same technique could be used to resurrect the woolly mammoth, which died out about 5,000 years ago.

“Now the technical problems have been overcome, all we need is a good sample of soft tissue from a frozen mammoth,” he said. Iritani said the first cloned woolly mammoth could be born in about four years. Ask a Mathematician / Ask a Physicist | Your Math and Physics Questions Answered.