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Sport Science: Clowney's Bone-Crushing Hit - ESPN Video. What Matters More: Clowney's Top Speed Or Acceleration? - ESPN Video. Sport Science: Calvin Johnson - ESPN Video. Sport Science: Beast Mode - ESPN Video. Nutrition Infographic | Infographics. 29/03/12 01:37 Categories: Infographics Its Nutrition Month at my school so I thought it would be fun to create an infographic for it. Click here to view a larger version of the infographic. By: Joey Feith. 7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism — And Burn Fat Fast. Posted in: Exercise, Metabolism, Nutrition, Spotlight, Tips, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to give your metabolism an extra push — including exercising early in the day — but eating can also be a factor in its elevation. Increasing your metabolism means your body burns calories at a higher rate.

So if your metabolism is high, it’s burning calories even when you aren’t working hard at the gym. Here are 7 ways to boost your metabolism, so you can burn fat fast: The first thing you need to do is add breakfast to your daily meal planner. Must ReadFlatten Your Stomach and Get Rid Of Your Belly Once And For AllHow Do Bodybuilders and Fitness Models Get So Lean? ToolsCalories Per Meal Calculator Click Here to Explore Bloom's Taxonomy. Definitions of Bloom's Taxonomy. Activities at Various Cognitive Levels of Learning (LoL) Bloom’s taxonomy of learning objectives is used to define how well a skill or competency is learned or mastered. A fuller description of Bloom’s taxonomy is given in the following pages but a brief summary of the activities associated with each level is given below. At Knowledge Level of Learning a student can define terms At Comprehension Level of Learning a student can work assigned problems and can example what they did At Application Level of Learning a student recognizes what methods to used and then used the methods to solve problems At Analysis Level of Learning a student can explain why the solution process works At Synthesis Level of Learning a student can combine the part of a process in new and useful ways At Evaluation Level of Learning a student can create a variety of ways to solve the problem and then, based on established criteria, select the solution method best suited for the problem.

What do I do at this level? Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. Applying Bloom's Taxonomy. Activities for Each Level of Bloom's Taxonomy. The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom. Bloom’s & SOLO ‘are not Just Colorful Posters we Hang on the Wall’ is my two-part series at Education Week Teacher. Bloom’s Taxonomy is talked about a lot in educational circles. However, if you believe a recent survey of visits to 23,000 U.S. classrooms, the higher-order thinking skills it’s ideally designed to promote doesn’t get much use. And I can understand why. It’s easy to get caught-up in the day-to-day work involved in teaching a class or multiple classes, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing the “usual stuff” and not “think out of the box.”

I thought it might be useful to share in a “The Best…” list the resources that help me try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in my classroom. There may very well be resources out there that do a far better job of explaining the Taxonomy and how to use it. I personally try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in two ways. In addition, I try to use Bloom’s to help me formulate my own lessons.

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Memory Understanding Applying and Analyzing. Boxing. Mike Trout Swing Analysis. A2 PE - Personality Theory. ATTRIBUTION THEORY master. Attribution diagrams. A2 PE Sp Psych Attribution Theory. Attribution diagrams. A2 PE Sp Psych Personality Theory. Creation Of A Team Pt.1 (-Remember The Titans-) 6 year old boxing kid AMAZING. Transfer of learning/Performance curves. AS PE. Psychology for Sports Performance. The psychology of choking. Usain Bolt - How To Win The 100m. Eysenck Personality Test. Respiratory System Song. Respiratory System 3D. Discover the Human Body: Interactive Anatomy Guide |