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Children are being 'datafied from birth' Cyberbullying and Internet Safety. Teaching Aides. Online and electronic devices. Handling disclosure from a child 0. Child protection. The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We believe that child protection requires everyone to take responsibility and that every child matters.

We recognise that the care, protection and welfare of children is paramount and that all children have the right to be protected from all types of harm. We also recognise that we have a fundamental duty of care towards all children where our programmes and operations facilitate contact with children, or have an impact on children. This includes a duty to protect children from harm or risk of harm as a result of: misconduct by our staff or partnerspoor practicethe poor design or delivery of our programmes and operations.

We aim to achieve this through compliance with UK child protection laws and the relevant laws in each of the countries where we operate and by adhering to Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989. Care of under 18s. The British Council is committed to child protection. Centres that teach under 18s must meet the section standard for Care of under 18s to gain or retain accreditation. We have a collection of guidelines and supporting material relating to child protection, for centres that teach students under 18 years old. You can download these from the bottom of the page. Care of under 18s guidance document This document provides centres with a glossary of terms and guidance about the criteria applicable to this section standard.

This is an updated version for 2016. Guide to writing a safeguarding policy This document is a comprehensive guide on writing a safeguarding policy. Guidance on handling disclosure from a child Dealing with a child who reports abuse can be a difficult and stressful experience. International criminal records check directory This directory provides guidance on how to obtain criminal records checks from countries outside the UK. Police check letter. Keeping kids safe online. Managing Your Online Reputation: Great 8 - Data Privacy. Sharing Gone Wrong - Data Privacy. The Mix - Essential support for under 25s. Classroom resources. Childnet.

Thinkuknow - home. Classroom resources. Coworker Sees Mom In The News, But The Story Says She Has 14 Kids By 14 Men. Karena Bennet, an excited new mother, snapped a photograph with her newborn and husband on the day of the baby’s birth. A few days later, her photo was used in the local newspaper. Her son was the first baby born in 2015. However, a year later, Bennet began to see her photo popping up here and there. The picture was stolen from a newspaper article featuring Bennet’s son. Someone took the image and made up a new story to go along with it. She realized this when a coworker showed her the photo with a horrific headline: “Detroit Woman Gives Birth To Her 14th Child From 14 Different Fathers.”

The headline was completely untrue, but its salacious title easily made the hoax go viral. At first, Bennet thought it was a funny joke and tried to take it in stride. “I started getting more and more notifications on my Facebook,” the mom told ABC News. Bennet is telling her story in hopes that others will take precaution when sharing photos online. 6.2439 KG NCA Sexting in Schools WEB 1. Sexting in Schools & Colleges: Responding to incidents and safeguarding young people. - Digitally Confident | Esafety, safeguarding and Digital Literacy. New CEOP Resource: Play Like Share - Digitally Confident | Esafety, safeguarding and Digital Literacy. Protecting Children's Privacy - a Guide for Parents. Protecting Children’s Privacy – A Guide for Parents, Carers and Educators Published by Paul Bischoff on April 20, 2016 in VPN & Privacy It’s time to have the talk with your child.

You peeked at their browser history and, well, it’s time. It’s going to be awkward and uncomfortable for both of you, and things have changed a lot since you were that age. No, not that talk. Won’t the internet and government regulate this for me? Haha. Because we all know how honest people are when asked their age before entering a website. At least, that’s what the forward-thinking legislators that drew up the 2000 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act thought. COPPA has been heavily criticized for being ineffective and even counterproductive in protecting kids online. The UK has been a bit more pro-active in spreading online privacy awareness among British youth through the UKCCIS and its “Click clever, click safe” mantra. Is children’s privacy really an issue? You bet it is! And that’s just Facebook. iOS. Cyberbullying - multiple sites in folder.

Lesson in Action: Overexposed - Sexting and Relationships Video. Digital Compass. A THIN LINE, MTV's sexting, cyberbullying, digital dating abuse campaign : Sexting handbook ce 1020 1. Ally's Story - Second Thoughts on Sexting Video. E safety. Online Safety. eSafety and Disability. Untitled. STOP cyberbullying: Cyberbullying - what it is, how it works and how to understand and deal with cyberbullies. Internet safety. "The internet itself will be a powerful resource in widening access to education, information and opportunity. So awareness of e-safety is now a necessity if we are to avoid a digital divide between those who are confident internet users and those who are not.

"Julia Taylor, foreword to NIACE e-safety digital learning guides We all recognise the opportunities and benefits in which digital technologies can enhance teaching, learning and research. Digital technology has opened up new ways in which people can explore and engage with the world around them. However, we have to be aware of the potential challenges and risks associated with the technology and support people to identify and manage those risks. "e-safety is about safe and responsible practice with technology and the sensible management of risks presented by the digital world. " The Jisc definition quoted above can be used as a starting point for learning about a vital part of living in a digital society. Why is e-safety important? Example - anti-bullying policy by Beatbullying - Teaching Resources. Online safety UK. 96% of young people in the UK regularly use the internet to communicate according to a survey of 24,000 British people aged 9-11.

A report shows that only 40% of young people know that personal information shared online stays online forever. There are about 250 million tweets generated every day and around 800 million Facebook users - that means a lot of information is shared online. So are young people using the internet safely? Private or public Do you know how to change your privacy settings on social media? The BBC Share Take Care campaign is all about helping everybody, from little kids to the over 55s, to make their online activity safer and protect themselves on the web. Be kind and stay safe Everybody knows that we should be polite and kind to people in real life and online. Even well-liked celebrities can be targeted by cyberbullies. Here are our top five tips for staying safe online: 1. Safer Internet Day. Shopping Banking.