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Le Nomade Day. Episode 3 : Quand le remote working devient une évidence... | Le Nomade Show. Emmanuel Guisset : Entrepreneur nomade et fondateur de Outsite ! "Avant, j'avais un job de 9 à 6 mais ça ne m'a jamais vraiment plu... " Emmanuel est un entrepreneur nomade. Après avoir travaillé dans une startup en Belgique, il s'installe aux Etats-Unis et commence à bosser progressivement en remote. Lorsqu'il arrive à San Francisco et découvre les espaces de coworking et les hacker houses, il prend conscience qu'il n'est pas seul à travailler en remote working et qu'il existe une grande communauté de gens comme lui ! Sa passion pour le surf va le mener dans une ville proche de San Francisco, avec des spots de surf mythiques : San José. Il décide de s'y installer et de créer Outsite, un réseau d'espaces de coliving et de coworking dans des lieux qui font rêver : "Stay, Work and play in beautiful places".

Depuis, il partage son temps entre sa startup, les voyages et le surf ! Note : 10% de discount sur Outsite pour les auditeurs du podcast, il vous suffit d'utiliser le code : nomade show. Summercamp 2016 - What I learned about coworking camps and digital nomad retreats when organizing my own. — Silicon Allee. What I learned about coworking camps and digital nomad retreats when organizing my own. During my sabbatical, I decided to set up a coworking camp for betahaus in collaboration with our lovely friends from DNX and Copass. I was super surprised to learn that this is a huge trend and new providers are popping up everywhere. Here is what I learned about the format and its growing market.

In November, we started to work on a 10-day getaway to a Greek island set to take place this summer. In a collaborative effort, we wanted to bring together different communities of coworkers, digital nomads, and startups to connect, exchange ideas, and have a nice time in a holiday paradise. This idea seemed to resonate with many coworkers at betahaus and beyond. But what I realized on the way was that it is not only our camp that is selling well. There are digital nomad sailing boats and cruise ships that are sailing around the world. There are generally three different types of camps: Coworking Camp: Founders in the Sun. Digital nomads events in 2016 - Office to travelOffice to travel. A new year has recently started and I am celebrating it by making exciting business and travel plans.

They can always change and I could end up in a place where I’ve never thought of, but I love having the big picture. Will it be Asia, Europe, Africa or South America again? Maybe all of them. In 2015 I realized more than before that being in a community of digital nomads is one of the things I like most when traveling. It makes me more productive, creative, open to ideas and helps making new friends or even business partners. Thus, while I am thinking what should be my next destination, I am also taking into consideration where I can meet new or old friends and spend time with some other like-minded people. Digital nomads events in January Codino Workation – Tenerife, Spain Digital nomads events in February Refuga workation Copass camp – Bali Refuga workation – Koh Samui, Thailand Codino workation – Sitges, Spain Hacker Paradise trip – Da Nang, Vietnam Nomad Summit – Chiang Mai, Thailand Coboat.

Coboat - The Coboat Concept. Nomad Cruise - Explore the world with Digital Nomads. Coworking Camps for Digital Nomads - DNX CAMP. Nomad House Lisbon : 1st digital nomad community with free housing - Remote Year.