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Carolina Ledesma

I am an English teacher from San Juan, Argentina. At the moment, I am taking an online course about technologies applied to language learning.

Murales interactivos para alumnos creativos con un solo click. Murales interactivos para alumnos creativos con un solo click La presentación de trabajos se ha convertido en una actividad creativa gracias a las diversas herramientas que existen para realizar con nuestros alumnos murales o posters multimedia.

Murales interactivos para alumnos creativos con un solo click

Estos recursos favorecen que el estudiante ‘aprenda haciendo’, a través de la búsqueda y procesamiento de información y el trabajo cooperativo, además de fomentar el desarrollo de otras competencias como la creatividad y la capacidad de análisis y síntesis. A continuación os presentamos diferentes herramientas que ofrecen distintos formatos (muros, corcho, panel, mural o tablón de anuncios) para realizar la presentación de una idea, un tema o un proyecto de manera divertida, visual y digital. Glogster Recurso on line para crear posters digitales a través de plantillas personalizadas que permiten añadir texto, audio, imágenes, enlaces a páginas web y/o vídeos. Gratuita // Android // iOS Gratuita // Aplicación web Padlet Lino Popplet Stormboard.

Project Esper: Mixed Reality Anatomy Learning. Preguntas Frecuentes modalidad e-Learning. 1.

Preguntas Frecuentes modalidad e-Learning

How Gamification Is Reshaping The Language Learning Landscape - eLearning Industry. Connectivism & The PLN: Give a Little to Get a Little ... One of the principles of connectivism is that you share.

Connectivism & The PLN: Give a Little to Get a Little ...

You offer your knowledge, skills, abilities, talents, materials, resources to someone else, free of charge. For nothing in return, you give it away. Now, a true capitalist would smell something fishy in this idea. As a matter of fact, it would not be unusual to hear something like, “There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.” Like I said, fishy. We sell things. An ELT Notebook: An ELT Glossary : Lockstep teaching/learning. Join us on our courses for the Cambridge English Delta Modules ...

An ELT Notebook: An ELT Glossary : Lockstep teaching/learning

If you're interested in doing any of the three Delta modules with us, whether online or face to face, check out our courses for each module on our website The Delta Course. E-mail Us Comments Sadly, we've had to take the comments box off the articles. Copyright The articles and illustrations found on this blog are copyright to their authors, or have been acquired legally. USO COLABORATIVO TICS EN LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS. Moodle - Open-source learning platform. Why E-Learning is So Effective. E-learning is hot.

Why E-Learning is So Effective

And for good reason. If done right, it can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Also, unlike a one time classroom session, the elearning course is available for others. This includes the static elearning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities. Recently, I had a conversation with someone new to elearning and it struck me that she didn’t fully understand the value of elearning. E-learning Supports the Organization’s Goals Improved training costs.

E-learning Supports the Learner’s Development Real-time access. Taxonomía de bloom para la era digital. Jordi Adell - PLE. 'Personal Learning Environments' Focus on the Individual. Personal Learning Environments. After the advent of web 2.0, (interactive, responsive, and user editable web content) the possibility of conducting academic course work online began to become more feasible.

Personal Learning Environments

One approach was provided by the rise of Learning Management Systems. These systems provided the online equivalent of managed classrooms in the traditional university setting. At the same time the thriving market place produced a swarm of social media apps, journaling sites, cloud storage and different means to share with others. A great collaboration began. As new apps and technologies appeared they each had champions, people who were first wave users. Educators began to use terms like “Personal Learning Networks’ and “Personal Learning Environments’ (PLE).

It is important to note that while many of the sources within a PLE have roots in networks and apps, much of what makes PLEs successful are metacognitive processes, human communication and purposeful daily routines. Models For Designing Your Personal Learning Environment. A personal learning environment (PLE) is a solution for keeping up with the rapid pace of knowledge change.

Models For Designing Your Personal Learning Environment

Some say it is a concept, while others say it is a technology. I think a good definition is this: a self-directed and evolving environment of tools, services and resources organized by a person seeking a way to accomplish lifetime learning, to create, and to connect with others of similar interests. Because it is personalized, everyone’s PLE will be unique. Because it is collaborative, information may be continually created and shared. In the workplace, designing a personal learning environment has the potential to partially replace conventional courses. Organic Design Versus Planned Design Perhaps your personal learning environment, like mine, emerged organically. But what if you wanted to consciously design and build the most effective personal learning environment that would meet all of your needs? Advantages of Using a Model. 4 propuestas para trabajar las capacidades mentales de orden superior en eLearning. Un hombre que no piensa por si mismo, no piensa en absoluto.

4 propuestas para trabajar las capacidades mentales de orden superior en eLearning

-Oscar Wilde.  Clic para tuitear Al igual que ya nos pasó con Las Inteligencias Múltiples, últimamente escuchamos mucho hablar de las habilidades de orden superior, y tal y como vimos en ese momento, tampoco es una novedad. Aunque en este post vamos a daros una serie de propuestas para poder trabajarlas en eLearning. Net-Learning Libro Aniversario - 10 años de vivencias en educación virtual. Personalised Learning Environments.