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Infographics. Our documentation. Chemistry and Biology Pictures. Why does my biology teacher tell us that the formation of bonds between atoms stores energy and the breaking of them releases it, when my chemistry teacher tells us the opposite? : askscience.


Fysik/Kemi Symbaloo ("Begynd At Bruge...") Labverse: A Laboratory for The Universe. Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home. ChemHeritage. Reactions Videos. Celebrating Crystallography - An animated adventure. Understanding Crystallography - Part 1: From Proteins to Crystals. Understanding Crystallography - Part 2: From Crystals to Diamond. States of matter. Kunstige diamanter tåler 1.000 grader.

Electron movement

Why is glass so chemically stable? Why are there so few materials that cannot be handled or stored in glass? : askscience. Chemicals. Acid / base. Reaction Time. What is chirality and how did it get in my molecules? - Michael Evans. Linus Pauling - From the Atom to the Molecule. Mysteries?