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The World We Dream- Peter Diamandis Zeitgeist Americas 2012. Top Stupid Tech Predictions and Quotes. Every once in a while we like to roll up a list of short-sighted or otherwise ridiculous comments and predictions regarding technology that underscore just how far mankind has come over the years, sometimes in spite of ourselves.

There's no question that the possibilities are virtually limitless when it comes to technology but it's always fun to poke a snarky finger at some folks that took a long reach at the future that shouldn't have been made or provided commentary on technology that perhaps they weren't qualified to comment on. So here goes. What's your favorite? We think Dvorvak took the prize to a certain extent just because he decided to drone on in great detail about something that we now know flew completely in the face of his assessment and ultimately changed the face of computing. Everything that can be invented has been invented. - Charles H.

Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Right on, Albert. 20 Examples Of Infographs That You Don’t See Every Day | I think we all know what an infograph is, and nowadays they are increasingly popular. The bad thing is that almost all of them are becoming boring and very similar. In this article I have collected 20 infographs that are very unique design and also interesting subjects.

Twitter Dots: Mapping all Tweets for a specific Keyword Twitter Dots translates individual tweets as simple dots on a geographical world map. It is as simple as that. The actual keyword changes each day. Mapping Android Activations Worldwide In the war for the next smartphone platform, all weapons are allowed, including some good old mapping captured in a 1080p HD video. Visualizing the Airspace in Europe Transport visualization firm Ito World has taken flight routes drawings to the next level, in particular by adding a detailed level of information in terms of the exact travel altitudes of the tracked airplanes.

Poverty Infographic A two poster series exploring the effect poverty has on education. 9 Years of Sleep. The Plateau Effect: Why People Get Stuck...and How to Break Through. Freedom – Are you a Freedom-Seeker? (Full Movie) Leaders Create Breakthroughs: The Three Mandates of Leadership. Leadership is about progress: it’s the ability to make things happen, maximize resources and inspire. It’s the capacity to create an environment in which people thrive and results are achieved. It’s the extraordinary quality that solves problems and gets things done. Ultimately, leadership is a choice. It’s a standard, a way of living and a cultivated skill—one found in C-suite executives, managers and moms alike, all around the globe. Leadership is the ability to influence the thoughts, feelings, behaviors and actions of those you lead.

There are three fundamental traits that create the capacity to lead: 1. Great leaders tell themselves the truth. 2. See things better than they are. 3. Transforming your vision into reality requires strategy: incremental changes that amount to radical results. In times of crisis, leaders are created. Jump start today’s breakthroughs with the tools and exercises in your Hour of Power! The View Inside Me.

10 Nuggets Of Wisdom Worth One Hundred Dollars To You. This story is one of several being published to celebrate the $100 Change program and inspire you to take action. Before I launched $100 Change to the world, I asked those on the early announcement list some of the exact questions that I asked the change-makers to give answers to for the 100 daily prompts. This was one of my favourite questions and you – my community, gave some great and varied answers. When asked ‘what’s a nugget of wisdom that’s worth $100 to you?’ Here are the gems of wisdom that they wanted to share with the world.

Don’t forget to share in the comments below the nuggets of wisdom that are worth $100 to you! 1. To be nobody but yourself, in a world that is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle. . - Greg Hartle, Founder of Ten Dollars and a Laptop 2. If you feel like crap while you’re working on whatever piece of the project, STOP. . - Elena Harder, CEO & Founder of Evolving Humanity 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1,000 True Fans. Harnessing the Power of Symbols. You may not even realize it, but your life is shaped by symbols that are passed to you or inherited from your culture, your race, your peer and social groups, and your family.

Newspapers, magazines, TV, and movies have a similar impact. Discovering how these symbols affect your life is essential to understanding how the tarot works. These symbols or archetypes — ideas or ways of thinking inherited from all these sources and present in your subconscious — are the models that you pattern your life after. Archetypes are embedded in your subconscious — the part of your mind that is free from conscious awareness. Here's an example: The picture symbol of an evergreen tree decorated with lights and other ornaments is an archetype for Christmas. Personal and impersonal (universal) archetypes There are both personal and impersonal (universal) archetypes or concepts. The concept of a horse demonstrates the difference between personal and impersonal archetypes. Life is a set of pictures. The Evils of Partial Boredom.

Two days ago, I argued that boredom is the enemy of success and productivity. Instead of trying to discipline yourself to push through boredom, you should be eliminating it all together. Boredom often masks a deeper fear of failure and risk that forces you to lead a safe, but uninteresting life. One reader, however, pointed out the value of temporary boredom. Forcing yourself to be temporarily bored, can push you to take more creative and interesting actions. I completely agree. Half-Boring Pursuits Watching television that you aren’t interested in is a half-boring pursuit.

In this case, actually staring at the wall and not watching television might be more valuable. Working at a so-so job doesn’t give you pressure to find better work. Eliminating Distractions Every few months I go on some type of distraction purge. The first noticeable thing when you take on one of these trials is the complete and utter boredom. Go from Partial to Complete Boredom.