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Carl Cooks: Baked Ziti With Ricotta & Mozzarella & RAO's Homemade Sauce. I love Ziti and have tried many recipes for the baked version.

Carl Cooks: Baked Ziti With Ricotta & Mozzarella & RAO's Homemade Sauce

This one from the Williams Sonoma Pasta Cookbook is my personal favorite. And while I have your attention I have to send props out to one of the best lines of jarred pasta sauces ever called RAO'S. If you've got the time and chops to make your own tomato sauce, great. Otherwise, don't waste your five bucks on most of the ones on the shelf. RAO's is an exceptional one available at most of the better food outlets. Spicy curry with potatoes and kale [Vegan] Jaymi's Notes:I love making curry dishes almost more for the mouth-watering smells that fill my kitchen than for the dish itself.

Spicy curry with potatoes and kale [Vegan]

From the onions and garlic to the cinnamon and ginger, this dish is sheer joy to cook from start to finish for the smells and textures. I used lite coconut milk so that the dish would have less fat, and I wonder if that might also have made it more spicy because there wasn't the full-fat coconut milk to mellow it out. Then again, I also used extra red pepper flakes. The finished dish sure did set my mouth on fire! You can adjust the spiciness by using more or less jalapeno and red pepper flakes.

Because potatoes are such a nice filling, starchy vegetable, I decided to skip the rice or noodles that you might serve this over. More on The Cooking Project. Torta verde - u fugasun - Cucina blog Spelucchino ricette di cucina. Prepariamo l'impasto, andando a lavorare sulla spianatoia la farina con l'acqua (1 bicchiere), l'olio (4 cucchiai) e il sale.

Torta verde - u fugasun - Cucina blog Spelucchino ricette di cucina

Lavorare fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo. Prepariamo il ripieno. Con l'aiuto di una grattugia, grattugiamo le zucchine e le lasciamo riposare in una ciotola, avendole prima mischiate accuratamente con del sale, per fare rilasciare l'acqua. Tagliamo a strisce il mazzo di bietole e le raccogliamo in una capiente ciotola. Aggiungiamo una cipolla tritata e della maggiorana tritata, 4 pugni di riso, il parmigiano grattugiato e aggiustiamo di sale e di pepe. Scoliamo (strizziamo) le zucchine eliminando l'acqua in eccesso e uniamole al composto di bietole. A questo punto aggiungiamo le uova, e mescoliamo tutto per bene. Stendiamo l'impasto, ricavando una sfoglia sottile. Guacamole Deviled Eggs – Cooking Stoned. There’s isn’t much I do not like with an avocado but wow, egg might be one of my favorites.

Guacamole Deviled Eggs – Cooking Stoned

That is no surprise, you’ve all seen me fry an egg inside an avocado a la “egg in the hole.” Well here is one more way to love avocados and eggs, guacamole deviled eggs. Ingredients 6 large Eggs 1 Avocado 1 Tablespoon Cilantro, chopped (more for garnish) 1 Teaspoon Serrano Peppers, minced 1 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds, finely ground 1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice ¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt ¼ Teaspoon Olive Oil New Mexico Chili Powder, for garnish Printable View Yield: 12 deviled eggs Total Time 50 minutes. Eggs 2. Eggs. Good Idea. Smitten kitchen.

Zucchini fritters. Everyone’s got their superheroes; I’m sure when I was younger they were things like Super Grover and later, Jem but these days, they’re decidedly more humble: I admire the hell out of people who manage to put homemade meals on the table everyday, as this has never been my strong suit.

zucchini fritters

It probably doesn’t help that I’ve spent the last year or so developing recipes for very specific things — a side dish, a salad, a tart — that don’t exactly add up to be a dinner, and that NYC makes it quite easy to order in whatever parts of your meal you haven’t made at home. I’m a terrible multitasker — really, no fan of it at all — and when I’m making brioche, I’m making brioche, and not brioche with a side of a pot of beans with something braising in the oven, no matter how much I wish I were. It also means that more often than not, I have a 4 p.m. panic as, whoops! Deliciously dairy free™ Tuna Species. Love a tender, delicate piece of tuna sushi or sashimi?

Tuna Species

You may be enjoying a piece of Bluefin tuna, which is used almost exclusively for sushi dishes. Bluefin is not used in canned tuna. Bluefin is the darkest and fattiest of any tuna – and also the largest of the commercially caught tuna species. Bluefin tuna can weigh over 1,000 pounds. Young Bluefins have a lighter flesh and are milder in flavor. Bluefin tuna are found in oceans throughout the world and are also highly migratory, sometimes ranging over 6,000 nautical miles. Because of their size, taste and their popularity in sushi and sashimi, Bluefin tuna is a fish that is in high demand and highly prized.

Because it is slow to reproduce, the popular Bluefin tuna is over-fished and this has led governments and regulatory agencies worldwide to enact measures aimed at creating more responsible fishing of Bluefin to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the species. Did you know?