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Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore, and Tempora - PRISM Break - PRISM Break. Cleverlize - Mobile Learning made by YOU. Fundación Telefónica - Curalia: Red educativa de selección, curación y compartición de contenidos. Fundación Telefónica - Curalia: Red educativa de selección, curación y compartición de contenidos. Herramientas 2.0 » XarxaTIC. قالب وردپرسافزونه وردپرسقالب صحیفهافزونه Yoast Seo Premium.

Sharable Content Object Reference Model. SCORM is a specification of the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative from the Office of the United States Secretary of Defense. SCORM versions[edit] SCORM 1.1[edit] SCORM 1.1 is the first production version. It used a Course Structure Format XML file based on the AICC specifications to describe content structure, but lacked a robust packaging manifest and support for metadata. Quickly abandoned in favor of SCORM 1.2. SCORM 1.2[edit] This was the first version that was widely used. SCORM 2004[edit] This is the current version. SCORM 2004 editions[edit] 3rd Edition (October 2005) — clarification of various conformance requirements and of the interaction between content objects and the runtime environment for sequencing; some new conformance requirements to improve interoperability.4th Edition Released (March 31, 2009) — more stringent interoperability requirements, more flexible data persistence.[2] SCORM 2004 specification books[edit] Experience API (Tin Can API)[edit] See also[edit]

Blog2Print - Print your Blog. Save your Blog. Love your Blog Book. Login trouble? The Blog2Print platform makes use of data fed to us directly from WordPress. Your login information is required by WordPress in order to send us the data. If you are having difficulty logging in, or have forgotten your user name and/or password, the WordPress site is the best place to retrieve it. To access WordPress for login assistance, try: Once you are able to login there, you will be able to submit your login to Blog2Print here and get your book started.

The Blog2Print platform makes use of data fed to us directly from TypePad. If you are having difficulty logging in, or have forgotten your user name and/or password, the TypePad site is the best place to retrieve it. Why is this needed? Why do you ask for my TypePad User Name and Password? What do you do with this data? The good news is that you can rest assured we are only using this temporarily to access your blog data. What do you do with this data? 12/12: 1-day. PRESENTACIONES Web 2.0. Actualmente existen distintos sitios Web2.0 que nos permiten compartir presentaciones y todo tipo de documentos ofimáticos en diferentes formatos. SlideShare ( ). Permite compartir presentaciones de diapositivas en diversos formatos: PowerPoint (ppt, pps, pot); OpenOffice (odp), Documentos en pdf. También se pueden compartir Documentos y Hojas de cálculo: Microsoft Office- doc, rtf, xls; OpenOffice- odt, ods, pdf.

Para los formatos .pptx or .docx (Microsoft Office 2007+), guardar en versión más baja (ppt/doc) o guardar como pdf. Issuu ( Scribd ( Slideshare, Issuu o Scribd son sitios Web 2.0 para compartir las presentaciones, que hemos creado con un programa de escritorio de nuestro ordenador, como PowerPoint o Impress (del paquete OpenOffice). Google Docs ( Crea documentos básicos desde cero.

Prezentit ( es un sitio web 2.0 para crear presentaciones en línea. Download Mockups. Create interactive charts and infographics - F | Annotated Items. Trabajo en colaboración apoyado en la red. : ITE eXe: Lista de ficheros. Project Filelist Below is a list of all files of the project. Before downloading, you may want to read Release Notes and ChangeLog (accessible by clicking on release version).

INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu Download latest release as zip: INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu 2.0.4 (2015-05-22 18:27) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu 2.0.3 (2015-03-04 15:38) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu 2.0.2 (2015-02-27 14:11) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu 2.0.1 (2014-10-29 13:46) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu 2.0 (2014-09-10 19:25) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2013-09-23 19:27) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2013-05-14 14:38) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2013-03-11 13:53) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2012-12-12 12:12) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2012-07-27 15:06) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2012-06-13 17:02) INTEFeXe Debian/Ubuntu (2012-03-09 09:53) INTEFeXe Fedora/Redhat Download latest release as zip:

Web 2.0 Tools for Schools. Home - Mahara.